All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2663

In the bedroom, Leiya picked Xiaohe up and said with a giggle, "your husband is out there, you are here to steal love with her brother. If you let your husband know about this, will he be so angry that he is possessed?"


"Kill me, please

"Don't let him know!"

Xiao He's voice is full of fear. Maybe she really thinks it's hard to face her husband.

"Killed you?"

"No, I'm not a murderer. It's wrong to kill. How can I be so cruel?"

Leiya said with a smile, "I'll announce your glorious deeds to the public, and then..."

"Well, I'm pretty. I'll reward my beloved general moxika, lest the world say that I don't take care of my men."


Xiaohe's face is full of panic, even because of extreme panic, there is fear around him.

In the end, he is also a master of yuanguangjing. He can touch the rules.

Leiya snorted coldly: "but before that, I will abandon you first!"

She clapped it with one hand and blew it directly at Xiaohe's Dantian. Xiaohe spewed out a mouthful of blood, and a muddy dust bead was spewed out with the blood.

The fingertip is a little bit, this dust that sticks to the essence of the yuan light falls in the hands of Leya. She giggles, "Daddy love these beads, and he will be filial father when he comes home."

There was joy in her eyes, but Xiaohe's breath was withering rapidly. But in a moment, Xiuwei fell down.

"No, please kill me!"

Now she can't even commit suicide. Leiya snorts and brings her into her own small world, which is the subsidiary world of the desire space.

Needless to say, it's going to be tragic.

Carlyle said strangely, "don't you mean that someone needs to be the core of the array to launch the big array?"

"You killed one and abandoned the other. No one is the core of the array?"

Leiya chuckles. After a little fingertip, a middle-aged man with blue skin and a crown appears. This man is actually the cultivation of creation. But at the moment, Leiya's weak hand is like a bird.

"When I set up the array before, I caught the aboriginal emperor of this planet by the way, and just used him as the array eye."


Hearing Leiya's words, Carlyle said strangely, "don't you want to deal with the barbarians? The enemy of an enemy is a friend, as your father said

"What kind of people, the daughter of xianzun, would make friends with a group of mole ants?"

After that, he took out a bead carved with a dragon and slapped it directly into the native emperor's chest. The man looked at his body in horror, and his eyes showed despair.

The powerful body of creation expanded rapidly, burst through the roof and suspended in the air.

This movement caused so much that everyone instinctively looked up and found that there was an expanding monster in the sky above the palace. The expanding monster was engraved with the mark of dragon. It was still expanding, as if it might explode at any time.

"No, we're being dealt with!"


Some of the elders of the barbarians cried out, but it was too late. They only heard "bang!" The sound of explosion, expansion to the limit of the aboriginal emperor's body exploded, direct death.

All his flesh and blood energy was transformed into dragon after dragon by the magic of Wanlong Lianjie, and began to flee in the sky.

It's like a signal. The magic altar of the Dragon World floats from the whole planet, and countless dragons pop out.

Countless dragon began to destroy the world space and laws, the whole planet immediately began to crack up!


Terrible disaster came, the whole palace ground directly cracked, under the soaring atmospheric pressure, countless barbarians were crushed to pieces.

The biggest dragon in the sky opened its mouth, and the huge suction absorbed countless muddy dust beads.

The whole planet suddenly began to collapse, and the speed of its collapse was much faster than that of Kalan on that day!

The boundless gas of disaster and death burst out. Carlyle urged the true meaning of disaster, and the rolling gas of disaster was absorbed, while the gas of death was also collected by the magic of Wanlong Lianjie.

Hell on earth is not enough to describe the horror scene.

"Who is it?"

"Who is destroying all this?"

In the sky, a roaring voice sounded, and the barbarian Emperor Huang tianwu finally appeared. His tall body pointed to the sky and stepped on the ground. Under the rolling strength, he even resisted the magic of Wanlong Lianjie!

The collapse of the planet has stopped!

His dignified eyes looked at Leiya and Carlisle. He was already furious in his eyes, but he didn't dare to act rashly for a moment.

In front of him, the two women gave him a very fierce feeling, which even made him extremely close to the immortal.

These are two extremely scary women.

Especially the girl with golden hair, it's really scary.

Yang Ling, who is observing all this in the Eighth Dimension, is surprised. At the moment of the appearance of the wild astronomy, he feels a strange wave of space. It seems that there is some space secret hidden in him.

It was this feeling that made him feel a little uneasy. It was also this feeling that made him chase his daughter to this planet.

Yang Ling is not in a hurry and continues to observe secretly.

Leiya face tall astronomy, sneer: "this planet is the land of filth, astronomy, your queen behind your back, with your brother, I this is for you destroy this planet, bury all your scandal."

"What are you talking about?"

"Siren, if you talk nonsense again, I'll kill you with one hand!"

Leiya giggled: "don't you believe it?"

"Then I'll show you the evidence!"

With a wave of his hand, an unbearable picture appeared in the sky. As expected, it was between his brother Huang tianwu and his wife Xiao He that they were making a fuss.

Everyone has seen this picture. In this crumbling planet, when you see this picture before you die, you can understand the secret history of the royal family.

"Ding, your daughter Yang Jinlei plays pictures that are not suitable for children. She receives the most people watching at the same time. The system determines that she dominates this field, and your cultivation progress is + 10."

Yang Ling's mouth twitched. For a moment, she didn't know whether she should be happy or angry

Huang Tianwen was stunned. Leiya sneered, "how about that? With your accomplishments, you should be able to see the true and false of this moving picture?"

"But don't worry, I've killed your brother for you. Your little lotus is now being educated by my million troops. She has no problem with her physique. I think she should be very happy?"

"Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, the fastest update of the webnovel!