All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 780


Master Xuan snorted, while another rich second generation behind him sneered: "this is nalanxian!"

"You have not heard the word Nalan."


Yang Ling nodded: "so you are the childe of Nalan family. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant."

Nalanxian sneered: "since you know who I am, I advise you not to fight against me, otherwise, you know the consequences."

Then he looked at Chu Siyin behind Yang Ling and said in a deep voice, "Miss Chu, I'll ask you again if I want to dance with me."

"If you like, I promise you will be popular all over the country, and even have the opportunity to enter my Nalan family in the future."

"But if you want to say no, I'm sorry, I'll make you miserable. Even Yang Ling can't keep you."

Chu Siyin is obviously always afraid, but in this state, she also dares to refuse Nalan Xuan directly just now. She has to say that she is indeed a brave girl.

After she took a deep breath, she shook her head firmly again and said, "I am a very stupid woman. Once I decide to hold someone's hand, I will never let go of it forever!"

At the moment, she is holding Yang Ling's arm!

Nalan Xuan's face was livid. He looked at Yang Ling and said, "very good, very good."

"Yang Ling, you are the first person of the same age who can make me serious. I don't care whose hand she is holding now. If she doesn't dance with me today, you two will be in bad luck!"

It's a face fight.

"Suddenly, he asked

"Has nalanjin told you nothing?"

Nalan said angrily, "the name of the ancestor is also your name."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Yang Ling laughed. He looked at Nalan Xuan like an idiot, and then said in a loud voice, "Nalan old witch, where are you?"

The sound was not small, and it caught everyone's attention.

But to everyone's disbelief, a beautiful woman's voice came from the crowd: "you're going to die, shout so loud."

Nalanjin, who had white hair but looked like a girl, pushed aside the crowd and walked with the Yingfeng couple. Nalan Xuan quickly saluted him and said, "ancestor."


Nalanjin nodded, looked at Yang Ling and said with a smile, "old Yang, you call me in front of so many people. I don't want to face it?"

"Yang, Yang old monster?"

Nalan Xuan felt an ominous premonition.

Yang Ling said with a smile, "is this your baby?"

"I don't want you to do justice to my friend who is forced to dance?"

As soon as this was said, the whole audience fell silent.

Nalanjin's eyes widened. Yingfeng and his wife looked at Nalan Xuan's eyes as if they were looking at a dead man.

Sure enough, after hearing a crisp sound, Nalan Xuan was slapped on the ground by a girl with white hair. Nalanjin said with a wry smile: "old monster Yang, this tortoise grandson is short of discipline, and bumps into you."

"Do what you say."

Yang Ling smell speech a Leng, then light said: "if this does not know the person, I am afraid I have stepped on the broken leg."

"But since you're from the Nalan family, I'll give you some face. Forget it."


This makes nalanjin a little uneasy. She is not afraid of other things. She is afraid to forget it. She owes a favor.

She immediately shook her head and said, "these boys don't give a lesson, they don't have a long memory."

Said, she angrily glared at Nalan Xuan way: "don't come over to kowtow to Yang Laozu!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!