All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 217

Yang Ling looked at the past and then frowned.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he directly took a few people to push open the glass door.

Four etiquette Miss is very professional, immediately said: "welcome to Nanhu villa area."

Yang Ling smiles and nods, and the group of saleswomen are surprised to see Yang Ling.

This little brother's temperament doesn't look like an ordinary family's child, and he looks too good-looking!

"Why, this man is a little familiar? Where do you think you've seen it? "

"Fart, can you forget such a handsome man?"

Because Yang Ling's charm value was only a few points when she became a ghost animal star in the college entrance examination, but now it has reached 16 o'clock. Her facial features are more delicate and beautiful, and her skin is tender and elastic, which is a little different from that time. Therefore, it is difficult to associate Yang Ling with a person.

Ren said with a sneer: "what's the use of being handsome? The gap between the upstarts and the real upper class is too big."

"They're supposed to be here to take pictures and show off. Who of you can deal with it."

All the women hesitated when they heard the speech. It was a happy thing to accompany the handsome man. But when the young master and the manager are coming, they have to dress themselves up. In case they are looked upon by others, they can also be lovers?

Luxury car brand is coming?

It seems to be to see the idea of this group of women, Ren supervisor chuckled, looked at the girl not far away, indifferent way: "small seven, you go."

"Ah OK

The woman, known as Xiao Qi, immediately stepped forward and said kindly, "Hello, are you here to see the house? Shall I show you around? "

Yang Ling looked at her and said with a smile, "dye Qi, don't you know me?"

"We are the same table in junior high school."


"You are really Yang..."

Dye seven words have not finished, he was interrupted by Yang Ling, he said with a smile: "go, look at the house."

Then he walked forward and ran Qi was surprised to see the back of his old classmate and quickly followed up with Yang Xue and others.

A moment later, in the beautiful villa area, Ranqi said in surprise, "Yang Ling, you are really there. You can be the first in the country!"

"Junior high school that can't see you so clever!"

Yang Ling said with a smile: "no way, if you are close to the red, you will be black if you are close to the ink. Can you do well at the same table with you?"

"Well? What are you talking about

Dye seven face a red, hummed: "you are ink, that will take advantage of my sleep to cut my hair, make me cry all night, I can still remember it."

Yang Ling said with a smile, "is it reasonable for you to sleep in class?"

"I'm trying to give you a little bit of memory, for your own good, you know?"

"It's reasonable to cut and cut my hair!"

When the old classmates met, naturally, they talked more, while Yang Jianjun and others on one side were all looking at the house and sighing one after another.

It's really a beautiful villa area.

Yang Xue suddenly said in a loud voice: "brother, I want to buy a swimming pool!"

"My parents are going to take the garden!"

"Sister Siyin and Xiaoyi want to take a big balcony!"

Dye Qi said with a smile: "little sister, there is only one such villa area. The price is very..."

Before you said it, Yang Ling said with a smile: "it's better to have a lawn ahead. I have to stop the helicopter."

Ranqi opens his mouth. There is a swimming pool, a garden, a large balcony and a place to stop the helicopter. Is this family talking about cross talk? , the fastest update of the webnovel!