All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 215

Yang Ling looked at Yang Xue and said honestly, "she is more beautiful."



Yang Xue angrily twisted his head, and the rest of the corner of his eyes saw Yang lingzheng laughing at himself. His face was red, and he pursed his mouth and said, "what about Xiaoyi? People like you very much!"

Yang Ling said with a faint smile: "there are many people who like me, and there may be more in the future."

"I believe everyone around me knows that."

"The marriage in the world stresses the word" fate ". When it comes to fate, it will come naturally."

Yang Xue blinked her eyes as if she didn't understand. The next moment, she gently hugged Yang Ling's waist and whispered: "I don't care about other things. I'm your sister. I want to follow you all my life. You can't urge me to get married in the future."

Yang Ling touched her head with a faint smile on her face.

Nanhu villa area, a residential area by the lake, has beautiful scenery and fresh air. There are 81 villas in the whole park, which was developed by Muhua group the year before last.

At the door of the sales center, a white horse I8 stopped, and several beautiful sales ladies inside immediately welcomed them out.

There were four people on the bus, including Yang Jianjun and his wife, Chu Siyin and Chen Yi.

As soon as they got off the bus, four beautiful etiquette ladies at the door saluted at the same time and said, "welcome."

A beautiful sales lady with a professional smile said: "Hello, are you coming to see the house?"

Unfortunately, under this question, no one spoke.

The saleslady looked at the four people before them. The middle-aged men and women dressed casually. At first glance, they were ordinary wage earners. The two girls around them were lovely, but they were dressed in ordinary clothes. They didn't look like rich people.

After staying in this kind of place for a long time, she can see some famous people naturally. She said with a wisp of disdain in her eyes: "a few, what's the matter, please?"

Yang Jianjun had been poor for most of his life. When had he seen such a battle, he said with some embarrassment: "we are waiting for my son here..."

"Wait for the son?"

The salesgirl looks unhappy.

This is a high-end villa area. Who is your son who makes you wait here?

If not for Yang Jianjun and others are driving BMW I8 to change other cars, I'm afraid she has left.

Out of respect for BMW, she said politely: "if you wait for someone, please park your car in the parking space first."

Yang Jianjun glanced at the sales hall through the glass. The interior decoration was magnificent. Although the four etiquette ladies in the door were tall and handsome, they made him feel a little nervous.

"Siyin, let's listen to this lady and stop the car quickly," he said

Along the way, the two elders all know the relationship between Chu Siyin and Yang Ling's brother and sister. Naturally, they like this beautiful girl with a sweet mouth.

Chu Siyin was careless and did not think much about it. She nodded and said, "uncle and aunt, it's hot outside. You take Xiaoyi to the sales hall to enjoy the cool. I'll drive to buy you some bottles of water to drink."

Then he started the car and drove away slowly.

Well, the only person who has seen the scene has left. Yang Jianjun and others are at a loss in the eyes of Miss sales.

The sales lady's eyes showed the color of disdain, she said faintly: "if you look at the house, please sit inside, if the light and others, please wait outside." , the fastest update of the webnovel!