All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 689

After figuring out the middle joint, everyone looks at fan Bowen like an idiot.

Fan Po Wen is not a fool, immediately understood this truth, he was afraid to find that his identity as the principal's son had no way to take Yang Ling!

Compared with money, the fist is not as hard as Yang Ling, not to mention the popularity.

I can't fight Yang Ling at all.

He looked at the young man who looked down on him in front of him. For a while, he covered his cheek and stood in place. He didn't know what to do.

"Ding, you smashed fan Bowen's wish to invite Su Qiling and Guan Chenxi to dinner. Attribute point + 1."

Yang Ling looked at him faintly and said: "look at your father's face, I don't care about you in general, with your people disappear from my eyes."

Fan Po Wen knew that the conflict with this man was only self humiliating. He forced himself to calm down. After getting up, he was like a wounded beast. He suppressed his anger and said, "Yang Ling, Hello, you are very good."

"I have four years in college. I have enough Kung Fu to play with you slowly!"

"I'll see."

After that, he would take someone to leave, but behind him came Yang Ling's faint voice: "wait a minute."

"You mean to fight me to the end?"

This words with a wisp of light pressure, all people smell speech is a jump in the heart, the dark way is bad.

We all know the consequences of Ling's anger, broken leg!

Fan Bowen's whole body was excited. He stopped at the spot as if he had been watched by a beast. He turned and looked at Yang Ling in fear.

Yang Ling slowly walked up to him and said in a flat tone, "I'll ask you again, are you going to fight against me?"

Under the huge pressure, the surrounding melon eating people can't help but step back, not to mention fan Bowen.

The man's whole body trembled violently, "I, I, I..." I couldn't say a word for a long time.

Yang Ling was impatient and said, "say it! Is it against me


Under pressure, fan sat down on the ground, sweating and pale as a piece of paper.

At the moment, there is only one idea in everyone's mind, gap!

The gap between the so-called Huada F4 and the real social top!

Fan Wenbo only dare to cross in the school, and Yang Ling that is to beat Justin's existence, the gap is too big.

"Ding, you smashed fan Po Wen's desire to leave a trace of face, attribute point + 1."

Seeing this man, Yang Ling snorted coldly and looked at the young man who had been sitting on the ground, pale and covering his stomach.

"This paper umbrella..."

He also found the problem, but this is not the time to ask.

Yang Ling said faintly to fan: "your father, your power is not the capital for you to bully others here."

"If you really have the ability, you won't be so scared by me now."

After that, he pointed to the paper umbrella boy again, and said faintly, "is this man you fight?"

"We've paid enough for the medicine."

"And I remind you that if I know I dare to bully in school, I'll interrupt you."

"Get out of here!"

Fan Po Wen was so scared that he was almost going to pee his pants. Hearing the speech, he ran away with people in spite of face.

After this, this person estimated to see Yang Ling to take a detour. , the fastest update of the webnovel!