All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2395

After digesting all the gains, Yang Ling became familiar with her new strength in the same place. After chatting with sister xianzun, she left the space of desire.

One day later, yanyuezong sent a lot of cultivation resources to him as he had agreed.

Good guy, after seeing so many spirit stones, Yang Ling entered the desire space again on the spot.

"Ding, the system has been upgraded successfully. Current level: lv17, current upgrade progress: 0 / 655360."

Yang Ling resolutely turned in a large number of Lingshi again.

"Ding, the system has been upgraded successfully. Current level: lv18, current upgrade progress: 0 / 1310720."

Good guy, now it's time to upgrade the megalith.

However, there are still a lot of spirit stones in this robbery.

"System, continue to turn in, complete the upgrade required."

"Ding, the host chose to turn in Lingshi, the system was upgraded successfully, the current level is lv19, and the current upgrade progress is 0 / 2621400."

This time, it will cost 2.6 million yuan. No matter how many spirit stones yanyuezong has hidden, he will not communicate with each other. Yang Ling will simply hand over the last spirit stone to the system.

After the handover, the current system upgrade progress has come to 10118 / 2621400. If you want to upgrade the system to level 20, I'm afraid it will take a long time.

The triple upgrade of the system represents the increase of the upper limit of intimacy, single wish value, upper limit of attribute point acquisition, etc.

At the same time, three new functions are added.

The function of lv17 is to transform the gathered breath of war and blood into shenglongdan, which can enhance the power of Yangling more efficiently.

And Shenglong Dan is not only Yang Ling can eat, it is also common people can eat, the premise is that he can resist the power of Shenglong Dan.

Lv18's big function has been mentioned before, and it is also Yang Ling's dream function. All system related people will give Yang Ling a certain amount of feedback power according to their own power, the system's rating and so on.

Yang Ling has been feedback to them, and finally it's their turn to play their role.

At the moment, the system has just been upgraded and they are being reevaluated. It will take a little time.

Yang Ling's explanation of lv19 is also a surprise to Yang Ling.

This time, the system finally explained the origin of the maids thoroughly. All maids were condensed by the system's willpower. Since the system came to life, it has no longer condensed the willpower around all the time. In the past, these willpower can only be fed back to Yang Ling in various ways. Now, with the obvious improvement of the system's level, although it still can't be directly strengthened Yang Ling's power, but it adds a very good way.

After the birth of the maid, she is an independent individual in essence, which is recognized by the law of heaven and earth.

In fact, in the long river of fate, they already have their own destiny, which is nothing more than the combination of destiny and Yang Ling.

They are no longer the pure crystallization of willpower, so they can give Yang Ling the same feedback power as the system related characters!

But, after all, it's not a native creature, and it belongs to Yang Ling, so the power of feedback is very limited, one tenth of each person's dragon power.

In the future, as they continue to live as human beings, their independent life style will become stronger and stronger, and their feedback power will become more and more, but it will take a long time.

Now they are inseparable from Yang Ling. Maybe one day, they will really become normal girls, but this day will start ten thousand years at least.

Now Yang Ling has a total of 2015 maids.

In other words, the maids gave him a total of 201 Longli feedback!

These forces are very simple and directly strengthen the origin of Yang Ling.

"Ding, we are enhancing the source for you. Please wait a moment."

Yang Ling once again felt that there was a huge force rising from the body, flowing all over the four limbs, it was really unbearable comfort!

In this state, Yang Ling sat in situ for a day.

When the morning recovered, his power came to the terrible 829 dragon power!

This look is really going to reach 999!

Yang Ling's feeling of sky high and wide was really incomparable, but at the same time, he felt the black air hovering around him.

"Well? The devil

To this state, he has been able to sense the existence of his own demons.

Because of the rapid rise of power in recent days, it should lead to a powerful natural calamity. But because of the suppression of emotional calamity, the calamity is presented in the form of demons.

For a moment, countless fantasies appeared in front of Yang Ling's eyes. The stories of joys and sorrows were just like lanterns in the back of Yang Ling's mind.

It turned out that the ninety-nine central demons appeared at the same time, which made him seem to be divided into ninety-nine self at the same time.All of them are experiencing the vicissitudes of life.

There are stories with Liu Muhan, with mu WANYING, with little dragon girl and so on. In the past, the things I fear most in my heart, and the people I don't want to leave, all these pictures are staged one after another.

Liu Muhan, who is far away from the earth, feels a sudden blockage in his heart. He knows that Yangling is in a disaster, but he doesn't make a phone call or even use telepathy.

Sitting on the chair in the office, her eyes were gazing out of the window at the sky, praying that her husband would be safe.

At the same time, on the crystal wall mountain of desire space, Liu Suifeng, who is thinking about something with his knees crossed, gently opens his eyes at this moment.

"Heart demon..."

Looking at Yang Ling in the distance, there was a trace of worry in her eyes.

When I waved my hand, I took some materials from the space and made 99 pieces of sandalwood to dispel the demons.

On the other hand, Leiya also felt something. As she was talking with Carlisle, she frowned and said, "Carlisle, my father seems to be closed for some time."

"Let's take care of yanyuezong."

"Why? What happened to him? "

Leiya sighed: "I feel blocked in my heart. Dad should have met a demon."

"But he's always determined. He'll be fine. Let's just wait."


Carly's eyes are also showing the color of worry, but she can't help, but can only yanyuezong things do more beautiful.

Day by day in the past, in the twinkling of an eye, it is a month has passed.

Yang Ling sat on the bluestone with his knees crossed all the time, but the evil spirit around him didn't fade away, instead, it became heavier and heavier. , the fastest update of the webnovel!