All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2529

In the computer room, the fat man and the other three men slowly forced up. The man with a sharp mouth sneered: "Jin Muyu, that handsome guy is very familiar with you? I left you such a good thing. "

"However, no matter how powerful he is, he is just a more powerful thug in front of us. We all think that he will not offend us completely for you."

Jin Mu Yu gritted his teeth and said, "I know you are hungry too. If you want to, you can have some of them."

"How many points?"

The fat man sneered: "there are only a few things in that bag. How can we divide them?"

"All those who know their faces will be handed in, otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Jin Mu Yu said angrily, "you want to rob things again. Is it really impossible to cure your eyes?"

"The rule of law!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The fat man laughed three times, then slapped Jin Muyu on the face with a fierce slap, and said with a grim smile: "this is the rule of law of Laozi!"

Jin Mu Yu was directly knocked to the ground, and the bag of food was naturally robbed.

Seeing that the fat man wanted to kick Jin Muyu, Yi Yulan hugged his boyfriend in a hurry and said eagerly, "all the things are for you. Don't hit him..."


"You are very protective of this boyfriend..."

The fat man said a word and then looked at the frightened girls behind them. There was a trace of lust in his eyes.

But now I'm hungry. I'd better fill my stomach first.

Of course, the good thing is for Ke Fei to eat first. After a moment, Ke Fei, who is full of food, looks at the man with a sharp mouth. This guy is very sensible and goes out to have a look.

This time I look more carefully. After confirming that Yang Ling has gone completely, I nod to Ke Fei and fat man.

Ke Fei frowns slightly. Yang Ling is not a good thing. It can be said that only the handsome and shameful boy can take them away from here.

But the fat man obviously didn't think so much. He suddenly got up, patted himself and said with a smile: "Jin Muyu, you let that handsome guy down several times. It seems that he doesn't want you any more."

"Well, I've had enough to eat, and it's getting dark."

"The so-called match between men and women is not tiring. We have five men and five women here. I suggest we divide them into one group, one man and one woman."

"Boys can protect girls, and they can do sports together when it's dark. Monkey, do you think so? Ha ha ha ha!"

The man burst out laughing, and the monkey, the man with a pointed mouth, said with a laugh, "what fat brother said is good, that's what we should do."

"However, young master Ke, as our mainstay, naturally needs one more."

"As for Jin Muyu... He let the handsome guy down several times, and the crime was even worse. Let's punish him for contributing his girlfriend!"

"What do you think, Mr. Ke?"

The monkey is really a master of flattery. Ke Fei gets up, looks at Yi Yulan and says, "Yulan, I wanted to say before that you are such a beautiful girl friend. You are just a flower on the cow dung."

"You can follow me in the future. Let's set up a survival camp. Don't worry, I will treat you well."

You're fat.

The fat man and the other four men walked over on the spot. Yi Yulan was frightened in his eyes, and his hands shook slightly when he grasped Jin Muyu

"You, what are you going to do!"

Jin Mu Yu fiercely stood up, but the words just came out, but he was hit in the face by the monkey and fainted on the spot.

The fat man stretched out his hand to catch Yi Yulan. At this time, Jin Muyu rushed up and pushed the fat man hard.

It's a pity that Jin Muyu was always a good boy who abides by the law and the rules of the school. He never had a fight with anyone. In this case, he just pushed others, but also a fat man. It can't be effective.


The fat man kicked Jin Muyu's stomach, then grabbed Yi Yulan with a smile. Yi Yulan ran away with a scream, but let the fat man catch a blank.

It's just that the room is so big that it's impossible to run away.

Jin Mu Yu is desperate to rush up again, but he is pressed to the ground by monkey and another man.

Jin Muyu's eyes were wide open, and the girls were screaming. Ke Fei's mouth showed a grim smile, and he saw Yi Yulan was about to be caught. At this time, Jin Muyu suddenly roared: "stop it

"Stop it!"

It seems that a circle of invisible sound waves spread. For a moment, the fat man's body actually stopped moving. He stood still. His brain wanted to control his hand, and then he went to catch Yi Yulan, but he couldn't

It's like the body functions are manipulated by another person. It's very weird.

The scene was silent, almost all of them felt this way, standing in the same place, while Yang Ling's eyes in the air showed a sudden color“ It's worthy of being a Dharma immortal. The order of communication is really what you say and what you do. " The road of order, the law of the road in the top 30 of Zhutian, is very powerful. At the moment, there are weak rules of order flowing around, Yang Ling has been able to determine that Jin Mu Yu has the true meaning of order in his body! Yes, it's not a fragment, it's the truth! Generally speaking, the truth can not be sensed. Even in Sendai, the truth of order can not be sensed. However, because Yang Ling has the truth of desire, it is beyond the existence of the truth of order. So, he can feel it. At this moment, with the rapid operation of skills such as deduction mastery and one mind and two uses, Yang Ling began to capture the essence of free order, hoping to understand more and condense a fragment of order in her body. This is a good thing! In the field, after the short absence of fat and others, they finally wake up. Although they don't know why they suddenly stop, it doesn't matter. After the fat man grins twice, he wants to catch Yi Yulan again. But at this moment, something unbelievable happened. The fat man wanted to catch Yi Yulan, but he ran to the monkey and slapped him hard. Shocked! This slap shocked everyone again! The monkey covered his face and said wrongly, "master Ke, why did you hit me?"“ I'll hit you? " Ke Fei was surprised: "I didn't... Yes, I hit you..." the fat man looked at his hand strangely and said: "I... what's wrong with me?"“ What's going on? " It was the fat man who beat the monkey, but the monkey said it was Mr. Ke, and Ke Fei admitted it! It's weird. It's weird. It's unbelievable. But they all think they are sober. , the fastest update of the webnovel!