All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2391

Two little girls cleverly should be a, Yang Ling is light smile way: "everybody way friend, please sit down."

Yan Yuezhen and others are obviously not used to it.

I thought that I would face the thunder and majesty of the demon king, but I didn't expect that he should be so kind to let them sit down, which was unexpected.

Several people all looked at Yan Yue. After he was silent for a while, he still saluted slightly and said, "you are welcome. We are defeated generals. We dare not sit down."

"Let you sit down, where can you get so much nonsense?"

Leiya snorted, with a trace of oppression, several people were trembling.

This goblin is the real daughter of the demon king. Her strength is also an expert who can't be provoked.

Yanyue and others never dreamed that they would be given such a light drink by a little girl, but they said with a bitter smile: "yes Follow your royal highness. "

Then he took the lead and sat down.

The rest of the people are calm, careful to do down, the only dare not sit is Chu mengbai, as a junior, just quietly standing behind Yue Qingya, looking at Yang Ling's eyes, with a trace of panic.

In fact, Yang Ling is still observing them at the moment, worthy of being semi saint. These people are still not completely out of proportion in the face of their own and Leiya's strength.

In addition, Chu mengbai is also good, but also dare to look at her, for others, I'm afraid it can only be low head, even to see their own courage.

A few people all sit down, the tea is also poured, Yang Ling said with a smile: "a few Taoist friends, I don't want to say more nonsense, what's the situation now, I think you all know very well."

"In the general direction, you have two choices."

"First, yanyuezong has become a subordinate sect of our dragon god palace since then. I can keep your orthodoxy. Take the vassal states as an example, you pay tribute to our dragon god palace every quarter."

"In addition, my subordinates told me that the Mountain Gate of your Yanyue sect is good. My dragon god palace will move to your Yanyue mountains for the time being, but it will not interfere in your daily affairs."

"The second choice, if you don't agree, it's very simple. Yanyuezong will be removed, and all his disciples will be killed."

"Give you a cup of tea to think about."

This speech, Leiya smile, and Yan month real person and others look at each other, but they all smile bitterly.

Is there any other choice?

Isn't that a threat?

But they are also very clear that it is the greatest luck for them to retain the orthodoxy.

"Ding, you smashed the wish of Yanyue and others to choose. Attribute points + 309 points."

Yes, they have no choice.

Yue Qingya said with a bitter smile, "elder martial brother, you can decide."

Obviously, this beautiful woman also knows that she has no choice.

Yan Yue's eyes swept over two younger martial brothers and one younger martial sister. After a moment's silence, she sighed a little. Then she got up and knelt down in front of Yang Ling. She said respectfully, "my subordinates, please see the Dragon God."

Seeing this, Yang Ling showed a smile in his eyes. He said with a light smile, "the Dragon God is not me, but my daughter. Please see her."

"See you, young master. See you, Princess dragon."

Yan Yue takes the lead. Although Yue Qingya and others are reluctant, they have to kneel down in order to protect the clan and its disciples.

Looking at the five people kneeling down in front of her, Leiya's eyes were full of excitement, but she waved her hand calmly and said: "very good, those who know current affairs are heroes."

"Today, although you are under the jurisdiction of our dragon god palace, the dragon god palace is just an estate of our family. As the co owner of my father's family, you still need to be filial in the future. Do you understand?"


Several people should be one after another, but they were shocked again.

Such a huge dragon god palace, with such a strong military force, is just an industry of the family?

What kind of family are they? What terrible things exist in them!

Yan Yue and others set off a storm in their hearts, but they did not dare to ask. Although the head of the family was indifferent, he was still afraid of the means just now.

The crush of strength made them unable to resist at all.

Taking advantage of this Kung Fu, Yang Ling said in her heart: "system, test the loyalty of several people in front of me."

"Ding, testing, please wait."

"Ding, Yanyue, loyalty: 71."

"Monthly innocence loyalty: 75..."

Under a series of prompts, Yang Ling found that none of them was over 80, but they were not very low. The loyalty of 70 pairs was the kind of people who would not betray immediately.

"Ding, Chu mengbai: 89."

Finally, the prompt sound of Chu mengbai makes Yang Ling slightly stunned. She looks at the woman, but finds that the woman is also looking at herself. When she sees his eyes, she lowers her head in a hurry.Of course, Yang Ling also knows how high her accomplishments are and how handsome her looks are. She is a very popular type among girls. If there are many girls who are loyal to her, she won't take them too seriously.

"Now that the general direction has been determined, we can talk about the details after that," he said calmly

"Although the war has been turned into war, you are the first one to start the war. Well, three quarters of the cultivation resources of your clan will be used as war compensation and sent to our dragon god palace in three days. Is that ok?"

This speech, a few people are fierce a Leng, then the face showed ugly expression.

Three quarters of zongmen's resources are a huge sum of money. It's the huge wealth that yanyuezong has obtained by exploiting the affiliated zongmen and the working people for many years. The master of this family has even opened his mouth to three quarters!

Sure enough, the more handsome the boy, the more terrible it is?

But at the moment, they have no choice. Yanyue said with a wry smile, "I will obey the order of the young master. Within three days, the resources will be delivered."


Yang Ling said calmly: "at that time, I will send my maid to follow you and check the resources of the clan. If I find you playing tricks, I will immediately implement the second plan to destroy your Yanyue clan."

A few people are in the heart a quiver, will head low of lower.

The maids of the demon king's family are all semi holy. They may not even be able to beat a maid if they really fight. How dare they hide anything.

"This is number one."

Yang Ling continued: "will you go to my dragon god palace news notice the world, no problem?"


"When I go back, I'll send someone to contact the main departments..."

Yanyue real person's mouth feels very bitter and astringent, and has an impulse to spurt blood. , the fastest update of the webnovel!