Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 980

Xiao Yunqian takes a look at Wei Wuyan, who is still standing beside him. She already knows what's going on in her heart. She feels bored in her heart. On the surface, she respectfully salutes Marquis Jing'an and Marquis Lanling, saying: "back to the two examiners, Xiao Yunqian is ordered to lead the way. Because my flying speed was too slow, which seriously affected the speed of the first tester at that time. That person was Ye Tian. Although I let go of full speed, I still suppressed Ye Tian's speed. Later, ye Tian taught me some methods to increase my flying speed by nearly 50%, so as not to affect the speed of the first place too much. But in this way, the testers behind naturally can't keep up, and Yun Qian is out of sight of those testers. But later, after ye Tian got the keepsake, I came back again and led the later testers to the reception station. I think it's Ye Tian's speed that is most affected. "

With these words, Xiao Yunqian respectfully stood aside and did not look at Wei Wuya.

What happened here has already attracted the attention of many onlookers. Xiao Yunqian's voice is not big or small, just many monks can hear it clearly.

Most of these people are in a lower level, and most of them don't know that there is this episode in it. The people who thought Ye Tian had been very abnormal once again turned their eyes to Ye Tian.

It turns out that this speed is still suppressed by the speed of the leading nun. If you let go of the speed and fly in the sky, you will surely fall far behind Wei Wuya.


It's going to shock you!

Many people are shocked by Ye Tian's speed!

"You mean ye Tian taught you some flying skills, and your speed increased by nearly 50% However, the focus of Lanling marquis is not on Ye Tian's speed. Although Xiao Yunqian has made it very clear, she can't help but confirm it.

"Yes Xiao Yunqian nodded slightly. After two simple words, she said no more. As for what kind of skill, she can't say here. This skill should be a secret for any monk, but ye Tian told himself so easily.

No matter the other party doesn't like it or thinks highly of herself, in a word, without Ye Tian's permission, she can't reveal this skill except Lanling marquis.

Even if it was Marquis Lanling, she would not say it easily until she had to.

Marquis Lanling naturally knew the importance of it. In front of many monks, she didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she looked at Marquis Jing'an: "Marquis Jing'an, it's clear what happened. It's not Xiao Yunqian's dereliction of duty. We can only say that we didn't take into account the fact that some testers were faster than the guides, so we only arranged a guide monk who knew the reception station. This is our main task I failed in the exam. What do you think? "

The Marquis of Jing'an nodded his head without expression, and then called a deacon of yuanyingjing to give a few orders with the technique of teleportation.

Then he spoke to the Marquis of Lanling for a moment.

Lanling Hou was silent at first, then nodded slightly, but his eyes swept Ye Tian in the distance.

The Marquis of Jing'an nods to the deacon of yuanyingjing. The man bows to Marquis of Jing'an and Marquis of Lanling and turns to leave.

At this time, the returning practitioners returned one after another. The deacons of yuanyingjing checked the qualification cards and Keepsake one after another to determine the place. Until the 50 places were full, the later returnees were no longer included in the test results.

After several yuanyingjing deacons straightened out the test results together, the yuanyingjing deacon, who was called by the Marquis of Jing'an, came to the center and said in a loud voice: "after the test, the test results have been announced. Because the tester ye tianyukong's flying speed was too fast and the starting position was the most forward, the leading friars were out of sight of the rear test friars, which affected the speed of the rear tester. After negotiation, Wei Wuya and ye Tian of Qingshan city ranked first in this test. The rest of the subjects were ranked first, second in the city of Crouching Tiger pan Zian, and third in the city of Wuji Chu Feng. I'd like to invite some friars to come out... "

Hearing the verdict, ye Tian smiles and steps to the Central Committee. It doesn't matter whether he is in the first place or not. What he wants is a quota, not a false name.

However, Wei Wuya, even his father, the Marquis of Jing'an, is too famous.

Wei Wuya at this time also arrogantly out of the line, standing beside Ye Tian, the other two people, respectively in the two side head.

The yuanyingjing deacon continued to read out the test results, but those who were called were standing around Ye Tian and Wei Wuyan in turn.

"Ye Tian, in the next test, you will be a total failure, even you may be eliminated in the next one!" Wei Wuyan holds his head high and looks at the sky in the distance. He doesn't even look at Ye Tian. He hums coldly.

There was contempt in the voice!

"Ha ha, this is Wanlu mountain. Its name is very good. It's really unknown who will win." Ye Tian once again indifferent a smile, in the heart to this Wei boundless and despised a few minutes.

"Well, let's see at last. I'm the only one who's qualified for the election. No one else is worthy of it!" Wei Wuya gritted his teeth.

Ye Tian is lazy to pay attention to him, looking around, but suddenly found that not far away Xiao Yunqian is looking at himself.With Ye Tian's eyes accidentally touched, Xiao Yunqian smiles and turns her head to one side.

Isn't it another debt?

Ye Tian looks a Su, in the heart secretly alert, from Xiao Yunqian there to move a look.

All the 50 Longmen monks who passed the test have been called to the field. Although Ye Tian did not pay attention to these monks, he kept in mind the names and cities of all the monks. Among the 50 people who passed the first test, except for the six top monks in Longmen realm, the rest were all in the later stage of Longmen realm.

In other words, among all the monks who passed this test, their own cultivation level was the lowest.

Up to now, he has heard of many of the cities where the friars live, and he has never seen them.

The monks who passed the test were in a good mood, but the vast majority of those who failed looked gloomy. Some immediately turned away from Wanlu Valley, while others stayed to see the subsequent test.

Ye Tian appreciates such a monk very much. His mentality is very important. At least he will gain something from a complete test.

A quarter of an hour later, marquis Lanling got up again and said, "next, let's take the second test In actual combat, 50 winners will draw lots to decide their opponents. Half of the testers will be eliminated in this test. The younger ones will draw lots first, and one move can be made first in actual combat. "

"Actual combat is a relatively dangerous test item. Both sides should act according to their ability. If they feel that they can't win, they can admit defeat at any time. After they admit defeat, the opponent can't continue to attack. If you don't give up, the friars will be responsible for all the casualties. The winner will move on to the next test project. "

After the rules were announced, the Marquis of Lanling returned to his chair and left the rest to the deacon of yuanyingjing.

"Please draw lots for ye Tian!" a nun of yuanyingjing yelled after taking out a signet from Xumi commandment.

Ye Tian goes out and walks to the nun. He glances at the signboard and finds that the signboard inside is not only exquisitely made, but also hidden enough. The signboard is a folded signboard made of purple bamboo, which needs to be opened to see the number written inside. Moreover, it is specially forbidden to check the divinity.

He didn't care. He took out a purple bamboo stick and stood aside.

Then the second friar was named again. He also took one and stood with Ye Tian.

Fifty friars took out fifty bamboo sticks. It was very fast, and all of them were finished in a moment.

The nun came to Ye Tian, took the bamboo stick, opened it, and read, "Ye Tian drew No. 8."

Next, she checked the other monks' bamboo sticks one by one.

Ye Tian would like to meet Wei Wuyan in this round. Unfortunately, the same nun named song Xiaoying, who also drew the No. 8 signature, was also the late cultivation of Longmen realm.

He paid attention to Wei Wuyan's signature, which was No. 6. He was fighting against a late monk in Longmen.

This battle was not arranged by age, but by number. The first actual battle started with the two monks who drew number one.

Because there was enough time, only one field was set up for the test, that is, in the center of Wanlu Valley, and then one field was lined up.

The first scene is the two monks in the later period of Longmen realm. Both of them are lucky. They didn't meet stronger opponents, but the fight between them is also very fierce.

During this period, the two men used their own means and magic weapons frequently. After a contest, one of the monks was injured carelessly, and finally had to admit defeat, ending the war. , the fastest update of the webnovel!