All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 678


"Why are you crying?"

Yang Ling secretly bad, hurried forward a few steps to comfort her, but see Zhang Yurou is smiling at himself.

"Played by this girl!"

See Yang Ling slightly nervous expression, Zhang Yurou giggled and said: "let you make fun of me!"

"The next time you bully me, I'll cry for you!"

Yang Ling was relieved and then pretended to be surprised and said, "ah? Didn't some people just want to be bullied by me? "

"Not again?"


Hearing Yang Ling's overtones, Zhang Yurou found her cheek burning hot. She got into Yang Ling's arms shyly and hummed softly, "you are a color!"

"Ding, you smashed Zhang Yurou's wish to be here for you. Attribute point + 2."

"I'm still here..."

Hearing the prompt sound of the system, Yang Ling almost wants to laugh again.

Woman heart bottom needle, this little nurse said you are bad, but in the heart is very honest!

After talking with Zhang Yurou for a while, Zhang Yurou explained the use of the bright moon and breeze earrings. Zhang Yurou looked at Yang Ling curiously and said, "ah Ling, are you really the fairy in the legend?"

Yang Ling said with a smile: "no, no, no, just a little chance."

Zhang Yurou smell speech face smile and flowers, she holding Yang Ling said with a smile: "my husband is really fierce!"

"No matter, I will always follow you."

Got, all called on her husband, Yurou sister raised her own level.

However, on the Internet, I don't know how many girls call her husband. Yang Ling is about to become a national husband.


Yang Ling rubbed Zhang Yurou's head and gently said, "we have been together, never separated."


Listening to Yang Ling's words, Zhang Yurou feels that her heart is going to melt.

Seeing Yu Rou's sister reluctant to leave, Yang Ling smiles and walks back to the villa.

Walking on the road, his mobile phone suddenly came a message, but it was not used for hundreds of years QQ came to a friend application.

The applicant is wearing a pink Lori head, nicknamed Fang Laozu, aged ominous, opened the information to see nothing.

"What a mess."

Yang Ling refused directly, but soon the phone rang, but it was Fang Zhengye.

After connecting, Fang Zhengye said with a wry smile: "master, please pass the QQ certification just now. That ancestor Fang is my ancestor..."


"The old man said:" the old man laughs suddenly

"Speaking of it, I thought it was a girl who was crazy about flowers."

"In other words, the old man's head is quite unique."

"Ding, which pot you don't open, which pot you don't mention, smashed founder industry's wish that you don't expose short, attribute point + 1."

"Ding, the system has detected that you have been uncovering people's scars for a long time, specializing in what pot can't be opened and which pot you don't want to mention. It's a special achievement for you: expose the short talents."

Attribute 1: you will get double reward when you meet or smash your wish in the way of exposing weaknesses.

Attribute 2: when you meet or shatter your wish in the way of debunking, you have a 1% chance to make the other party enter the autistic state, and all attributes in the autistic state will decrease by 50%.

The condition will last for three days, and if it is exposed again, it will be prolonged.

"To reveal Expose the bad guys? "

"What an achievement..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!