All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2379

Leiya said curiously, "you convey such correct values to the people, but we don't talk about aunts first. No matter how old or young the family is, money is not money at all."

"They say our family is double standard."

"Well, that's right, but it's not right."

Yang Ling said with a light smile: "it's really bad to spend money lavishly. Our family has a bad habit for a long time."

"But it's not a question of whether it's standard or not. If you have money, you can buy millions or tens of millions of gifts for your loved ones."

"It's not advisable to wear a hat as big as you have a big head and to make a fat face."

"In fact, in the final analysis, it is the material society in essence, the concept of money supremacy caused by material desires."

"In your grandparents' time, everyone was enthusiastic and devoted their youth to the country. Few people worshiped money. Joan was a little poor, but that was the time when youth was flying and blood was burning."

Liu Muhan said with a faint smile: "maybe when cultivation, knowledge and technology replace the importance of money in people's hearts, the era of youth and blood that you miss will reappear."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "that era has already appeared, but it is hidden in the hearts of some people."

"I think of it occasionally, and I will never forget it."

Liu Mu Han said with a smile: "when I am reincarnated next time, maybe you can go back to that era, but maybe you are just a child."

Say words son, she also giggled, several people said after a while, Liu Mu Han want to assign a task, then hang up the communication.

Yang Ling also took back her thoughts. Now what she wants to do is fight, fight!

"Well, I'll have supper. Let's go."

Said body movement is to leave the room, Leiya see this will drink the wine in the cup, quickly follow.

At the moment, the fierce battle all over the sky is still going on, and there is no sign of easing. After Yang Ling nods to miss C8 who is saluting, she looks at the accumulation of her war chest.

Good guy, it's already 15, which is much more than the previous wars with Haizu.

Sure enough, after the continuous upgrade of the system, the benefits have been thoroughly revealed.

At the same time, he has been collecting the gas of war and blood with the skill of one mind and two uses. The core furnace in the desire space has been completely burned, and constantly has the power to nourish his body.

The first World War is equivalent to decades of hard work.

The daughter around him is still reciting words and is also beginning to perform secret arts. He doesn't have such things as the core melting pot, but because he has XiaoLongNu's xianzunlong blood in his body, and he has been with Su Qiling for a long time, he has also achieved a little in swallowing the heavenly demons. After the combination of these two situations, she is really gifted and can absorb almost all the energy directly.

She also began to swallow up the gas of war quickly. Looking at her intoxicated expression, she was more happy than drinking just now.

With a faint smile, Yang Ling looked up at the sky and said strangely, "it's almost time. Don't you come back yet?"

As Yang Ling said, with the passage of time, yanyuezong River obviously suffered some losses.

Originally, the Dragon Knight army with the advantage of equipment and the yanyuezong friar army with the advantage of number are in a similar situation, but they can't stand the nanny tornado released by Yang Ling.

It's not easy for you to cut off the Dragon Knight's armor and give him a knife in the chest, but the wind of recovery swept by, but in the blink of an eye, the injury on the chest recovered directly. Another dragon is alive. Who can bear it.

Play online games do not bring such a play.

The morale of the friars was not very high. Under such circumstances, some people had to grease their feet and run away.

"Ding, you smashed the desire of yanyuezong that they didn't want you to be a wet nurse. Attribute point + 4800."

Yang Ling secretly laughs in the heart, haven't exerted oneself, otherwise Lao Tzu's milk quantity frightens you to death.

Looking at another battle group, it seems that the battle between xuxingchong and golden beetle will be divided, but the situation here is just the opposite.

With the passage of time, the beetle has been in the downwind.

Yang Ling found that many of her empty beetles were dragging the beetles. She was at a loss and was spinning around in the same place. She knew that they wanted to feed the corpses to the females, so that the females could evolve.

In this case, Yang Ling directly transferred those insects into the space of desire with the unique knowledge of void Sutra.

It's not to open the space, but to transfer directly out of thin air. In this way, the four masters of yanyuezong, who are also in the semi holy realm, will not notice the existence of desire space.

The semi Saint already has a certain ability to attack the space wall, but if it is not exposed, it will not be found. If it is not found, it will not be able to attack the space wall.

In the space, the huge female insect began to devour the dense body of scarab, only to see the original dark female insect, its wings began to appear golden, which is an evolutionary trend.Once the female insect evolves, the insects born from it will also evolve, which can upgrade its insect army!

Yang Ling is very satisfied with the result.

On the other side, the four masters of yanyuezong looked at each other, and yueqingya said with a bitter smile: "elder martial brother, do you need me to destroy the recovery tornado?"

Yan Yue took a look at the younger martial sister and sighed: "you are fighting against the tornado. You are fighting against Yang Ling directly. The devil's strength is unfathomable. I don't know if we can beat him with the strength of the four of us."

The tall man said in a deep voice, "it's not yet this time."

"Elder martial brother, I think it's time to use the spirit beast army."

"Yes, it's time."

Yanyue sighed, but he took out a ring, waiting for a toss in mid air!

The ring glowed directly, and then, in the distant mountains, there was a vibration and a sound of calling.

Yang Ling looked up, but saw a large number of cranes flying in the distance, at least two or three thousand, and all of them are congenital!

Good guy, this yanyuezong has a lot of information.

Sure enough, the Big Mac clan can't be easily defeated.

Yang Ling knew very well that if these cranes were allowed to rush into the battlefield, they would cause a certain degree of damage to their own lizard troops, and unnecessary casualties could not be avoided.

With a wave of his big hand, a black cloud burst out, but among them was a large group of armored men wrapped in the iron frame.

Yes, these people are the armored forces transformed by Yang Ling Tianwei's divine light!

I haven't appeared for a long time, but in Yang Ling's words, even a rag has its own use. , the fastest update of the webnovel!