All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 272

After a moment, the two gangsters lay on the ground as if they had been sucked out.

Su Qiling sneered, licked her lips and was about to leave. Suddenly, she seemed to find something. She went to the body of a small thug and picked up her mobile phone.

What is shown on the screen is a live video, but it is a song composed by Yang Ling and Liu Muhan.

"This man is very talented."

Su Qiling chuckles and looks at Liu Muhan.

But when she saw the woman's face, the whole pupil shrank and became a pair of attractive fox eyes!

She almost instinctively let the mobile phone drop on the ground, and after three steps, she trembled slightly: "autumn frost and winter snow, such as shadow with the wind..."


After standing still for a long time, Su Qiling suddenly chuckled and said, "the will of heaven, the will of heaven!"

"It's getting more and more fun..."

With these words, her body slowly dissipated, leaving only a wisp of pink fragrance in place

The next morning, Liu Muhan leaned against Yang Ling's shoulder and whispered, "a Ling, you can accompany your mother when you are free. She's in a better mood recently. She told me to go shopping together."

"Why don't you go for me?"

Yang Ling touched his nose and said, "I'll go with you in a few days. I have something to do today."

"You have something to do."

Liu Muhan didn't have a good way: "you don't go to work, you don't date with any woman?"


Yang Ling said with a smile: "look at what you said. I'm going to see the old song dynasty and the great leader today."

Liu Mu cold smell speech a Leng, nod a way: "they are good to you, want to see."

"By the way, did the little nurse you met that day have a good relationship with you?"

Yang Ling nodded: "her name is Zhang Yurou, and I have a good relationship."

Liu Muhan chuckled: "this girl looks very good to me. When you are free, you can take her home and have a meal together?"


How can I mention Zhang Yurou without warning, but it doesn't look like a jealous woman?

Yang Ling Leng Leng Leng, think of one of their achievements: the king of strategy.

The effect of this achievement is weird, and the degree of intimacy between the system related characters increases over time.

No wonder Liu Muhan will mention Zhang Yurou for no reason. His feelings have been improved.

Thinking of this, Yang Ling said with a smile: "it's OK. I'll meet you all some other day."

"Ding, you have satisfied Liu Muhan's wish to meet Zhang Yurou. The wish value is + 1."

After washing and gargling, Yang Ling accompanied her mother and daughter to have breakfast, and then left the villa.

Casually found a place to today's minimum living security to accept, he went directly to the office of the big leader.

Two hours later, in the leadership office, the big leader said with a smile: "Xiao Yang, you are a great celebrity at last!"

"Come on, let's go to the hostel. Old song has already been waiting."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "the leader is polite, but say good first, I don't treat you!"

The leader was slightly stunned, and then laughed again: "your boy's worth is several billion, how can you still be so stingy?"

"OK, let's have Lao song treat you!"

Then he took Yang Ling's hand and went out.

"Ding, you have satisfied the big leader's desire to eat together, wish value + 1, current progress: 12 / 10." , the fastest update of the webnovel!