All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 224

Faced with such a situation, the director is much calmer than expected.

After taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice, "Mr. Yang deserves to be Yang Dong. Have you been calculating me for a long time?"

Yang Ling said with a smile, "we are each other."

"It's a pity, Li Dong, you've tried your best to be defeated by this son."

Li Weiping sneered: "talk less nonsense, open a price!"


Yang Ling said with a smile: "you should know that I like to step on other people's hands and feet most in my life. Young master Li took out all the soy sauce, so it's natural to step on the limbs."

"Well, 2% of the stock in one arm, we'll pay for it on one hand and deliver it on the other."


As soon as this speech comes out, everyone pours out the air-conditioner, looks at Yang Ling as if seeing a ghost!

This little man is on purpose. Since Li Li appeared, everything was in his calculations.

They even suspect that he is here to engage in Li Dong!

Now, 2% of the shares in one arm are 700 million yuan!

The total number of limbs is 2.8 billion. This 28 million villa is nothing!


Ren supervisor looked at Yang Ling with fear, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his hair was inverted.

Li Li also heard this, he is not a fool, think of just now Yang Ling seems to be forcing him to cook, the whole face red, struggling to cry: "Dad, let's kill him, kill him!"


A crisp sound, followed by a heartrending scream!

People were horrified to find that Li Li's leg twisted in a strange angle and had been completely broken!

Yang Ling sneered and looked at Li Weiping. He said calmly, "compared with money, I prefer to crush human bones."

"I won't tell you any more nonsense. I'll count three times, either give the shares or I'll scrap it, and directly send the video to the police. You can choose by yourself."



just counting two times, Li Weiping suddenly whispered: "wait a minute!"

"Yang Ling, I can't give you shares, but I can give you money. One billion is enough!"


with a smile, Yang Ling directly connected her three feet and crushed Li Li's other leg and two arms!

After the shrill and incomparable scream sounded, Li Li's head tilted directly and fainted in pain.

Yang Ling kicked the man in front of Li Weiping as if he had kicked a dead dog. He said calmly, "you chose it yourself."

At the moment, the whole audience was stunned. No one thought that Yang Ling would simply be like this, not a billion dollars, and there was no room for negotiation!

I really like stepping on bones more than money

"Ding, you smashed Li Weiping's wish that his son would not be abolished. Attribute point + 1.

at the moment, Li Weiping held his son, and his whole face was distorted. He gritted his teeth and said," Yang Ling, I still wanted to talk to you. Since you are determined to get rid of me, don't blame me! "


Yang Ling sneered: "do you think I am an idiot?"

"It's not the first time I've seen these SUVs."


People can't understand this, but Li Weiping is cold-blooded.

He looked at Yang Ling in fear and said in a trembling voice, "it's you. It's you."

"Who the hell are you?"


"It doesn't matter who I am," Yang Ling said indifferently

"But as I said this morning, all of you are just a bunch of garbage in my eyes." , the fastest update of the webnovel!