All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2507


After a brief repulsion, the huge magic sword cut the terrible fireball in half!


In Jue Tian Shen's eyes, there was a color of disbelief. Although Yuan Lei was born in Yuan Guang Jing, she had achieved the power of creating the realm!

After the huge magic sword splits the fireball in half, Yuan Lei drinks up. The terrible magic Qi increases instead of retreating. The magic sword grows bigger again and cuts the crane with a roar!

"Eternal magic power!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Ling is also surprised that Yuan Lei has eternal magic power!

Eternal magic skill is the most powerful magic skill in the world.

It's no wonder that Yuan Lei has the ability to learn eternal magic skill!

Looking at the huge sword, Jue Tian Shen suddenly roared. Qianyu crane struggled hard, and something terrible happened. In the small world, which was originally a vacuum zone, the nine Tian Shen Huo suddenly and violently converged, and all converged to Qianyu crane!


The half of the crane's body burned, and the realm of the beast soared again, directly burst into the peak of the realm of creation!


The wild crane's eyes were red, and he roared like a beast. His huge head was thrown in the face of the magic sword!



There was a terrible roar. The huge heads of magic sword and thousand feather crane were like two meteorites flying in space. At the moment of collision, they burst out a very dazzling light.

The whole world seems to be in chaos.

Under the huge anti shock force, Yuan Lei burst out a mouthful of blood like a shell.

I don't know how far it will take. It's terrible!

Liu Muhan's body moves and appears behind Yuan Lei. The powerful force forms a circle that wraps Yuan Lei's whole body.

"Mu Han..."

Yuan Lei looks at Liu Mu Han, but she faints directly.

At the next moment, in this chaotic area, there was another high pitched sound of Fengming, and then a circle of magic fire swept through the chaos.

Looking around, we can see that most of the crane's body has been separated from the sky fire bead, and the expanded wings are so huge that they are afraid that they can cover the whole plain, and one wing is a violent hurricane.

This strange beast is one of the most fierce beasts Yang Ling has ever seen.

"Dragon god palace! Now it's your turn! "

Jue Tian Shen looks up to the sky and roars like crazy. The thousand feathered crane roars with it. The sound wave spreads, which is really dizzy.

However, he raised his head to the sky and roared, but he found something unusual.

I don't know when I saw the sky, but it was covered with a layer of blood. When the whole sky was covered with blood, it was the time when Jiulong Huoshen cover and tianlongzhu were separated!

At that time, there will be no energy supplement. Even Zhiyang Qianyu crane is extremely powerful, but it will run out of energy after several attacks!

After all, the people here are unparalleled!

"The moon is rising!"

Jue Tianshen roared loudly, and Zhiyang Qianyu crane's whole body stood up fiercely. After brewing for a second, both wings flapped at the same time!


In the strong wind, there are two beams of light directly toward the moon and heaven. This is the pillar of fire that condenses the fire of the nine gods to the extreme with the power of the peak of creation, which is almost the ultimate flame between heaven and earth!

Yang Ling even saw that on both sides of the pillar of fire, the virtual shadow of the fire spirit was flying. If the pillar of fire could exist for a long time, it could almost give birth to the fire spirit. It can be seen that its power is huge, and it is incomparable!

Qingling fairy is injured, and she is not a hard type.

Liu Muhan holds Yuan Lei. Yang Ling knows that it's time to do it by herself.

Yang Ling appears in front of Yue tianteng and Fang yingyu. Almost at the same time, Liu Muhan flashes behind Yang Ling holding the crumbling Yuan Lei. So does Qingling fairy, who almost instinctively hides behind them, as if it should be.

Looking at the two blazing beams of light coming from the fierce bombardment, Liu Muhan whispered: "can I help you?"

"You see, if I can't hold it, you can help me."

There is no need for the couple to show off their abilities. When they are talking, the two blazing lights have come to their eyes.

In this moment, Yang Ling is a little fingertip.

The silver particles spread out rapidly. When they touch the light column, they seem to be static.

The time of the two pillars of light is stopped by the sand of time!

The silver sand of time spread like a dragon, where the time was stopped, and the pillar of light completely stood still!

Looking at the silver particles that spread to him, Jue Tianshen's face was extremely shocked.

"Frozen time, this is the sand of time!"

In response, Jue Tianshen let the Crane put out a wall of fire, which was very powerful and cut off a layer of space in front of him, preventing the sand of time from spreading towards him!

It was just a column of light, but it was completely frozen, just like two frozen flames, motionless from top to bottom. The scene was extremely shocking.

Everyone was stunned. Yuan Lei, sober up, looked at Yang Ling's back with great admiration. There was a color of worship in the eyes of Qingling fairy, that is, yuetianteng and Fang yingyu were full of admiration.

Freezing time, strong, too strong!

It's incredibly powerful!

Liu Muhan is also admired, she also has the sand of time condensed into the hair band, but just at this moment, she thought of the hard resistance, rather than the magic means of setting a time.

To defend the strongest attack with the least cost is combat experience.

Looking at Yang Ling's back, the admiration in Liu Mu Han's heart is also overflowing.

"Ding, you have satisfied Liu Muhan and others' wish that you can understate your desire to defend against terrible attacks. The wish value is + 6000 points."

At the next moment, Yang Ling's fingertip was a little bit, but the terrible column of light, which was fixed in time, broke apart and became the purest energy, floating in the space.

At the same time, the silver particles are flying back, flying around Yangling, so beautiful.

Absolute defense!

The means to freeze time is also absolute defense!

Unless the other party's attack with the law of time, otherwise, this is absolute defense, no solution! , the fastest update of the webnovel!