All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 705

Seeing Yang Ling's young ladies, they were stunned at the same time.

"Oh, my God, it's so handsome. I'm going to die!"

I don't know which little sister screamed. Almost all the little sisters at the scene all fell down and sat on the ground.

If the eyes can speak, they are afraid that all of them will turn into the shape of love.

The younger brothers also stepped back three steps, looking at Yang Ling's eyes revealed a startling color.

"Lie / trough, ah Ling's smile makes my heart melt..."

"My God, this smile will be guarded by me all my life."

Not only the freshmen, but also the senior students' elder sister's reaction was the same. Even many middle-aged female teachers on the stage were weak in both legs. Yang Ling's eyes showed an indescribable light.

"Ding, the invisible cute selling skill caused 1732 younger sisters to become dizzy, and 1316 younger brothers to enter the enchanting state."

The scene was a mess, the whole playground and the whole school were in a mess.

"Ding, you smashed the school, instructors hope to do a good military training, attribute point + 1."

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Yang Ling fills the black line on his forehead.

This NIMA really doesn't blame herself, can't you help laughing?!

Guan Chenxi's charm value is very high, and he can barely resist it. But looking at Yang Ling's eyes, he is also full of love. Xu Shen looks at the crowd at the scene, and says with some fear: "Yang Dong, this..."

"What can I do..."

Well, I didn't find out before. The charm value of this guy seems to be a little higher than Guan Chenxi. He can resist Yang Ling's charm bomb attack

"What to do?"


Without saying a word, Yang Ling ran away with Guan Chenxi, Xu Shen and the three hammers of Jianghua that came after him.

This chaotic scene lasted all morning

After that, the school issued a statement that the freshmen would not participate in the military training because of the special situation of Yang Ling

"Ding, you smash people's desire for normal military training, attribute point + 1."

Muhua group, the president's office, Liu Muhan looked at a helpless face of Yang Ling, smiling.

"Ah Ling, do you want to laugh me to death?"

Yang Ling hummed: "what's wrong with being good-looking? It's not against the law."

"I'm not allowed to participate in military training. Thanks to you, I've donated so much money. I'm so angry!"

Liu Muhan said with a smile: "others don't think so. Come and watch the news."

Yang Ling hears the speech to go to have a look, the media has already fried.

Surprise! Ah Ling's smile caused the chaos on the campus of Huada! 》

on the negative impact of being too handsome on the society! 》

explosion news! Ah Ling was interviewed by the police because she was too handsome. She was afraid to face prison! 》

on the lethality of a Ling's women's clothing

All kinds of magical news links are flooding the Internet. Fortunately, the photographers were dazed by Yang Ling's smile and did not take this precious picture, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable

Yang Ling is a little flustered. If she goes on like this, she is likely to be the first person in the world to be jailed for being too handsome.

Liu Muhan looked at the news with great interest, while Yang Ling received the prompt tone of the system.

"Ding, you have made unprecedented influence in military training and dominated the field of military training in national universities."

"Your cultivation progress: 1 / 2."

Yang Ling was stunned and overjoyed!

"Shit, that's OK!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!