All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2653


The sound of the explosion came, and the carrier launched a terrible wave of star annihilation, which hit a planet accurately.

In the terrible explosion, the planet disappeared, but in countless cosmic dust, Yang Ling clearly caught something different.

That's a pair of broken legs.

It's a pair of male legs, to be exact.

"The protoss of heaven..."

Eyes see through the truth, this is the two legs of the protoss of heaven!


The star annihilating cannons are still launching, and the other two Zerg planets are also directly destroyed by the terrible cannons.

In the same way, Yang Ling saw the head and body in the two planets.


The wind of the universe swept through the dust, all the Zerg were broken, turned into huge energy, and rolled towards the remains of the celestial Protoss.

This energy begins to fuse the three wrecks!

In the past, singer was only sealed on one planet, but now the celestial Protoss is sealed on three planets separately, and its terrifying degree is definitely higher than that of singer.

Yang Ling frowned slightly, but his body appeared in front of the fleet. With a wave of his hand, the fleet behind him began to retreat slowly.

It seems that everyone knows that the form is becoming more and more severe. Ah Ling is going to be serious!

Time goes by slowly. At a certain moment, a hurricane comes out from the front, which makes people unable to open their eyes. However, this hurricane has a terrible law.

It's the law of curse!

Hurricane is made up of curse law. Where the law passes, even space seems to be cursed and festering.

As the curse law was coming, all the fleet fighters were frightened.

Maybe the fleet is very powerful, but when faced with the mysterious things such as laws and regulations, no matter how large the fleet is, it can't resist.

At this time, Yang Ling snorted, the sound wave swept out, directly swept the curse law.


Everyone was relieved, and then we saw another opposite picture.

After the wind of curse dissipates, a circle of pure light diffuses, which smoothes the original cursed space. The light represents the beauty of the world.

This is the light of blessing.

Yang Ling did not stop the spread of the light of blessing. Everywhere the aura went, every living creature and every being was blessed.

There was a faint light on the members of the fleet. The hidden diseases in their bodies were gone. The place where they couldn't figure out how to cultivate suddenly became clear. The spaceship was being strengthened. Everyone's body was moistening. Some people even broke through the realm on the spot.

Everyone was stunned by the amazing scene.

I don't know how long later, a man's calm voice rang out: "who untied my seal?"

The voice doesn't sound murderous. In the center of the blessing light, a naked man floats. His appearance is beautiful, and his pure white hair is very beautiful. Everyone, looking at this man, has respect and awe from the heart.

His eyes swept the huge fleet, and finally fixed on Yang Ling.


"Ha... I haven't seen the immortal family for many years. It's really lingering to miss the past."

The voice is gentle and pleasant, but it's like thunder on the ground!


He called Yang Ling a fairy!

Has a Ling become an immortal!

In the hearts of all the people, there was a storm, but Yang Ling didn't say a word and looked at the man of the Heavenly Kingdom.

This person is also the immortal cultivation, which makes him have a trace of vigilance.

"Ha... I feel the hostility in you."

"But it's you who set me free after all. I want to bless you and praise everyone who saved me."

He opened his arms, the halo of blessing spread, spread to every corner of the space, everyone was covered by the beautiful blessing light, the body had a positive change.

Many people have begun to break through the realm!

"The essence of blessing."

This time, Yang Ling finally saw the fullness of his rules, and came to the true meaning!

The three circles of blessing light made everyone feel that they have been evolved and sublimated. There was no hostility in the man's eyes. The man of the celestial Protoss looked at Yang Ling and said with a smile, "this fairy friend, are you going to kill me?"

"Not bad."

Yang Ling light said: "since I have untied your seal, nature is to kill you in your complete state."


The man stares at Yang Ling and asks in surprise: "we have no injustice and no hatred. I have given your companions infinite blessings. I don't care that you killed my insects in captivity. Why do you want to kill me?"

"Because of who I am?"


Yang Ling said with a faint smile: "I don't care what your identity is. What makes me care is the core of Taichu in your body."

"There is an old saying in our family that every man is innocent and bears his own sin."

"Give me the core of Taichu, I can let go of your reincarnation."

With this remark, everyone fell into silence.

Without so much cover up, Yang Ling directly explained everything. Don't talk about cause and effect, just want your Taichu core!

The man looked at Yang Ling in surprise, and then burst out laughing: "no wonder, no wonder my Protoss once said that all the peoples in the universe are guilty, and your original sin is greed!"

"If you are guilty, you will be tried!"

The sound of words falls, the infinite curse law comes, condenses into a spear, and lies in the starry sky of the universe.

This is the spear of the curse!


The dull voice spread out, from the spear of curse, emitting a terrible aura of curse, everywhere everything began to diffuse collapse!

This time, there are almost 100 million dragon power!

Under such a terrible law, the fleet seems vulnerable.

Yang Ling naturally won't let the curse spear spread to the fleet side, and took a step forward.

At the center of his step, there are ripples in the space. The ripples also spread rapidly. The next moment, they meet at a certain space point.

The terrible law of curse has begun to wither!

The source of the curse seems to have begun to dry up!

"The law of withering..."

In the eyes of the man of the heaven God clan, he sighed: "in the end, it's the existence of the immortal family by virtue of self-cultivation, which is different from the fact that our heaven God clan was born in a virtual fairyland. It's fierce, fierce."

"Wither, let the flowers wither, then I wish you wither, wither forever."

Voice down, pure white blessing halo spread out, this halo and wither rule collide with each other, even will wither rule blessing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!