All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 752

The boss didn't expect Yang Ling to be so happy. He said with a smile: "I like such a cheerful person as my little brother."

"Well, wait a moment. I'll send someone to get it!"

Then he picked up the phone. A moment later, a young man came in with a black nylon bag. The bag was full of cut jadeite slabs.

Roughly speaking, it would have to be 50 or 60 Jin.

Yang Ling picked up a piece and put it in her hand. It was the right size to make a jade box.

He said with a smile, "how much is it? Calculate it."

In the boss's heart that calls a joy, met a lengtouqing, this raw material still has the person to want.

This is not clear to send money!

After the operation, the boss said with a smile: "brother, a total of 61 Jin, 122000."

"You've got a discount on this change, 120000. Do you think so?"

Yang Ling looked at him with a smile and said, "boss, do I count as giving you money?"

The boss smelt speech a Leng, dry smile way: "see you say, make this business, we also are friends."

"In this way, you can leave a phone call. If good goods arrive next time, I will inform you as soon as possible and give you a big discount. How about that?"

Idiots can hear that the boss is perfunctory. Yang Ling said with a laugh, "OK, I like to make friends with people who sell antiques."

Said, he seems to have no intention to take the butterfly jade pendant from the shelf, indifferent way: "I think this jade pendant is very beautiful, take it away."

When the boss saw it, it was a rotten jade with a price of 370 yuan. I don't know how many years it has been, and no one has ever asked.

He said with a smile: "OK, I'll give you this jade pendant for free. It's a witness of our friendship."

"Well, how would you like to pay?"

Yang Ling smelled the words and showed a smile.

"Ding, you have satisfied the boss's wish for fortune, wish value + 1."

"Ding, you took away the jade pendant to satisfy the boss's wish that he would not be in debt. The wish value is + 1."

Carrying a bag of jade, Yang Ling swiped her card and left. But when she arrived at the door of the shop, she saw that her two friends were gone.

Looking up, I found that they were looking at the copper coins of the Song Dynasty in an antique shop. Xiao Longnu seemed to be quite emotional.

OK, Yang Ling found a place where there was no one and threw the jade into the space. Then she thought about it and put a wisp of genuine Qi into the butterfly jade pendant.

Under the stimulation of genuine Qi, the butterfly on the jade pendant seems to be activated and flutters its wings. At the next moment, an illusory figure stands in front of Yang Ling.

this figure is as like as two peas in Yangling, but it is entirely composed of light and shadow, and can not be seen or touched.

This is the use of jade pendants, which project the shape of a user and confuse the false with the true.

Of course, it's just cheating ordinary people.

It's just a gadget. However, if another Yang Ling suddenly appears during the battle, and the other party is surprised and hits the wrong person

Yang Ling chuckled and put away the jade pendant with satisfaction.

A moment later, the three people meet, and the purpose of this trip has been achieved. However, there is still a little time to go offline for the party. We should just go shopping. What if we find treasure again?

Although the probability is very low.

But the probability is low does not mean there is no, in front of a small stall, Yang Ling looked at a vase stupefied.

This dirty vase is made of glass. It's a magic weapon! , the fastest update of the webnovel!