All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 263

Looking at their numb faces, Liu Mu was shocked and said, "ah Ling, what's wrong with them? What's going on? "

Yang Ling motioned to her not to speak at first. Then she looked at Mr. Fei and said calmly, "go ahead, start from the beginning. Why do you want to deal with Liu Dong? What means did you use?"

Mr. Fei said numbly: "it was Mr. Wang Dong of Muhua group who asked me to make a move. If the matter was successful, he accepted Muhua group and promised to give me 10% of the shares..."


Liu Muhan breathed a little, his face showed an incredible voice, and Yang Ling directly opened the mobile phone video, recording all the words of Mr. Fei.

In the next half an hour, Mr. Fei told us all about his plan. It turned out that besides looking for gangsters and releasing sharks, the dance tonight was also a trap.

The ultimate goal of general fee is to Liu Muhan's body and her life!

Liu Muhan's face was gloomy like water. She snorted, "ah Ling, let's call the police."

Yang Ling shook his head and said: "after all, he did not succeed, even if the police can only shut him down for a few years."

"This man is so vicious, how can we forget it?"

He hit a finger ring, two people suddenly wake up, and then a face of panic to see this Yang Ling way: "you, what did you do to us!"

"What do you want to do?"

Yang Ling indifferent way: "nonsense, I don't want to talk to you more, do not want to go to prison, then take money."

"100 million, that's it. If you dare to say no, this video will appear on the headlines of major websites tomorrow."


General manager Fei was shocked. He looked at Yang Ling in disbelief and said, "it's impossible. Why is it like this?"

"Nothing is impossible."

Yang Ling sneered: "less nonsense, public to public hit money."

Mr. Fei is full of panic. He knows what kind of person Yang Ling is. In front of this kind of person, don't say it's himself. Even if it's Wang Dong, it's just a dish!

"Ding, you smashed Fei Zong's desire to calculate Liu Muhan, attribute point + 1.

after taking out his mobile phone, he called the company's financial department directly, and said in a hurry:" quick, remit 100 million yuan to the public account of Muhua group! "

"Now, now!"

The financial department was shocked, but he was only a part-time worker. He could only do what the boss said.

A moment later, Liu Muhan looks at her mobile phone. The public account shows that the group's new capital is 100 million yuan. She opens her mouth and looks at Yang Ling with admiration.

Yang Ling said calmly: "I'll save the video first. If you perform well, I may delete it. If you don't perform well, you have to do some small actions in the dark. You know what the consequences are."

"Come on, get out of here with this woman!"

General Fei was in a cold sweat all over his body. He was afraid that he would be hypnotized by Yang Ling. He said something else that should not be said. He ran away in a hurry.

Looking at their back, Liu Muhan sighed: "a Ling, you saved me again, I..."

Yang Ling said with a light smile: "is it necessary to say such words in our relationship?"

"This money is our private money. Please transfer it."

"Private money..."

Liu Mu cold smell speech is a Leng first, then funny way: "good, give you all right, greedy ghost!"

She laughed and shook her head as she began to operate her cell phone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!