All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 686

Said, she seems to have no interest, stood up to the gaping Guan Chenxi way: "ants fight is not interesting, let's go."

Guan Chenxi smelled speech and sighed: "can't go."

I don't know when, a group of students in judo suits have surrounded the two girls. The blonde man smiles and says, "ladies, you insulted Mr Fan just now. Wouldn't it be nice to leave like this?"

"I'm fascinated by your oriental culture, and the men you call dragon will be very interesting."

"Why don't you call him now and ask him to come over. I want to have a good chat with him."

When this was said, the melon eating people around were sweating on their foreheads.

There is a saying that the city gate fire disaster fish, do not know which boy to have bad luck.

Su Qiling didn't go to see Ramo at all, but said to Guan Chenxi, "do you want to call him?"

Guan Chenxi's face was moved. It was a good opportunity to see Yang Ling. However, she looked at the two people in front of her and became worried.

After biting her lower lip, she gently shook her head and said, "he may be in danger if he comes, so I don't want to..."

This expression is too obvious, it's just the expression of worrying about the beating of your sweetheart!

Almost at the same time, all the male compatriots hate the man who worries her.

Su Qiling chuckled and said, "yes, that guy disappeared on the first day of school. I don't think he paid attention to us at all."

"Let's not call him, let's see who can hold on to whom!"

Once again, everyone's eyes widened.

Isn't that the tone of a girlfriend complaining about her boyfriend ignoring her?

I drop a good girl, so a look, Qiling Xuemei also likes that guy!

Scum man!


Male public enemy!

Almost at the same time, all the male compatriots cursed the guy in their hearts, but at the same time, they were very envious.

Can let two such beautiful Xueba girls like at the same time, live less decades are willing to ah!

At the moment, Yang Ling, who is watching the students playing football on the playground, receives the system prompt tone: "Ding, you smashed a large number of students hope that the two beauties do not have the desire of the right person, attribute point + 1."

People sitting at home, pot from the sky, Yang Ling slightly a Leng, will look at the direction of the school gate.

"It's roar. They are also students of Huada."

Then he got up slowly and walked towards the road.

In the field, hearing Su Qiling and Guan Chenxi's conversation, the old three and four of Huada F4's face sank. They heard this in their ears: "we have a master of the famous flower, and we are the same person. You two can wash and sleep."

Hit the face, the face of the red fruit!

Ramo slightly angry way: "can get two beautiful schoolgirls' attachment, is really a lucky man."

"But the two girls should have just come out of high school. You don't know there are better men in this world."

"With your grades and looks, I don't think he is worthy of you."

Fan Po Wen also said lightly: "I agree with this. After you go to university, your horizons will be widened."

"To tell you the truth, Su Xuemei has just been able to treat a poor boy who is so ordinary that he can no longer be ordinary as a Jiaolong. It is really very problematic to see people like this."

"I'm afraid that the dragon in your mouth will only deceive such ignorant young girls as you with beautiful words." , the fastest update of the webnovel!