All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 672

He flew into the sky, overlooking the world of his own below, and then he reached out.

There is a stone house beside the courtyard, which is where he will make alchemy in the future.

Falling clouds gently stroked the stone of the stone house. After a while of silence, Yang Ling frowned slightly.

These stones are made by themselves, just like the grass before. It's nothing to build a house, but alchemy will produce a lot of heat, and these stones will be consumed.

And he found that there was no water in the space!

Water is the source of life. How could he neglect such an important thing before!

There was no hesitation. He left the wish space, and then he came to the river before. He looked around and saw that there was no one around. He held out his hand without saying a word.

Under the guidance of the true Qi, the river slowly flows into the black hole at his fingertips. At the same time, a stream with the thickness of arm appears in the wish space.

As time goes on, the stream is getting wider and deeper. After half an hour, it has become a small river one meter deep and two meters wide.

"Ding, deduction, mastery, skill launch."

Thanks to her skills, Yang Ling has designed a perfect water circulation system with independent space.

In the space, a winding River irrigates almost every corner with seven perfect arcs.

Of course, in addition to decoration, these plants also have the effect of providing stable vitality to Yangling. The growth of plants will consume water, and the vitality of plants will be injected into Tiancai Dibao, and then become pills.

In other words, water will continue to be consumed, it is impossible to infinite circulation.

This requires Yang Ling to water the space regularly or find other ways.

For the wish space, he is very important, in case of catastrophe, this is the perfect haven for him and his sisters, we must find a way to solve the water problem!

At present, he has two ways to solve the problem at once.

First, bury the eye of the spiritual spring into the river, and turn the aura into fresh water through the array.

This can solve the root problem of water shortage, but the eye of Lingquan is a treasure of heaven and earth. It is a waste to turn the aura into fresh water

And he doesn't even know how to use the array

The second way is to go to the deep sea to find the legendary longan.

This kind of longan is also a kind of spring eye, but different from the eye of Lingquan, it sprays a lot of fresh water instead of aura, which is a little lower grade.

But this kind of thing Yang Ling also saw in a miscellaneous book, existence or not are two said things.

After a sigh, Yang Ling can only find a place to pump water, not tap water, but river water.

It's going to be found out, or you're going to jail

As a child growing up under the red flag, Yang Ling will never harm the interests of the country. He plans to go abroad to find places where he has few personal traces to smoke

Putting aside the problem of water supply, Yang Ling began to look for stones suitable for alchemy in the mountains.

Of course, the harder the stone is, the better it can absorb heat.

It's a pity that there is no suitable material for the whole mountain

This makes him a little difficult. Can't he make alchemy in the open air?

When he was in trouble, he suddenly thought of a place!

In the strange space where Ji Shaoyuan's statue stood before, the crystal wall which has been under the pressure of huge river water for millions of years , the fastest update of the webnovel!