Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 985

After a long time, Lin Xiaofeng finally stopped from being busy and carefully checked the field he had set up before reporting that the setting up of the gathering spirit field had been completed.

The three fields in the field are not far apart. Lin Xiaofeng's Juling field is similar to Wei Wuyan's, but both of them are quite different from ye Tian's.

Even if there is a wrong layout of a field, it will not start.

Because even the field Master needs to adjust the field temporarily when he arranges the field, even if it can't be started, then he can modify it according to the problems.

"Let's start the test, starting from the final field." Lanling Hou looked at the three fields, and finally waved his hand and gave the order.

This kind of thing is special. If it is started together, it may cause interference between each other, which will cause some deviation in judgment.

Anyway, there is a lot of time, simply start one by one, the result will be more convincing.

When Lin Xiaofeng heard the command from the Marquis of Lanling, he didn't dare to neglect it. He came to a place in the field and hit a piece of fairy jade with a magic power.

In an instant, all kinds of lights flickered on the jade, and the aura around the field became disordered, and gradually became two vortices, which connected with the field arranged by Lin Xiaofeng, and the vortices continued to grow.

At this time, Lin Xiaofeng, who looked quite upright, finally took a long breath.

This phenomenon means that his field of gathering spirit has been successful. The two aura vortices represent the double spirit gathering array arranged by Lin Xiaofeng.

That is, the Reiki concentration in the field is twice that of the outside world.

Seeing the successful start of the spirit gathering array, Lin Xiaofeng is extremely excited and turns his attention to the spirit gathering array arranged by Wei Wuyan and ye Tian.

As long as one of the two fails to start the spirit gathering array, it means that he can pass the test of this project and enter the final duel.

"The field set by Lin Xiaofeng has been successfully started. It can stop working. Then ask Wei Wuyan to start the gathering spirit field." Announced the Deacon.

"Yes Lin Xiaofeng agreed very happily, and then waved out a mana, which interrupted the operation of the gathering spirit field.

Then, stand by and wait patiently.

Wei Wuyan at this time white Lin Xiaofeng one eye, came to his own layout of the field, using the same method, in the field of Juling play a mana somewhere.


The gathering spirit field had a reaction instantly. After a buzzing sound, the whole field lit up, and the aura around began to surge violently.

It can obviously sense that the aura outside the field begins to gather in the gathering field.

It's like the gathering spirit field arranged by Lin Xiaofeng.

After a tumbling surge, the aura circle gradually formed over the gathering spirit field arranged by Wei Wuyan.

"Successfully started!" Outside, mieba looks at the cyclone, mumbles to himself, and looks dignified.



"Three ways..."

”Unexpectedly, there are three spirit cyclones, which are stronger than the gathering spirit field arranged by Lin Xiaofeng... "

With this, mieba looks at Ye Tian on the other side. He finds that master is looking at his nose, nose, mouth and heart. He is calm and does not move at all. Then he is a little relieved.

In Wanlu Valley, Wei Wuyan's gathering spirit field has three visible aura circles, extending to the distance.

The concentration of aura in the gathering spirit field is obviously increasing. There is no doubt that the field he set up has been successfully started.

Seeing that there is no new aura spin, the abbot of yuanyingjing came forward and announced: "the gathering spirit field set up by Wei Wuyan has been successfully started. Three times the gathering spirit field, please stop the operation of the field. Next, ye Tian starts the gathering spirit field."

Wei Wuyan heard the words, looked proud to play a mana, the field has been a considerable scale of three aura spin stopped spinning, and began to slowly dissipate.

Until it disappears completely in the end, the gathering field stops completely.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Ye Tian, the last start test of gathering spirit field, and then you can know the result of this test.

Lin Xiaofeng nervously clenches his fist and stares at the gathering spirit array arranged by Ye Tian. Even his breathing seems to become urgent.

At a certain moment, ye Tian, who was always indifferent, suddenly waved his sleeve, which carried the magic power and accurately hit a place in the spirit gathering field.


The gathering spirit field sends out a vibration sound, and all the Xianyu in the field suddenly flashes, and the aura in the sky is wildly rolling and surging, which is more turbulent and majestic than the aura surging momentum brought by the gathering spirit field arranged by Lin Xiaofeng and Wei Wuyan.

The turbulent aura in the sky converges rapidly, forming an extremely large aura field which is directly arranged by Ye Tian.

"It's done!" Outside, mieba and others finally breathed out a sigh of relief. Only when this cyclone appeared, ye Tian had won, because he took the shortest time to set up the spirit gathering field, which could compare with Lin Xiaofeng.At this time, looking at the huge cyclone, Lin Xiaofeng finally turned pale. Once he sank to the bottom of the sea, he had no idea.

"Look, the second cyclone!"

There is no need to be reminded by mieba. The disciples have already seen a second cyclone over the field. The two cyclones in succession are much larger than the aura gyrations of Lin Xiaofeng and Wei Wuyan. It seems that each cyclone connects the sky with the earth and goes straight between the heaven and the earth.

However, after the appearance of the second aura spin, the third, fourth and fifth aura spin appeared one after another.

In front of the hall, looking at the scene above the field, marquis Jing'an and Marquis Lanling stood up involuntarily. Their faces changed. They didn't know how they felt, but the shock on their faces was obvious.

But it's not over.

After the appearance of the fifth aura whirl, the aura whirls over the gathering aura field still appear one after another.



It was not until ten huge aura spirals appeared over the field that no aura spirals continued to form. Ten aura spirals connecting the heaven and the earth were over the gathering aura field, and each aura spiraled into the field.

The concentration of aura in the gathering spirit field arranged by Ye Tian is increasing at a terrifying speed.

"Ten times gathering spirit field..."

Outside, someone was swallowing.

After the previous two tests of the field, even Xiaobai in the field is now very clear. The appearance of each cyclone means that the concentration of aura in the field has doubled.

Lin Xiaofeng is twice!

Wei Wuya is three times as much!

And ye Tian's gathering spirit field is much more terrifying than the two of them. It has reached ten times the concentration.

Ten times the concentration!

Many monks at the scene want to directly enter ye Tian's spirit gathering field to practice directly. With such a spirit gathering field, how much precious cultivation time will be saved!

"It's impossible. With these materials, it's impossible to set up a ten fold spirit gathering field." In the field, Wei Wuyan, who was shocked all over his face, suddenly cried out after a moment.

"You're not blind, can't you see it? I still don't want to admit it! " Ye Tian finally couldn't bear it and began to laugh back.

Wei Wuyan gritted his teeth and said: "my field Master once told me that if you don't know that the spirit gathering field is more than ten times, you need a lot of precious materials and high-grade fairy jade, but now the materials can't support the layout of the spirit gathering field. Everyone knows that you are highly accomplished in the five elements of Taoism. Who knows if this is an illusion created by the five elements of Taoism? "

As soon as he said this, there was a lot of discussion outside, and some people really began to think about it.

"The ignorant!"

Ye Tianleng snorts, no longer pays attention to him, but looks at the yuan Yingjing deacon friar.

For a moment, the monk was not sure. He looked at the Marquis of Jing'an and Lanling.

"This is ten times the field of gathering spirit. No doubt, we can announce the test results!" Lanling Hou said with a chill in his eyebrows. Up to now, her dissatisfaction with Wei Wuyan has reached the peak. If she didn't worry about the face of marquis Jing'an, she would definitely scold him on the spot.

"Wait, just make sure. After all, I haven't seen you use this method to decorate the spirit field of marquis LAN. What's more, we are all aware of the value and difficulty of the materials needed to set up the tenfold spirit gathering field. Why don't you ask Taoist friend ran to appraise it? " At this time, the Marquis of Jing'an suddenly opened his mouth and said something like this.

"Well, please say hello to yourself about Taoist friend ran." Lanling Hou said calmly that she believed that ye Tian's field of gathering spirit was true. Ran Daoyou, whose real name was ran zaishan, was a great master in the field of the great wilderness. He was the first one in the field of the human friars and spoke with great authority.

"Since the Marquis of Lanling has no objection, I'll ask Taoist friend ran to move here." With that, the Marquis of Jing'an took out a talisman and said a few words in a low voice. Then, as soon as the mana urged, the talisman turned into ashes and disappeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!