All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 770


"Just him, the boatman?"

Xiaoqing was surprised and said, "so he has already seen through our identity?"

Small white mouth showed a wisp of beautiful smile, she said with a smile: "maybe, maybe he just wants to send officials to our side."


Xiao Qing's face showed doubts. She gazed at the direction of Yang Ling's disappearance and suddenly said with a smile: "they are all human beings. This boatman is much better than that smelly bald donkey."

Then he looked at Xu Shen and chuckled: "officer, I haven't seen you for a long time. How do you think you've become beautiful?"

Xiaobai said angrily, "qinger, don't talk nonsense."

And Xu Shen looked at Xiaobai, his eyes full of joy.

On the other side, in a corner of the park, Yang Ling looked at the two terrified Mafia brothers in front of her and said faintly, "a leopard and a bear, I have something to ask you to do."


When they heard the words, they were excited. Brother Xiong felt that his opportunity was coming. He immediately said respectfully, "Mr. Yang, you may tell me that I will go through fire and water without hesitation."


Yang Ling nodded her head and said, "you can find ten compass immediately. I'll wait for you here for 15 minutes."

After two people look at each other one eye, have some inexplicable, but dare not violate Yang Ling's meaning, smell speech to go in a hurry.

I have to say, they are still very efficient, but they brought everything in ten minutes.

Yang Ling carried the plastic bag, nodded: "OK, you go, tomorrow this point is still waiting for me."

"I'll tell you what to do next."


A Bao asked carefully, "brother Yang, do you need to take someone? Take the guy

Yang Ling shook his head and said, "no, just you two."

"Don't worry. It's well done. I'll guarantee you prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life. Go ahead."

Before they spoke, they felt a strong wind blowing towards their faces. When they opened their eyes again, Yang Ling's figure had disappeared.

At the moment, Yang Ling is in the wish space.

Through many previous battles with the barbarians, Yang Ling found that the savage breath of these guys was emanating from the muddy dust beads.

What he has to do now is to make a radar that can search for the barbarians!

At the tea party at noon, although the barbarian people were reduced to ashes by Su Qi Ling, when Xiao Longnv cut off his head, Yang Ling had already seized his muddy dust beads with the force of thunder and put them into the space of desire.

His movements were too fast and too chaotic at that time. Except for Xiao Longnu who seemed to have noticed it, the rest of the people did not notice his movements at all.

At the moment, he bent his finger and a muddy dust bead floated up. Instead of rushing to move, he sat cross legged on the ground and calculated carefully.

"Ding, deduction, mastery, skill launch."

"Ding, mechanical mastery, skill launch."

"Ding, don't forget the memory of the past" skill launch

With the blessing of the three auxiliary skills, Yang Ling's mind flashed countless formulas and algorithms. After a long time, he opened his eyes fiercely, and at the same time, the ten compass in the plastic bag was decomposed by Qi on the spot.

The various parts of the compass floated in the air, and then a cloud of dust exploded, and the wild air mixed with the parts.


Yang Lingqing drinks, countless parts start to arrange again, the next moment again changed into a compass!

But unlike before, these compass, which has been improved by Yang Ling, can indicate direction, but also has new functions.

As long as there are barbarians within one kilometer, the arrow of compass will point in that direction! , the fastest update of the webnovel!