All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2665

"It hurts..."

She covered her little butt and looked at Yang Ling wrongly, but Yang Ling had no good way: "let you take the fleet home, what are you doing?"


"I'm cutting down the roots!"

As soon as Leiya heard Yang Ling's tone, she knew that her father was not angry, otherwise the slap would not be on her ass, but on her face.

She immediately hugged Yang Ling's arm and said, "Dad, these barbarians are so bad that they invade other planets!"

"I have wiped out the barbarians and the natives together! There will be no war in the nearby star field! According to the law of evolution, peace can last at least two billion years! "

"Is it?"

Yang Ling even rolled her eyes when she heard the speech, but she didn't have a good way: "thank you very much!"

"Dead girl, if I don't lock you up this time, I won't be Yang!"

"No, no, no!"

Leiya hugged Yang Ling's waist and said, "no! Dad, will you spare me? I promise I won't do it in the future. "

"Yes! There's a door in front of me. I know there's a big secret as soon as I see it! "

"Let's investigate together, father and daughter. After the investigation is clear, it's not too late for you to punish me!"

Looking at her beautiful and lovely daughter, Yang Ling feels that she has no ability to manage her daughter.

Now my daughter is also a fairyland. There is no good way to take her.

He was angry and stretched out his hand to wring Leiya's ear. This time, he directly used 60 million dragon power. Leiya's hoarse grin and tears came out again.

It's really painful.

I can't remember the pain if I don't show her a little bit.

After teaching Leiya a lesson, Yang Ling looks at Carly who is in a mysterious state.

"Carlisle, your disaster is pushing you forward, but it's still a little short of time to transform Xianyuan."

"You go back to your own disaster world to practice, and the key is to consolidate what you get now."

Carlisle nodded slightly and said with shame, "you let me accompany her. I seem to have been fooling around with her all the time..."

"You... You don't hate me."

At this moment, Carly's true feelings show that she seems to be really worried that Yang Ling will hate herself.

Yang Ling jokingly said: "you are an accomplice at best, and Yang Jinlei is the mastermind."

"But the accomplice has to be punished. You can be punished with her later."

Although Yang Ling said that she would punish herself, Carlisle was very relieved. She knew that Yang Ling didn't hate herself. That's great.

She blushed slightly and said, "Yang Ling, when I shut up, I have something to tell you!"


Yang Ling smiles and nods. He naturally figures out what Carlyle is going to say. The girl has to summon up courage to express herself to the person she likes.

He was happy to see the brave side of the girls around him.

"Ding, you have fulfilled Carlyle's wish not to be angry. The wish value is + 1000000 points."

Carlyle enters the disaster space, and Yang Ling looks at the door that is opening little by little in front of her.

Although the door is open, and there is a dangerous breath revealed, but it seems to be in another time and space.

"What a wild spirit

Leya whispered: "Dad, when I was investigating the palace, I learned that the barbaric stronghold is in the wild supercontinent, which is the same huge world as our Pangu supercontinent and crape myrtle supercontinent."

"Is this gateway to the wild supercontinent?", the fastest update of the webnovel!