All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2696

The war in the city continued. Although the Qingtian people were powerful, so many strong people from all over the world rushed into the world of desire, and it was hard to resist them.

As the battle progressed, the tilted sky clan began to lose ground.

"If you don't open the gate of the temple, let us in!"

The immortal old man shouted loudly, but just as his voice fell, a fierce sword light came!


With a dull noise, the old man was split in two on the spot!

At the same time, the sword light continued to kill four experts of the barbarians.


Someone shouted. Everyone looked at the roof not far away. There was a girl standing on the roof, holding a fairy sword. Naturally, Leiya was undoubtedly.

At the moment when Leia appeared, a light shone on her in the temple.


"Recognition of the light of desire?"

In the sky, among the couple of golden immortals, the female golden immortals lost her voice and looked down at Leiya. Her eyes were full of excitement.

"The body of heaven."

"Is it the reincarnation of xianzun?"

"Master, have you come back from reincarnation?"

The female Jinxian calls Leiya a master. It seems that she is one of the disciples of Tianxian Zun.

Leiya looked at the golden fairy woman in the sky in surprise. After hesitating for a while, she giggled and said, "do you think I look like the reincarnation of xianzun?"

The golden fairy woman was about to say something, but she was attacked by another golden fairy, but she was helpless for a moment.

Leiya took back her eyes from the woman, but she drank softly, and the Jue Xian sword came out again, killing two virtual immortal barbarians on the spot.

The muddy dust beads were received by Leiya. A trace of happiness appeared in her beautiful eyes, as if she thought of something.

"This person is likely to be the reincarnation of Tianxian Zun!"

"Take her first!"

In this chaos, someone immediately shouted, and then all kinds of fairies exploded at Leia!

Leiya is really powerful, but there is no particularly good way to face this situation for a time. She desperately wants to avoid it, but she finds that the roof standing under her feet seems to have a magical power to stick her feet.


Leiya's eyes showed a trace of surprise, and this scene also fell in Yang Ling's eyes. His eyes flashed with a trace of displeasure.

Someone is plotting against Leia, and this person is only afraid to be a member of the wish family. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to do anything on this kind of roof.

It seems that some people don't want the reincarnation of Tianxian Zun to appear.

Leiya couldn't get rid of it for a moment, but her eyes became more and more fierce. When she was ready to wave the Dragon shadow with the wind sword, suddenly there was a fire in the oblique thorn, which roared out and formed a fire wall.

"Boom, boom!"

All the terrible fairies blasted on the fire wall and directly exploded the fire wall. At the same time, two figures shot out and pulled Leiya away from her place.

The next moment, all kinds of fairies that were slightly blocked by the fire wall blew into Leiya's position, but it was empty.

Don't hurt the reincarnation of the immortal!

Some people roared and shot. At the moment, the wish family seemed to think Leiya was the reincarnation of xianzun. Looking at her, they were full of supreme respect, but some people muttered in their hearts, why is xianzun reincarnation a girl.

That's not right.

At the moment, Leiya, who had returned to her senses, was hugged by Su Qiling and blocked by mu WANYING in front of them.

It has been inferred before that although Su Qiling and mu WANYING are not the reincarnation of xianzun, they are the daughters of the invincible emperor of the last era. After they left Yangling, their realm soared rapidly and all reached the realm of immortals.

And it's not an ordinary fairy. It's almost close to the level of golden fairy.

It belongs to the power of half step Tianxian.

"Jin Lei, what were you doing?"

"Don't want to live?"

Su Qiling complained, while Leiya stopped talking. Finally, she rubbed Su Qiling's small head on her body and said, "I was afraid!"

"Thank aunt WANYING and sister Qiling for their help."

Mu WANYING nodded slightly, while Su Qiling frowned tightly. Her eyes scanned the audience, but she didn't find Yang Ling.

"Strange, where's your father?"


Leiya preached, "this wish family doesn't seem to be monolithic. Dad should have plans."

"I'll play the role of the reincarnation of Xianxian Zun first. You cooperate with me."


Both women nodded.

At the moment, most of the audience's eyes were fixed on the three people. Mu WANYING's appearance directly stunned the wish family.

"It's twilight!"

"No, xianzun's apprentice was born!"

"Lord Liuguang!"

Someone exclaimed repeatedly, while the woman Jinxian in the sky said loudly, "younger martial sister WANYING, you finally appear."

"You haven't come to us for so long. I thought you had fallen."

"What? The hybrid demon embryo in your body has been transformed into a chaotic body? No wonder you have reached the realm of immortals. Congratulations! "

"Protect the reincarnation of the master first. When my husband and I kill these people, we'll see the master again!"

There was a surprise in the woman's words, which was also sincere. Mu WANYING hummed: "Mu Shuiqing, master said when he was alive that you were not allowed to marry the evil son of the dragon family. Why didn't you listen to the master?"


"Younger martial sister Wan Ying, I'll explain when everything settles down. Now you protect the reincarnation of the master first!"

In this way, the means are more fierce. This woman also uses the eight movements, but the moves are far less charming than the real eight movements.

On the other side, the terrible battle continued, and the whole city was in a mess. However, in the blink of an eye, Leiya and her three people were surrounded by a group of barbarians.

The first barbarian was a man who was half a step ahead of the golden fairy. His eyes were cold and said, "I have seen your intelligence in the wild world."

"Mu WANYING, Su Qiling and Yang Jinlei can't imagine that you have grown to this level in less than ten years."

"Yang Jinlei, let me ask you, famine astronomy, famine tianwu died in your hands?"

Leia sneered, "what? Do you know these two losers? "

Hearing this, the golden immortal man suddenly showed hatred, and a virtual shadow of a revenge spear appeared in his hand. He said in a cold voice: "these two are the sons of my brother. When he was dying, he asked me to take care of his two nephews. Unexpectedly, he died in the hands of you bitch!"

"I don't care whether you are reincarnated or not. Today, I must kill you and avenge my two nephews!", the fastest update of the webnovel!