All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 683

At the moment, at the entrance of the University, Yang Ling was surprised to find that many people were holding cards with their names and portraits, looking around one by one.

In addition, a lot of reporters have come. If you have not guessed wrong, they should have come to interview themselves.

Yang Ling is speechless. I don't know what kind of fan meeting it is.

Under the sense of presence induction skill, he will not be found for the time being, but if he signs up like this, he will be surrounded immediately.

After hesitating for a while, he dialed Jiang Hua's phone and asked the three of them to come and report for him. He slipped away, but what he didn't expect was that the three guys entered the school through the back door, and they would be interviewing.

After all, Huada is an institution of higher learning. Not everyone can come to school. Even if Yang Ling donated one million yuan to each of them, the necessary procedures should go

Fortunately, ah Yan's IQ is good. She said that she was going to pass the interview soon and would arrive soon.

About nothing, Yang Ling is also lazy to sign up at the gate of the school a bit silly, he staggered into the university gate, planning to visit.

On the other side, Su Qiling and Guan Chenxi are talking at the registration office at the gate of the school. They are the top two beauties in the college entrance examination, which also attract a lot of attention.

Many senior students and elder sisters gathered around them and talked about them in succession. Many clubs also said that they wanted to pursue the two super beauties.

Su Qiling's eyes swept around, and naturally she could see Yang Ling who had sneaked into the school gate.

"Well, this guy, I don't know to come up and say hello."

"Qi Ling, do you talk to me?" asked Guan Chenxi

"Ah I'm scolding someone who has no conscience

Guan Chenxi smell speech a Leng, immediately chuckle way: "I seem to know who is."

"Speaking of ah Ling, he can't forget to sign up today?"

Su Qiling said with a smile: "who knows, maybe you don't want to see us."

"Ah? No way... "


Guan Chenxi looked gloomy. Su Qiling was stunned and giggled: "ouch, I'm kidding."

"You're so cute, how could that guy not want to see you?"

"I guess I'm afraid to see the media and fans. With so many people blocking him, everyone wants to leave."

When Guan Chenxi heard the speech, he immediately turned from worry to joy and showed a good-looking smile on his face.

Two girls here joking, not far away to observe their senior students, each of them exposed a startling color.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, isn't it?"

"Oh, my sister Qiling is so beautiful. My sister is so excited..."

"No, I'll have to share it with them."

These words were naturally ignored by Su Qiling. They came earlier and had already signed up. Since Yang Ling entered the school gate, it was not interesting for them to stay here.

She was about to take Guan Chenxi to look for that guy. Suddenly, she saw a young man not far away.

This man seems to be a freshman this year. He is dressed in ordinary clothes and looks ok. The whole man is full of bookish air.

Such a boy is not conspicuous, it is not worth Su Qiling to see more, but at the moment, the eyes of this congenital demon are looking at the green oil paper umbrella in his hand.

"This umbrella..."

After staring at the umbrella in the boy's hand for a long time, she seemed to understand something and said in surprise, "is there such a thing?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!