All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 731

At present, there are 94 wishing points. After thinking about it, he spent 10 points to upgrade the tanyun raincoat belt to Lv2, and the total attribute was increased by 1%. The key is that the amount of rain has increased.

Now the space has skyrocketed to 10000 cubic meters. Next, more plants and water sources need to be planted. The rainfall of Lv2 can basically meet the demand.

The two maids are now LV1 level. They haven't been upgraded because of insufficient wish value. Now it's time to improve their strength.

Yang Ling said in a deep voice: "system, upgrade the maid to LV3!"

"Ding, the host chooses to upgrade the maid to LV3, consuming 30 wish points."

"Ding, upgrade successful."

Yang Ling quickly checks the properties of the maids through the system. After the system is upgraded, the attributes of the maids are connected in series. Every time the LV1 is improved, all aspects of their attributes will strengthen Yang Ling's own attributes by 10%.

Yang Ling's four dimensions are 140 points, that is to say, each level of maid increases by 14 points.

Two levels are 28.

LV1 maid four dimensions for 60 points, so that their panel now four-dimensional reached a terrible 98 points!

At 98 o'clock, his physical quality is far better than that of the ordinary friars of the congenital realm!

Unfortunately, after the maid's connection, their skills in all aspects were fixed, only 50% of Yang Ling's skill level, even if the level is higher, they can't be improved.

Unfortunately, the maids can only possess Yang Ling's introverted skills, such as game mastery, mechanical mastery, etc., and cannot inherit all of his outward oriented skills.

The explanation given by the system is that the level of extroverted skills is the same as that of the maid, and the level of both sides cannot be inherited.

On this point, Yang Ling was not disappointed. The maid could not inherit the export-oriented skills obtained from the system, but she could inherit Yang Ling's cultivation!

50% of Yang Ling's accomplishments!

That is to say, they can still use the skills and moves that Yang Ling learned from the nameless formula!

Now Yang Ling's cultivation is in the middle of the congenital state, and the maids inherit half of his cultivation. The realm is the early stage of the congenital state!

In addition to their strong bodies, they are, in essence, already the monks of the innate realm, just a little less of the moves.

This is also the reason why Yang Ling dared to give Liu Muhan to plum blossom at that time.

It's not an export-oriented skill to drive cicadas in eight steps. Plum blossom can naturally master these two unique skills. In addition to her cultivation in the natural environment, if she wants to go, she is afraid that few people can catch up with her!

LV3's maids have become masters of the natural environment, and Yang Ling finally has the most powerful generals.

In the future, if you draw more maid cards and form a large army of maids, you don't know your mother if you don't beat up the sea people?

At the thought of it, he grinned.

But the system pit father, if want to form the female servant army, has a long way to go.

Now there are 54 points to wish value, Yang Ling no hesitation, the tears of the goddess to upgrade to LV3.

"Ding, the host consumes 40 wish points. Upgrade the tears of Wangshu goddess. After upgrading, the attributes are as follows."

Function 1: Moonlight barrier can withstand the impact of 80 energy units, and double the defense power under the moon night.

Physical improvement ability: improve the wearer's physical fitness by 0.3% every night

injury recovery ability: according to the degree of injury, repair injury by 0.3-100% every night. , the fastest update of the webnovel!