All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 669


Yang Ling pinched her small waist and began to talk about his own ideas.

With regard to the development of the Pan Yue mountain area, they talked from the afternoon to the sunset, and basically determined the general direction of mountain development.

As we said before, we will invest 3 billion yuan in the resort situation, hot spring hotels, summer resort and other buildings to start the project next year.

Once formed here, money is sure to be made and will not cause damage to the environment. It will become one of the leading industries in the region.

The problem now is, nobody.

In addition to Yang Ling and Liu Muhan, there are only a few qualified to serve as the commander-in-chief of such a large project throughout the whole Muhua group.

Yan Xing is working on the ice sea hotel project. The group has invested one billion yuan in advance, so it is impossible to change people now.

Han Yaqin has enough ability and qualification, but the headquarters cannot leave her.

Wang Jingshu doesn't even have the experience to start a war alone, let alone take charge of such a large project.

As for Zhang Wenqi and Zhou Jin, they are still very young, not to mention the hammers of Jianghua

In fact, Yang Ling has a suitable person on hand, and either of the two maids can be competent for the position of the project's general manager.

But in his plan, Osmanthus fragrans should watch their families, and plum blossom should follow Liu Muhan and Xia Feiyan to protect them.

There is a little nurse Zhang Yurou alone, can not ignore it?

Only when these girls grow up can the maids spare their hands to help themselves.

In other words, if you really grow up, you will be invincible in the world

Liu Muhan is a little worried: "a Ling, now the new headquarters is in preparation, the ice sea hotel has broken ground, and Pan Yue resort is about to start."

"And our new home..."

"There is a need for high-level talents everywhere. Everyone is looking at us. We need to get up."

Yang Ling slightly nodded his head and said, "I'm here. Don't worry."


Liu Muhan nodded, looking at Yang Ling's eyes full of tenderness.

A moment later, they went back to the village. After having dinner with the people, they chatted for a while, then washed and went to bed early.

Late at night, looking at the side has been sleeping female president, Yang Ling mouth showed a smile.

"Ding, you have satisfied Liu Muhan's desire to be intimate with you. The wish value is + 2."

"Ding, Liu Muhan's intimacy breakthrough task has been completed today. Current progress: 6 / 30."

Listening to the prompt sound of the system, Yang Ling began to digest the harvest of this period of time.

At present, she has obtained 26 attribute points and 31 wish values.

As the old rule, square plus points, because he has genuine Qi, his physical and mental strength can be slowed down, and strength and agility become the priority again.

After adding points together, his panel changes as follows:

strength: 130

Agility: 130

physical strength: 126

mental strength: 120

Charm Value: 38

wish value: 31 / 10

"Ding, it is detected that the host has two attributes that reach an integer, and he gets two random rewards. The current reward number is 3 times

Yang Ling laughed and said in a deep voice, "system, give me a treasure chest of synthetic wishes!"

"Ding, the host chooses to synthesize the wish chest. If the treasure chest is successfully synthesized, the current reward times are: 0."

"Will the host now open the treasure chest?"

"Open it for me!" Yang Ling said in a deep voice

"Ding, opening the chest of wishes, please wait a moment." , the fastest update of the webnovel!