All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 208

Yang Ling faint smile: "give it to me, not say to sign?"


Wang Jingshu red face will pass the document in the past, Yang Ling opened at random after a glance, the note on his name, handed back to her.

"Come on, let's line up to buy food," he said with a light smile


Wang Jingshu had a smile on her face.

It is said that it is queuing, but Wang Jingshu's level is the same as the Department Manager of the group headquarters. Yang Ling is needless to say, who dares to let them line up?

The crowd consciously gave way to a channel, Yang Ling is not affectation, smile ha ha jump the queue to play a meal.

The canteen aunt is very busy, and she also adds a chicken leg to Yang Ling and Wang Jingshu.

There are nearly 5000 employees in the headquarters, but it's the first time that such a big leader comes to the canteen to eat. If they are not the vice president but the director, I don't know how they will feel.

"Ding, you have satisfied the canteen Auntie's wish that the big leader would like to taste the craft. The wish value is + 1."

A moment later, in addition to Yang Ling and Wang Jingshu, there are several bold girls sitting over the table.

They secretly looked at Yang Ling with a red face. It was obvious that they had become a little fan sister of the president.

I can't help it. 16 points of charm value may have little effect on attractive and outstanding beauties, but for these ordinary girls, the lethality is not covered.

Sometimes Yang Ling would smile and say a few words to them. She really wanted the life of the young ladies.

"Ding, you have satisfied the female staff's desire to eat at the same table. The wish value is + 1. The current progress is: 16 / 10."

After a few mouthfuls, Yang Ling suddenly asked, "Secretary Wang, what are the residential buildings under our group?"

Wang Jingshu replied: "if you want to say high-end property, it should be Longwan villa."

"If you row down, the Nanhu villa area and qingfengju villa area on the side of the great lake are also our group's industries."

"After that, yulanwan, Nanhua house and peacock city are far away from the central city, so they are ordinary residential areas."

"I'll send you a detailed list in a moment, which will be clear at a glance."

Yang Ling nodded with satisfaction, wondering if he would also like a secretary.

He asked about real estate because he had money now.

In addition to 2 billion shares of real estate, I still have 37 million circulating cash on hand. It's time to buy a house and take my parents out of the shantytowns.

He wants to buy a villa under the group and hire some nannies and bodyguards to let his parents enjoy the happiness.

Longwan villa has been sold out for a long time, and he has to go to see the rest of the two villas before he can decide.

See Yang Ling seems to be thinking of something, Wang Jingshu asked tentatively: "Mr. Yang, need I will be responsible for several real estate to see you?"

Yang Ling smell speech a Leng, immediately ha ha smile way: "do not need, I also casually ask."

"By the way, is there any other secretary in the president's office besides you?"

Wang Jingshu smelled the speech and showed a bitter smile on her face. She whispered: "general manager Yang, there were eight secretaries before. In addition to me, they are all Wang Chao's personal secretaries."

"Since his accident, Liu Dong directly put the seven people down to the local terminal."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "seven honey? No wonder that day when I saw Wang Chao, I thought he was a little kidney deficiency. "


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