All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2381

This crane is the spirit beast of the wind attribute, Yang Ling moved the mind.

If we could have a large number of these cranes, wouldn't our Elven army also have mounts?

The maids don't need mounts because they have all the equipment, but the elves are different.

Moreover, Yang Ling thinks that the fighting power of the fairy girls is not very strong in the innate environment. When she meets the same level experts, she is afraid that she will be hanged. At this time, there is a crane who is almost cultivated. That's different.

This crane became what Yang Ling needed in the war.

I'm a man with a riding manual.

But before that, the first thing to do is to defeat this army of cranes. Some of their own armored men can't bear it.

These corpse soldiers have no life in essence, so they can't get the recovery effect of Bing Xin Jue. They can't bear it.

I saw Yang Ling gently clap the storage bag, and a golden drum appeared in front of me. This was the war prop I had drawn before. Tianlong Jujiang drum!

I wanted to give it to Leiya before, but I haven't had a chance. I haven't used it. It will come in handy.

"Why? This drum... "

Leiya fell in love with it as soon as she saw it. She gently brushed the surface of the golden drum, and tianlongju immediately made a slight drum sound.


"Dad, this is a good thing. When did you have such a baby?"

Leiya seems to have such a feeling that she can't put it down. Yang Ling snorts: "put it down. You just behaved badly. This thing won't give you."


Leiyayang took back her hand, patted her brain and said, "by the way, Dad, it's women's day. People say that women are over 14 years old, so am I!"

"As a member of the broad masses of women compatriots, I have to make contributions to the cause of our humanity, don't I?"

"Now, these aliens are so hateful, I just need this golden drum to boost the morale of our army!"

"In ancient times, Hua Mulan joined the army for his father, but now Yang Jinlei beat drums for his father!"

"You don't have to beat the drum for me."

Yang Ling didn't have a good way: "with so many twists and turns, you just want my drum, but I don't want you to be happy today."

Then he turned to C8 and said, "C8, this drum is for you. Now I'm going to beat the drum."


C8 naturally obeyed the order and immediately stepped forward and began to beat the golden drum.

"Dong, Dong, Dong..."

Rhythm of the sound of the drum, and faster and faster, with the vibration of the drum, there are circles of golden light spread.

Hearing the drumbeat coming from the lower part of the array, the Dragon Knights were shocked in their hearts, as if there was a voice shouting in their hearts to fight the enemy bravely.

They feel that there is a continuous flow of power in their bodies, which makes them break through themselves and improve their combat effectiveness!

Tianlong Jujiang drum: our morale increases by 20% and enemy morale decreases by 20%

moreover, this drum is no different. Within the range of golden light diffusion, all our units can receive gains, including dead puppets and corpses!


The demons roared up to the sky, and their blood red eyes were shining fiercely. On the puppet side, their puppet core was shining, and their combat effectiveness was also improved.

On the other hand, the armored men also received combat power blessing. With the large-scale buff blessing, the morale of the monster army was greatly boosted. On the contrary, after hearing the drumming, the people of yanyuezong were shocked one by one, and a feeling of irritability and depression rose inexplicably.

No matter friars or ordinary soldiers, or even cranes, they all feel that the rhythm of their moves is disturbed by the drumming, which makes their combat effectiveness drop rapidly.

For a moment, the situation on the battlefield tilted.

It is because of the appearance of Tianlong Jujiang drum that the balance of victory appears such an obvious tilt for the first time!

Yan yuezong's four masters don't look good one by one. They thought that the appearance of the crane army could play a decisive role, but they didn't expect that people's means against each other were endless. They were thousands of iron soldiers in the innate realm.

That's all right. At least they are equally matched, but what they can't imagine is that the other side still has such war artifact!

This drum power is too big, after hearing, even let them such masters have a upset feeling!

Thinking that the mountain gate is under attack now, and that the front battlefield has been fighting for a long time, they have a premonition that if this battle continues like this, they will have to account for their foundation of living in the gate for tens of thousands of years!

"Ding, you have satisfied our combat unit's wish to be cheered by beating the drum and gain wish value + 4800 points."

"Ding, you smashed the other party's desire not to boost the morale of the enemy. Attribute points + 4800."

"Ding, you have fulfilled Leiya's wish to get Tianlong Jujiang drum. The wish value is + 480 points."After a series of system prompts, Yang Ling looks at her smiling daughter and shows a slight smile at the corner of her mouth.

He gave the golden drum to C8, in fact, he gave it to his daughter.

As a parent, she always hopes to leave good things to her children. Although Yang Ling has reached such a status, she is still vulgar.

He knows that sometimes he dotes on these children too much. Half of his sister Lin Xue is spoiled by him. Although his daughter is relatively strict, there are always times when she is soft hearted.

That's the preference.

It's a blatant preference, but what can I do? Who makes her Leiya and her own daughter.

When she saw that her army of lizards was in high spirits and began to dominate, Leiya clapped and giggled happily and said, "Dad, this drum is so easy to use!"

"With this thing, our army will surely look down upon us!"

"When the time comes, you will sweep Liuhe, create a wasteland, and push three thousand worlds. In the future, you will be the master of the universe!"

Leiya seems very happy, has completely forgotten just a little butt was heavy things, holding Yang Ling's arm giggle.

Looking at her daughter, Yang Ling said with a smile: "what horizontal push three thousand, the earth has not been horizontal push."

"OK, they are all from Dadu. They are still holding dad's arm. They are not afraid of jokes when they are seen?"

"There's a light curtain. People can't see it!"

Leiya said with pride, "and I don't think it's too late for them to laugh at me and envy me."

Yang Ling smiles and shakes her head. Her heart is full of joy.

I didn't expect that this day longjujiang drum is so easy to use. Are the marching powder, the design drawing of the high-speed car, and the continuous launching catapult also very powerful?

He can't wait to make it.

Looking at the sky, he said with a faint smile: "yanyuezong, there are cards to make out as soon as possible, this day, will soon be bright." , the fastest update of the webnovel!