All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2658

Yang Ling's power has obviously exceeded the maximum range that the lower bound can bear.

However, the power of connection disappears at the moment of contact with Yang Ling. The general outline of fate is too strong, and even if it is not the general outline of fate, the essence of desire alone is enough to shield the power of connection in all directions.

It's mainly because there's no place to connect and lead, and the door of the universe can't be opened. Even if you connect and lead, where can you connect and lead?


There is a terrible roar in the distance. Yang Ling has been paying attention to Liu Muhan. She has finally passed through the nine days of the disaster. The virtual shadow of the gate of the universe appears. Just like Yang Ling, she is bathed in a white light column, and her power is soaring.

But in the blink of an eye, it came to 100 million Longli.

But, this didn't take over, Liu Mu Han took out the nuclear of the star that Yang Ling gave, unexpectedly direct refining rises.

Her power soared faster, and Yang Ling felt the effect of the yongjietongxin contract.

At the moment of breaking through the realm, yongjietong wants to level their realm.

Not to pull down the realm of Yangling, but to raise the realm of liumuhan!

She wants to break through the fairyland!

The light from the virtual shadow of the gate of the universe was more dazzling. Soon, Liu Muhan refined a star's core, and his power came to 125 million.

Her power is still soaring, and the disk of reincarnation is spinning around Liu Muhan. In the disk of reincarnation, there is a trace of reincarnation power in this universe, which is also helping Liu Muhan promote his cultivation.

In this moment, Yang Ling had a wonderful idea and thought of a way.

At this moment, if you use the general outline of fate to hide your destiny temporarily, and under the contract of eternal unity, will it lead to the misjudgment of the gate of the universe, thinking that you are also a part of Liu Muhan, and then stimulate the reward?!

Thinking of this, Yang Ling directly uses small fatalism to urge the general outline of fate, hiding her own destiny in this moment.

Good guy, just as he guessed, the gate of the universe shot a white light, which also wrapped Yang Ling.

Yang Ling's power began to rise, although it was certainly not as exaggerated as Liu Muhan, but it was just picking up power in vain!


Yang Ling found a bug in the gate of the universe, which can only be achieved by the general program of destiny.

This is a loophole in the law, which is quite outrageous.

Bathed in the reward light of the gate of the universe, Yang Ling's power is growing slowly.

410 million

420 million

430 million

After all, it's the reward of the gate of the universe. Even if it's growing slowly, it's really outrageous. The price of 10 million yuan is so high

I don't know if I can use this bug next time.

Yang Ling's face showed a smile, Liu Muhan also found his husband is drilling the loopholes in the rules, the fundus showed a smile.

In this case, she would like to extend the time of the award, the better the singing.

There are also two cores. Use them!

Although the couple are separated by the distance of light years, they are interlinked at this moment. Yang Ling even takes out the power in the dragon ball and gives it to Liu Muhan.

Her promotion is her own promotion. How many resources are used at this juncture!

Time flows slowly. At a certain moment, Yang Ling's power comes to 460 million dragon power. Liu Muhan's power doesn't know when it will rise, but there are cranes and clouds flying around her.


Under the support of huge energy, Liu Muhan reached the fairyland.

Yang Ling witnessed his wife's transformation from the body to the real immortal. At this moment, Liu Mu Han was floating like a dream, and the beauty was suffocating.


She is a female fairy, a real fairy!

Yang Ling also found that because her destiny was temporarily blocked, and because of the relationship of eternal unity, the desire space changed into Liu Muhan's own, and her breakthrough was equal to strengthening the desire space again.

When Yang Ling became an immortal, he strengthened the space, so that all the system related characters related to space, or bound, were greatly blessed.

This meeting has begun to strengthen again, and the power of all system related characters has risen again

With this discovery, Yang Ling said with telepathy: "Mu Han, now the situation is that you break through alone, our family benefits!"

"I'll give you all the resources, and you'll try to transform Xianyuan!"


Liu Mu Han also knew that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and she immediately agreed.

Infinite resources are transferred into Liu Muhan's bracelet through the Acacia bracelet. At this moment, every immortal cell in Liu Muhan's body has just been born. It's time to need nutrients. Countless resources are transformed into the purest power of reincarnation by the disk of reincarnation and flow into Liu Muhan's body.

Xianyuan cells are growing and their strength is soaring.

Yang Ling gains the most. Her power has risen to 480 million dragon power. The power of other system related characters is also increasing. Now they are no longer commanding battles, but concentrating on meditation to enhance their power.

Xueer, who is far away from Kalan, has made a breakthrough again. This is the nth time that she has made a breakthrough, and this time she has directly made a breakthrough in the realm of creation.

She thinks it's all out of line

When all the resources in the desire space are transformed, finally, Liu Muhan's breakthrough is over.

Her strength was finally set at 490 million Longli, while Yang Ling came to 550 million

Together, they have the strength of Jinxian

In addition, because of the bug, the whole family has broken through the realm of creation. Mu WANYING, Su Qiling, Yun Qinglan, Qixia fairy and Carlyle are ready to feel the time of their own doomsday.

Others are also in the middle or even later stage of creation.

Leiya is so close to fairyland that she is still short of breath. This makes her desire for resources grow up. The fleet has already arrived in the galaxy. If she had not made mistakes before, she would not dare to act willfully, or she would have absolutely ordered the fleet to plunder all life planets, plunder energy and let herself enter fairyland

Now her eyes are fixed on the last hive of the barbarians. You can imagine what kind of looting she will do once she leads the fleet back

In the starry sky of the universe, the door of the universe disperses. Yangling and Liu Muhan look at each other across the starry sky. The next moment, Liu Muhan starts to blink and appears in front of Yangling.

She gazed at Yang Ling, her eyes flickering with tears.

After gazing at each other for a moment, Liu Mu Han said with a smile, "I didn't let you down this time, did I?"

What a thrilling beauty it is!

Yang Ling took his wife's hand and said softly, "Mu Han, you are the goddess in my heart!"

"I like you from the first sight I see you!"

Liu Mu Han nodded, hugged Yang Ling and said in a soft voice: "the realm is the same, I can give you a son..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!