All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2370

This discovery made many soldiers despair.

If you continue to fight like this, you will die. It will be your turn to die in the battlefield!

This kind of emotion spread quickly, and some people began to retreat quietly.

The generals immediately found this situation, they yelled to stop, but in this case, it makes people more desperate.

Yang Ling accurately captured this fighter plane, turned to look at her daughter, good guy, Leiya is still wrestling with the branches to deduce the secret.

Is it that hard?

He did not disturb his daughter, but gave a fatal blow.

At the tip of his finger, a golden lightning burst into the sky and exploded the next moment.

The lightning seemed to be a signal bomb, and the ground began to boom and vibrate.

In the distance, there is a black torrent coming, but there are countless demons!

Before leaving Carlyle, there has been a demon army following her to build a position outside, in her words, the battle.

Now, the power of this struggle has come!

This new force of demons surged in, they were almost crazy by the pungent smell of blood in the air, this burst out, it's a complete fury!

"It's over. I'm sure I'll lose..."

Some people uttered a voice of despair, looking at the tide of demons, not only the ordinary soldiers, but also the imperial generals.

At a certain moment, I don't know who dropped the weapon, turned and ran in the direction of going back!

This triggered the avalanche effect.

From a group of people, to a large group of people, to all the imperial soldiers, all began to retreat!

Once this kind of retreat happens in a battlefield of tens of millions of people, it is no longer possible for human resources to recover it.

On the vast front battlefield, the Allied forces of the Empire were defeated like a mountain. The soldiers ran for their lives, while the puppets and demons were crazy to fight against the defeated army.

For this reason, the war between mortals is over.

The Empire allied forces have lost thousands of troops!


The demons rush on madly, and the whole battlefield is already the world of demons and puppets.

In the sky, the four masters in the cloud looked at each other, and all sighed slightly.

At the same time, the monks in Caiyun look a little ugly. The war between mortals has failed. How much information does the devil have?

How many cards does he still have to show?

Many people are playing the retreat drum in their hearts, looking at the young people hiding in a light curtain below, their eyes show the color of fear.

"Ding, you smashed the desire of yanyuezong people not to lose the war. Attribute points + 4800 points."

"Ding, you smashed the desire of the imperial alliance not to be defeated. Attribute points + 4800."

"Ding, you have satisfied some distant audience's wish that yanyuezong will fail. Wish + 4800 points."

"Ding, it's detected that your monster army has won the battle of the Great Plains. This is the first time that the aliens have defeated the aborigines of Tianyue star in the frontal battlefield. The system determines that you have dominated a large area, wish value + 4800 points, wish treasure box + 1, cultivation progress + 1, current progress: 27 / 12."

"Ding, you will be rewarded with an additional war chest * 1 for this battle. Your current number of treasure chest: 10."

Hearing the sound of the system, Yang Ling showed a faint smile at the corner of her mouth.

The battle was a great victory, but it was only for a while. The real battle was between monks.

Sure enough, the monks of yanyuezong did it. They couldn't let the imperial soldiers be hunted and consumed like this.

After all, these soldiers are also the population, the labor force and the targets of their exploitation.


A pillar of light fell from the sky, and a stroke on the plain made a deep mark.

On one side of the deep scar are the imperial soldiers who ran away, and on the other side are the puppets who chased frantically!

Many demons rushed too hard to brake and fell directly into the pit. They were damaged for a while.

Yang Ling didn't care. He looked at the army of lizards on the stone mountain in the distance, but it was a little fingertip.

A golden light explodes in mid air again. This is the thunder of exorcism. Only Yang Ling and Leiya can have it.

When the electric light explodes in mid air, it indicates that the battle of friars in the night will start!

On the Rocky Mountain, pterosaurs vibrated their wings one after another, carrying their knights to the sky.

On the other side, the huge colored clouds in the sky cracked, from which the dense friars flew out. Most of the friars stepped on a colored cloud. Although they may only have the cultivation of exuviating from the ordinary world, they could fly in the sky under the magic weapon of this incarnation of tens of millions of colored clouds.And look at their ability to control magic weapon, very flexible, without the slightest maladjustment, it is obvious that they have been trained for a long time.

Without any prefix, black and white torrents collided in the sky!



The sound of continuous fighting between gold and iron sounded, and the army of black armored lizards rode on a pterosaur, waving their spears and halberds.

The friars of yanyuezong, holding a long sword and a long sword, also had a hard fight in the front.

Maybe I haven't experienced such a level of fighting for a long time. Whether it's the lizard army or the monks of yanyuezong, it's not suitable for a while. When the black and white torrents collided, no one fell from the sky.

Next, two torrents crisscross the battle together, the sky is dotted with colorful, the scene is extremely shocking.

Yang Ling looked up at the sky and saw that in the chaos army, moxika, holding a machete, was violently fighting with a monk of Yanyue sect.

This friar of Yanyue sect is also of strength type. His whole body muscles seem to be very explosive. Sparks are splashing between their weapons when they collide. Both sides are gnashing their teeth. The strength seems to be between Bo and Zhong.

Jima is also fighting a fierce battle with a male monk, but this male monk obviously underestimated Jima's fighting power, but was suppressed at the beginning.

Yang Ling's eyes were fixed on a fierce lizard leader standing on the dragon's back.

This man was holding a big axe. He just went down with an axe and directly split a mid-term monk in front of him into two parts. Between the blood spraying, the monk died on the spot. The colored clouds scattered, turned into little colored lights and flew back to the huge colored clouds in the distance.

But at the same time, his back was slashed by another monk who was in the world! , the fastest update of the webnovel!