All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 707

In fact, the basic skills of dribbling are very dry and tiring. Yang Ling asked them to practice continuously for three hours. This is really killing people.

The players looked at each other one by one, which was obviously a bit difficult.

But out of Yang Ling's absolute dignity, they did not dare to say "no". Su Qiuning led the way: "have you heard that? The coach asked to practice basic skills. Hurry up."

Soon, there was a rhythmic dribble on the court.

Basketball needs talent, but more basic skills. No matter how good the talent is, what's the use of not dribbling and not shooting?

"Ding, basketball master skills launch."

"Ding, teach by example, skills start."

Yang Ling, who is proficient in basketball, constantly points out the flaws of everyone's dribbling, the change of rhythm and so on.

For the first hour, the players were able to hold on, but after an hour they were a bit overwhelmed.

Yang Ling smiles. According to sports physiology, this is the best time to form muscle memory.

"Ding, you smashed the players' desire to have a rest, attribute point + 2."

With the blessing of teaching by example and Yang Ling's strict supervision, the basic skills of these players began to grow slowly.

Look at almost, Yang Ling said with a smile: "I leave for a while, practice 10 minutes to rest, autumn Ning elder brother you urge."

Su Qiuning said feebly: "good Yang Dong..."

After a smile, Yang Ling left the court and found a place without people and entered the space of desire.

He dares to let the players practice like this, naturally has his strength in.

In the space, there are dozens of plants of thousand year old ginseng and thousand year old Polygonum multiflorum. Take out a few plants and boil a pot of soup. Do you not eat it vigorously?

A moment later, the team office.

Team manager Feifei looked at the ground on the half tall Millennium ginseng, stunned.

"Mr. Yang, this It's so precious... "

Yang Ling said with a smile, "it's OK. I have money."

It's a very powerful reason. It's hard to say.

Tired players looked at a pot of ginseng soup brought by two staff members, almost staring out one by one.

Feifei said with a smile: "this is what Mr. Yang prepared for you. It's a great tonic for thousands of years. Thank you very much."

Millennium ginseng has always been valuable but not marketable.

To put it bluntly, the price of a plant may be around 10 million!

It's very invigorating. It can't be said that it's blood for the players to eat. It's just trying to burn the boat!

Fengzai immediately said: "Yang Dong, Yang Dong, you are really a combination of angels and demons!"

"Can you speak well?"

Yang Ling's heart secretly smile, this thing others see precious, but for him who has grafted flowers and trees, it is just like that.

If you can exchange ginseng for a national champion, not to mention a plant, even a hundred would like to!

Of course, he certainly won't tell the truth. He just said in a slightly stern voice: "take a rest for half an hour. After the recovery of body function, drink ginseng soup for me and continue to practice!"


Is it OK not to practice?

Millennium ginseng is what kind of medicine, ordinary people eat a few tentacles can be energetic day and night without sleep, or how can it be called Tiancai Dibao?

If they don't practice how to digest the medicine?

We all know this truth. After half an hour's rest, the players drink ginseng soup, and every bull can be killed.

"Ding, you have satisfied the players' desire to eat rare treasures, wish value + 1."

"Ding, we have detected that Su Qiuning and other six players appreciate you turning into a huge amount of wealth on them. All of them have reached the full value of loyalty, and you have obtained 6 reward opportunities." , the fastest update of the webnovel!