All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 211

The whole audience cheered, but a few people's faces showed a very ugly expression.

In addition to those girls who ridicule Yang Xue, there is also his cousin Lin Dong.

Before this can be regarded as all relatives and friends in the eyes of God's son, this time is also full of effort to test a good place.

And he did get 590 points, which is a very good score, but compared with Yang Ling's 750 points, it was rubbish.

He was forced to come by his mother. So far, face is no longer important. His family must immediately repair the relationship with Yang Ling. Otherwise, with Yang Ling's network and ability, his family will not have a good life in the future.

The mood of the onlookers was high, and they had to pull several members of the Yang family to get close to each other. Even the relatives who came to visit had a bright face. One by one, they regarded themselves as the elders of Yangling.

But the problem is, they can't go!

Chu Siyin helplessly looked at the crowd around, pulled a face of excited Yang Xue and said: "Xueer, your brother asked us to pick up the second old man. Can't we go?"

Yang Xue giggled: "don't worry, sister Siyin. When my brother comes, all problems will be solved easily."

Chu Siyin was stunned at the speech, and then chusiyin chuckled.

This is blind trust in her brother, but she knows that the child is not bragging, Yang Ling is such a person.

She nodded and said, "you can handle it. I'll go to the toilet first!"

She did not go far, Yang Xue's words have been confirmed, only heard the sound of "dada" in the sky, people instinctively looked up and saw a helicopter was about to land down.

These ordinary people may have never seen a real helicopter in their lifetime. They were shocked and the whole scene became quiet.

The helicopter stopped on the lawn, the cabin door opened, and a young man with beautiful appearance and ordinary clothes came out slowly.

Yang Xue waved and said, "brother! Here, here

Yang Ling smiles and walks over.

Yang Ling and others do not dare to see the general temperament of Yang Ling and others.

The crowd naturally separated a passage. Yang Ling nodded to the neighbors around him with a smile. Anyone who had been swept by his eyes felt flattered!

This is the aura, this is the temperament and charisma of the superior!

Coming closer, he said with a smile, "Dad, mom, I'm back."

"Good, good!"

Looking at Yang Ling who seems to have changed into a person, her parents' eyes are moist.

This is my own son. To bring out such a son, it's the conviction of several generations!

Yang Ling touched the heads of Yang Xue and Chen Yi who ran over. After looking around, she was surprised and said, "eh, the relatives are here."

He was very polite to call people one by one, with no arrogance at all. These relatives who used to look down on their family were excited and ashamed.

Yang Ling looked at their faces one by one and looked at the three aunts' family.

Sangu body a smart, quickly pulled the side of Lin Dong: "a Dong, called brother."

Lin Dong looks at Yang Ling in a daze. He wants to see Yang Ling again and even wants to step on Yang Ling again.

But when facing Yang Ling at the moment, he found that his temperament, appearance, achievements and wealth were all crushed compared with the cousin in front of him!

That's the real crow than the Phoenix, the cabal than the Kirin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!