All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 328

Four South Lake players around the right direction of a person, Yang Ling surrounded a tight.

The five players on the defensive side instinctively chased the past, and the next moment people saw a funny scene.

Ten players in the field all huddled together, and the commentator exclaimed, "my God, I have seen this tactic before. Yang Dong hopes that all the attacking players will disperse at the same time at a certain moment, and their respective positions will make the opposite side less responsive..."

His voice is getting smaller and his mouth is opening wider and louder.

Because he saw the basketball flying out of the crowd

At this moment, everyone's eyes are staring at the basketball flying slowly in the space, only to see it drawing a wonderful arc, in the next moment, hollow into the net!

There was no cheering, no cheering, and the audience fell into a dead silence.

At this point, the public also understood what the commentators called high-level tactics.

Isn't that just to surround people and score with precision shots?

This tactic, I can arrange ten in a second!

At this moment, all of us are full of black lines. Those big brothers who intend to use stroke tactics turn their eyes in anger. One international friend even smashed his TV set

Ah Ling is ah Ling, or that familiar flavor, always elusive

The commentator said with an embarrassed smile: "well, Yang Dong's tactics are very unique. It's really eye opening..."

"Yes, yes, Yang Dong is Yang Dong. He always has unexpected performance."

"You want to smash the dream of high-level players, smash your desire."

Yang Ling heard the system's prompt tone, and heard where the two commentators were chatting. She was amused and couldn't help turning around and laughing.

"Ding, invisible cute skill launch, current Charm Value: 135."

In this moment, happened to see Yang Ling laughing, the audience in a corner of the stand was shocked, and then all of them sat down on the seats!

"My God, ah Ling is so beautiful

"Mother, what kind of fairy beauty is this?"

"Ding, the invisible cute skills caused 433 people to enter the dizzy state."

Yang Ling was stunned. The uncontrolled mass attack magic was finally triggered!

If he's in a good state, he's in a good state

"Why? What happened to the group? Why all of a sudden all of a sudden, ah Ling didn't move? "

"Is it because of ah Ling's smile?"

When a reporter asked why they suddenly fainted after the game, the answers of the group were astonishingly consistent: ah Ling is so beautiful.

However, no one can tell how it looks.

Since then, this massive collective vertigo event has become a pending case. Everyone has a question. At that moment, what kind of smile did ah Ling show?

Of course, that's what happened later.

In the field, from a Ling relying on the wonderful tactics into the three-point moment, the game has completely lost suspense.

This will be the story of the whole team giving a pitcher a hundred hits, and ah Ling, a very vulgar pitcher, needs a very small space to shoot, a fast shot, and the parabola is very strange.

It can't be prevented at all.

"Three points in!"

"Enter again!"


"Still in!"

"Please don't go in any more..."

This is the collective voice of all the people who have bought ah Ling and can't get 100% , the fastest update of the webnovel!