All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 727

Xiao Longnu sighed: "the sea people are crafty and the barbarians are cruel. Now they are obviously in the same boat. What can we do?"

Yang Ling had been thinking about this problem on the way back. He was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

All three were slightly stunned. XiaoLongNu got up to open the door and said strangely, "I didn't order takeout?"

At the door were three men in suits and sunglasses.

XiaoLongNu didn't know them, but the leader of the three said respectfully, "I've met my grandfather."

"Is Mr. Yang in, please?"


Little Dragon Girl frowned slightly, but she felt that there was no malice on the three people, so she let them in.

After that, Mr. Dong said to Mr. Yang, I'm going to pick up my mirror for a moment

Yang Ling was surprised and said, "confidential department?"

"I haven't heard of it before."

"This is a new Department," Liu said with a smile

"Mr. Yang, no, you should be called Lao Zu Yang."

He took a few photos from his arms and put them on the table, saying, "three ancestors, this was taken by satellite by accident."

When they were flying on the sea table, they were very high.

Seeing this, Su Qiling hummed: "you are stealing / photographing. You have violated my right of privacy. Do you understand?"

Liu Tie said with a bitter smile, "Su Su Laozu, don't be angry. The satellite is shooting blindly. It's really not intentional. "

"May I ask, did the three ancestors meet the sea people after they went to the sea?"


Yang Ling was surprised and said, "so, the top has already known about this?"

Liu Tie nodded: "several big countries have always known about the existence of the Hai nationality, but for various reasons, they have not been made public."

"The three ancestors, whether they are the sea people or the wild people, are the great enemies of our mankind, which has been agreed by all countries."


Since the other side has come up to the point, Yang Ling is also direct, he said with a light smile: "it's just that there is no good way at present, is it?"

Liu Tie nodded with a wry smile and said: "at the summit of various countries a few days ago, China, the hawk sauce countries and other big countries held closed door consultations, saying that they were talking about global warming, but actually they were discussing countermeasures."

"According to the information we have at present, both the sea people and the wild people are deep in the sea bottom, and the scientific and technological level at this stage can not reach the level of sending a large number of troops underwater and carrying out landing operations."

"If nuclear weapons are used rashly, it will at least trigger a big tsunami, which will cause a devastating blow to the coastal cities."

"After discussion, the meeting decided to make every effort to develop marine science and technology, and at the same time, it should first crack down on the spies of the sea and barbarians hidden in human society."

"This operation is named" action to remove obstacles ". We will use all our active forces to remove the nails in society, but

Liu Tie looked at Yang Ling and said with a wry smile: "the three ancestors also know that the barbarians are good at the art of change, and it is difficult for us ordinary people to carry out actions."

"So Shangfeng hopes that the ancestors of the Chinese cultivation world will come out of the mountain to help us."

Hearing this, Su Qiling snorted, "I thought you would wipe out the sea people in one fell swoop. I came to ask us for help."

"I'm not interested in your plan of removing obstacles. When you can blow up the barrier of the sea people, please come to me again." , the fastest update of the webnovel!