All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2533

Yang Ling was a little stunned. After he cremated some zombies, he said with a smile, "they all ran away. Sure enough, is this boy the right one for those girls?"

Shaking his head, he waved his hand again. A fireball flew out. Wherever he went, all the zombies turned into ashes. No matter whether you mutate or not, you can't resist the temperature of Ziyang real fire.

But in the blink of an eye, the zombies in this layer have been cleaned up.

Yang Ling looked at the five people who were running for their lives under her eyes. The corners of her mouth turned up, but she didn't follow.

"Hoo, Hoo..."

A man and four women ran down quickly. At the moment, they had escaped to the fifth floor and were about to reach the ground!

At the same time, they had heard the messy footsteps not far away.

It's the sound of a lot of zombies coming up.

"Oh dear!"

Because of the speed, the ponytail girl fell down.

In fact, all four of them are reincarnated, and the ponytail girl is an ordinary person. How can she really keep up with them?


Jin Muyu didn't even want to think about it. He stopped and turned around to help Xiao Ke. Jin Muyu stopped. Yi Yulan's three sisters all stopped. It was such a delay that the door beside him was rushed open and a zombie rushed out!

Now there was no Yang Ling to stop him. Yi Yulan gritted his teeth, but he smashed the first zombie down with a steel tube.

But she is not Yang Ling after all, there is no instant group killing means, and then killed four zombies in a row, it is found that more and more zombies rushed out!

"Let's go!"

Yi Yulan drinks lightly, but Jin Muyu carries cocoa on his back and says: "Yulan, go!"

The two sisters have not yet awakened the memory of their previous lives. In panic, they are helpless. Yi Yulan tries to kick a zombie away, turns around and pulls them away.

Fortunately, the Zombie's moving speed is not as fast as that of human beings. A few people ran for their lives, but they finally got far away. When they rushed to the playground under the teaching building, Yi Yulan gritted her teeth and was about to close the rolling gate, but was stopped by Jin Muyu.

"Yulan, classmate Yang hasn't come down yet!"

"It's too late!"

"He's great. He'll be all right!"

Yi Yulan had to close the door, but he was stopped by Jin Muyu again.

The next moment, even if it is too late to close the rolling gate, a variant of the agile zombie has come!

This zombie is extremely ferocious, half a head does not know where to go, very scared.


After all, Yi Yulan was only a 20-year-old girl. For a moment, she was so scared that she lost her face, but she was still in the same place.


Jin Muyu rushed up regardless of everything, pushed Yi Yulan away, but let the first attack of this agile zombie jump in the air.

It's just that it's a mutant zombie, and it immediately pounces on it again!

At this time, Yi Yulan is being thrown to the ground by her boyfriend. She is almost instinctive. She pushes her boyfriend away and rolls over!

Unfortunately, after all, it was a little late. Although it avoided being knocked down by this agile zombie, it was still caught with four blood marks on the back by sharp claws.

The four bloodstains immediately became black and poisonous.


Two younger sisters scream, what is the consequence of being scratched by zombies, needless to say.

At this moment, Yi Yulan was desperate. She saw that the zombie rushed to Jin Muyu, but she bit her teeth and jumped up, and hit the quick Zombie's head with a stick.

This seems to stimulate the body's instinct, just listen to the "bang", the head of the zombie was directly hit and exploded!

Blood spatter between, all people are Leng in place.


When the steel pipe fell to the ground, Yi Yulan felt dizzy and unstable, but he was held in his arms by Jin Muyu.

Looking at the paw print behind his girlfriend, Jin Muyu was shocked. His tears kept dripping down and he said to himself, "I should listen to you. If I listen to you, I will not close the iron door."

"Why, why..."

He was very sad at the moment. Yi Yulan looked at him gently and said weakly: "Muyu, i... I can't control myself."

"Push me away..."

At this moment, the woman was still worried that she would become a zombie and hurt her beloved man. Jin Muyu was almost speechless when he heard this. He hugged his girlfriend hard, but choked and said, "no, I won't let you go again!"

"If you die, I don't want to live."

Yi Yulan shook his head and said, "I know what you mean. I'm very happy... But my two sisters, and Ke'er..."

"They need you..." "let me go, find a place to hide, Yang classmate he... He must have a way to find you..." Yi Yulan's voice is very weak, eyes slightly gray, seems to be at the end of life. At this time, the top of the sound of messy footsteps, turned to see, but saw a large number of zombies down! No one has ever closed the rolling gate before“ Go Yi Yulan burst out his last strength and pushed Jin Muyu away. Then he picked up the steel pipe that fell on the ground, but instead rushed to the stairs! She had nothing to be afraid of. She was desperate“ Bang The first zombie that rushed down was kicked back by her. She slammed the rolling gate, turned her head through the cold steel gap, and finally took a look at Jin Muyu. Lips gently moved, as if to say, I love you. The next moment, a large number of zombies have rushed to him“ Yulan... "Jin Muyu's brain was blank at the moment, and he saw that the woman he loved was about to leave him. At this moment, a purple fireball suddenly came flying. In a thousand seconds, he directly reduced the zombie to ashes“ "Hoo..." a breeze rolled over, and the ashes were swept away. The stairs, which were terrible just now, quieted down, leaving only Yi Yulan alone. There are gentle footsteps sounded, only to see a handsome young slowly walked down, is not Yangling who“ Yang classmate... "Yi Yulan looks at Yang Ling with a cold face, and knows that her boyfriend and sisters are safe. As if her last strength has been emptied, she directly sits on the ground. Yang Ling stepped down slowly, stood in front of Yi Yulan, looked down at the woman, and then picked her up“ Bang He kicked out, and the steel rolling gate was just like paper paste in front of him, and was directly kicked away. But Yang Ling led Yi Yulan to Jin Muyu and said, "save me, but you may lose someone more important."“ Justice should be divided and combined. You are wrong. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!