All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2692

Good guy, a tree has given a billion wish value!

He can transfer everything here, and everything here belongs to him.

The world is very vast. A tree can give such a huge wish. What about the mountains ahead?

What about the palaces ahead?

What about the boundless ocean outside?

I don't know. Yang Ling doesn't know how much willpower this world contains, but he knows that as long as he practices here for thousands of years, let alone golden immortals, even Xuanxian and Yuanxian can practice!

Yang Ling is in a high mood at the moment. This is the first time he has felt the tangible benefits of reincarnation as an immortal.

Everything I got before was obtained through my own efforts, but the benefits here don't need to work hard. One breath can improve my cultivation

At this moment, I clearly feel the existence of experts in this world.

Not only the experts who rushed in from outside, such as Tianxian and Jinxian, but also the indigenous people in the world. I hope the world has evolved independently for many years. In the big forest ahead, there are indigenous tribes and even kings on all the plains farther away.

This is the living creature in the tomb of heaven, and the power to guard here for generations!

He can indeed mobilize the will here, but the enemy still needs to face off and defeat.

At this moment, my strength is 990 million dragon power. It's time to be promoted to Tianxian.

Just as he was preparing for promotion, a man suddenly came out of the slash, and a black light roared towards Yang Ling. It was only a moment before Yang Ling.


"Wild power?"

Yang Ling snorted coldly and waved his hand directly. The black light burst and the breath of death began to annihilate rapidly.

Looking intently, there was a man standing not far away. The man looked like a barbarian.

"Yang Ling, I didn't expect to meet you as soon as I came in."

The man said in a cold voice, "there is a saying in our family that you may be the reincarnation of the immortal. Let me weigh it!"

After speaking, he blew out again. He seemed to control the law of death. With one blow, the strong spirit of death swept out, which was very powerful.

"600 million dragon power?"

Yang Ling sneered and directly bent her fingers, and the eternal divine fist burst out. Only listening to the roar, the death fist of 600 million dragon power exploded directly. At the same time, the barbarian super power of Jinxian also exploded in an instant.

At the moment of the explosion, the man was divided into nine and turned into nine different people!


"The art of integration?"

Yang Ling's eyes showed surprise. He had heard that there is a kind of combination in the world, which can completely integrate two or many different creatures to form a new life.

This technique violates the laws of physics. Yang Ling was skeptical at first. Now, it's still true.

Among the nine, there are men and women. One of the leading men is the realm of immortals, and the other eight are all virtual immortals. Together, they have reached half a step of golden immortals.

"Do it!"

The man shouted, and the nine people blew a punch at the same time. Unexpectedly, they were all the fists of death, and their strength was more than 100 million.

"A small skill."

Yang Ling waved her hand, the wind of disaster came out, and all nine death fists exploded.

The wind of disaster swept through again. When they were ready to destroy the nine people together, they merged again and became a half step golden immortal man. With a whoosh, they appeared behind Yang Ling.

"Yang Ling, it seems that you are not the reincarnation of Tianxian Zun."

"The reincarnation of xianzun will not let me deceive myself behind you."

Half a step, the cold voice of the golden immortal man sounded. The next moment, a fierce palm hit Yang Ling's tianlinggai.

But when this palm went down, it fell on its own celestial cover.


With a bang, he became nine people again. Everyone was bleeding at the mouth and showed an incredible color in his eyes.

"The law of chaos!"

"When did you use the law of chaos!"

Yang Ling sneered, "when will it be used?"

"I can use it whenever I want. It's only a half step. Jinxian dares to be rampant in front of me."


The sound fell, and 900 million dragon power swept out directly. All of the 900 million dragon power had the law of chaos. Nine people were swept by the law of chaos at the same time, and shot on their own celestial cover one after another.

At the moment of being swept by the law of chaos, they have completely fallen into chaos and can't extricate themselves.


The nine people burst into a blood mist at the same time. Yang Ling sneered and collected all their storage rings, muddy dust beads and other items.

The resources that had been used up have been replenished again.

Taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice: "system, spend a billion vows to strengthen the law!"

"Ding, the host chooses to strengthen the law, which is strengthening your joint arrangement law."

The sound of the system sounded, and the huge wish value began to strengthen various laws in Yang Ling's body, and the strengthening of laws was to feed back power to each immortal cell.

His strength began to grow again, and he was ready to attack the golden immortal realm!


"Boom, boom!"

The infinite power in the body is impacting the bottleneck. At this point, there is not only one bottleneck in the body, but countless bottlenecks.

Every Xianyuan cell has a bottleneck, and because he has too strong inside information, the Xianyuan cells in his body are several times that of ordinary banbu Jinxian.

This is not to impact one bottleneck, but to impact all bottlenecks!



The sound in his body was still roaring. At the moment, the power in his body was more fierce than the sea in the distance.

When we ran out of the one billion wish values, we failed to break through bottleneck.

But it doesn't matter. This is the world of desire, his territory.

"Come here!"

Yang Ling shouted angrily. A mountain in the distance exploded directly and turned into rolling golden light!

"Ding, you get 1000000000 wish value."

"Ding, you get 2 million wish value."

The prompt tone of the system sounded continuously. The wish value soared in one billion and two billion, but it was quickly consumed!

I don't know how long it took. Two huge mountains and a forest were all broken up. They became vows and were absorbed by the system. Yang Ling didn't know how much vow value she had consumed.

Under such circumstances, at a certain moment, the bottlenecks of all immortal cells in his body were broken!


An earth shaking explosion. At this moment, Yang Ling's life form will change again!, the fastest update of the webnovel!