All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2374

"Tools of war..."

Yue Qingya said in disbelief: "elder martial brother, do you mean that this silver haired girl, like our moon giant, is made under the chance of heaven and earth?"

"Very likely."

Yan Yue nodded and said, "if we can't feel the realm in the situation of fighting, either it has no realm, or it surpasses us too much, that is the holy realm."

"Heaven and earth do not allow sanctification, and even if the silver haired girl is powerful, it can not be the existence of the holy land. This is the only explanation."

Several people smell speech is some can't accept, month pure elegant looking at below that regiment light curtain, that pair of beautiful eyes seem to have penetrated the light curtain, saw among them Yang Ling.

"This is Yang Ling. He can make such a war girl. He is less than 50 years old. He is so versatile. What kind of existence is he..."

This woman's voice at the moment also has some tremble, before slightly disdain attitude dissipates many.

For the first time, he was curious about a man much younger than himself.

"Ding, you satisfy the Dragon Knight army's wish to have an expert to resist the giant of moonlight. The wish value is + 4800 points."

"Ding, you smashed the desire of Yanyue sect that they didn't want the moon giant to be resisted. Attribute points + 4800."

As soon as you come and go, you will get close to 10000 points, which is too easy to earn!

Yang Ling's heart is not happy, and looked at the rapid condensation of the gas of war and the core furnace is constantly absorbing all kinds of breath synthesis, the rolling force constantly blessing on himself, he found that he has gone further and further on the road of invincibility.


A roar sounded out of thin air, and the moon giant actually agglomerated and formed again under the condition of fragmentation. In its heart, the embrace of absorbing the moonlight loomed.

Obviously, if you don't break this treasure, the moon giant will never be destroyed.

2B drinks lightly and launches the phantom attack of pot again. Only this time, there are layers of moonlight barriers around the moon giant, which block the phantom attack.

This giant is one of the details of Yanyue sect, which will not be easily eliminated.

The special attack mode of pot has entered the CD charging state, and the kinetic energy bomb is still continuously launched. Meanwhile, 2b rushes up with a long knife, and begins a fierce fight with the moon giant.

2B's petite body is like an ant in front of the moon giant, but she is extremely flexible and powerful.

For a time, 2b still has the advantage!

At the same time, the battlefield once again opened a fierce war, Yang Ling looked up, the sky is like star wars, not magnificent.

"It's been calculated."

He sighed that the moon tonight is really round, and the moon giant can continue to have the power to supplement. As long as it is still night, it will be more difficult for 2b to really fight the moon giant.

It's really a big Mac sect, and the calculation is very good.

However, it doesn't matter. For the sake of war, Yang Ling's obsession with victory and defeat is only for the sake of dominating the field. There is no hatred between the two sides.

In fact, his greater desire is to collect more war spirit, gather more war treasure boxes and earn more points.

Looking down, a lot of puppets are still wandering around. They seem aimless when they lose their goal.

Yang Lingyi waved his hand and gave the puppet a direct command: to attack the nearby yuefenggu.

This is also a small clan gate. When the puppets are moving at full speed, they should arrive tomorrow morning. Yang Ling estimates that all the friars of Fenggu this month have been transferred to the front battlefield here. Now the gate is empty.

Of course, we need to plunder a wave of resources. We can get back as much as we can. Even if we can't get back, we can distract the monks in the battlefield and increase their chances of winning.

The puppets received Yang Ling's command and immediately rushed to the direction of yuefenggu. At the same time, the demons wandering on the grassland seemed to have been used to the existence of puppets, and a large number of demons rushed out with the puppets.

For a moment, the mighty army was facing the golden hair of yuefenggu, and there was no army on the road that could stop them.

The main force of the Allied forces of the Empire has collapsed in this war, and along the way there is a broad and invincible road.

"No, Yang Ling wants to take advantage of the fire!"

Among the four masters, the tall man showed an ugly look on his face, but Yanyue sighed: "this man is not only outstanding in cultivation, but also a man who has experienced many battles. This kind of attack is really high."

Yue Qingya is even more curious in her eyes. She is always thinking, what kind of person is a young man less than 50 years old, who has strong cultivation and has experienced many battles?Yueqingya, which used to be the most intense, is now the quietest one.

The tall man said with a bitter smile, "elder martial brother, what should we do now?"

Yanyue said calmly: "I have thought about the possibility of this situation before, and have given early warning."

With that, he nodded to a young disciple standing behind him, who immediately went to preach.

The terrible puppet and demon army have rushed out of sight under the rapid attack, but to Yang Ling's surprise, an army has been killed in the distance.

The poisonous gas transpiration makes people pay attention to it.

Looking closely, these armies are not as bright as the imperial regular army. They wear everything.

Yang Ling really saw that some of them should be prisoners, others should be all kinds of people in the Jianghu, as well as the servants of the major families and so on.

Only then did he realize that the composition of Tianyue star is quite complicated. The unit at the top of the food chain is zongmen. That's right, but under the zongmen there are empires. Under the empires there are major cultivation families and various martial arts schools.

This group of people may even be a little more powerful than the Imperial Army in terms of individual combat ability.

There are also some prisoners who are not afraid of death and just for meritorious service. Good guy, the fighting capacity of this wave of people is beyond Yang Ling's expectation.

The two torrents collided, but the puppets and Demons suffered a loss and were hacked and killed.

These people may be the last details of Yanyue sect among the people.

"Ding, the cohesion speed of war treasure chest is accelerated."

The system's prompt sound, Yang Ling's eyes showed a shallow smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!