Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 952

Stepping on the stone ladder, ye Tian can't help but marvel at the changes of Xianshan.

At the moment of stepping on the stone ladder, a terrible thunder fell from the sky and fell to Ye Tian without warning.

Ye Tian's eyes congealed, and his right hand rushed to thunder.

Mirage, still mirage!

Ye Tianyi punches on the thunder, and the seemingly terrible thunder turns into innumerable lightning debris splashing around.

What a fairy mountain!

Ye Tian concentrated for a moment, savored it carefully, and raised his head to the sky for a long time.

He generally wanted to understand the meaning of thunder!

Like the wind blades, the wind blade is to enhance the wind attribute perception ability, while thunder is to enhance the thunder attribute perception ability.

If you can successfully climb the top, ye Tian believes that he will get unimaginable benefits.

Now that he has found the benefits that thunder can bring to him, ye Tian has gathered all his mind and quickly defeated more and more thunder step by step.



The thunder and fist pounding sound sounded one after another. Although it was only an illusion, it seemed that the power was very terrible and the momentum was very frightening.

However, only Ye Tian knows that this is just an appearance. In fact, no matter the thunder or the effect of thunder impact, it is fake.

The only real thing is that after the thunder illusion is smashed, the thunder sense that you get can be continuously enhanced.

Step by step up the extension, as if endless appearance.

Thunder appears more and more, gradually, ye Tian feels another wonderful phenomenon.

In addition to the deeper and deeper understanding of the attributes of thunder, it seems that the power of thunder is also refining its own body.

This makes Ye Tian extremely surprised!

In Guixu of Kunlun, ye Tian achieved perfect immortal body. In death valley, Suihuang absorbed yuancui body, and ye Tian achieved immortal body.

Originally, he felt that his body had reached a very high level, but here, after Leitian hit his fist again and again, ye Tian felt that there was some thunder force in his body.

My constitution continues to change, improve and become stronger.

With such a guess, ye Tian in the follow-up thunder, more carefully observed.

After climbing dozens of steps, ye Tian finally confirmed that it is. Sure enough, the power of thunder has such a magical effect.

Fairy mountain or fairy ware?

Although I don't know what will appear behind the fairy mountain, ye Tian has been shocked to the point of no more.

What would happen if a clan owned Xianshan?

It will be wonderful for the disciples of the sect to climb the immortal mountain every day to enhance their perception ability of all the attributes of wind and thunder.

At the same time, it can harden the body, which has a magical effect. It's hard to have the sect of Xianshan!

But ye Tian also thinks like this. He can feel that there is an extremely strong brand of divine thoughts on the immortal mountain. That brand of divine thoughts is too much stronger than himself, even so strong that he can only look up to it.

This idea just flashed by. Now ye Tian just feels the attribute of thunder with his heart.

Feeling the subtle changes of the physical body, he is looking forward to how strong his physical body can be after this stage of constant thunder!

Time goes by bit!

The golden light is bright and the fog is steaming.

On the fairy mountain, a figure in the fog and golden light, step by step up the climb.

At this height, I don't know how many miles above the sea. The steps under my feet are submerged in the golden light and clouds.

The steps above were also submerged in golden light and clouds.

Only on this step where ye Tian is, there are thunders falling and being smashed by Ye Tian.

Unconsciously, a day and a night passed.

Thunder finally no longer appears, ye Tian has stepped on a broader step.

The thunder is finally over!

Ye Tian let out a long cry here, the road is long, looking up is still endless steps.

Up to now, he felt that his perception of Lei attribute had reached the peak.

But as for the degree of physical strengthening, he can't say exactly, he can only feel much stronger.

I only heard that on top of immortal body, there is a highest level of body refining that no one has ever reached.

That is immortal immortal body!

I don't know how far away I am from immortal immortal body?

There is no time to think about it carefully. With infinite expectation, ye Tian continues to step onto a new stage.

Sure enough!

Ye Tian's eyes coagulate. After the wind and thunder, it is the attribute of five elements.

And the stone ladder he is climbing now is the fire stone ladder in the five elements!A huge fireball fell from the sky, and ye Tian smashed it with a skillful punch.

Mars scattered in the wind, and finally disappeared in the vast golden light and fog, and no trace was found.

Continue to climb, the number of fireballs gradually increases, just like the previous version of countless steps, with the increasing number of climbing stone ladder, the number of fireballs also increases.

The perception of fire attribute!

This is the understanding of the fire attribute. With the constant destruction of the fireball, ye Tian's understanding of the fire attribute is also growing.

Chance against the sky!

Ye Tianxin constantly sighed that at the beginning of the fairy mountain, he could not imagine that this mysterious fairy mountain had brought such great benefits to himself!

Ye Tian quickly moves his hand, his body turns into empty shadows, and his fist also turns into empty shadows.

Every fireball he smashed was defeated by him, just like a thunderbolt.

He didn't know what would happen if he missed one, but he didn't try. In a word, it was a strange feeling. It seemed that if he missed one, the fire attribute would not be perfect!

While increasing the perception of fire attribute, ye Tian also finds another great benefit.

That is, the original spirit fire in his elixir field is becoming bigger and stronger.

Although this kind of change is only a little bit, if you don't feel it carefully, I'm afraid you won't find this kind of change.

But this kind of change really exists, really exists.

Is it true that I am the son of Qi Yun, and this fairy mountain exists for myself?

Ye Tian couldn't help roaring, moving his body as fast as lightning, and waving his fist to the fireball again and again.

You should know that since you have practiced suihuangguan, the improvement of the original spirit fire in your body is basically enhanced by the improvement of the realm.

Relying on external forces to improve only two times, one is the Dragon Yan that engulfs the Dragon demon, the other is the samadhi fire that merges with Suihuang.

But that trace of samadhi fire is too small. Although the quality of the original spirit fire has been improved due to the integration of samadhi fire, it still can't satisfy Ye Tian completely.

But now it's time!

Climbing the fairy mountain, the stone ladder of the fireball falling down, with the fireball smashing again and again, the original real fire in the body unexpectedly becomes stronger and stronger, and the flame becomes stronger and hotter.

With this advantage, ye Tianning calm mind, no distractions, a level of rock climbing, waving double boxing to break those fireballs.

I don't know how long later, ye Tian finally met another big stone ladder.

Ye Tian looked up at the top, as if the stone ladder above had never changed. He couldn't see the top at a glance.

Everywhere is the golden light, everywhere is the cloud transpiration.

He licked his lips and stepped up the stone ladder again.

What kind of attribute is this?

With expectation and curiosity, the first time ye Tian's steps fall on the stone ladder, he stares away.

But I saw a green bubble crashing down.

It's not appropriate to say that it's a bubble. The bubble should be floating, but this green bubble is flying in a strange way, changing its position in the air.

It seems to ignore Ye Tian at all. As soon as he appears, he will fly away from afar.

Ye Tian how willing to let it fly away, body movement, as if with the wind swing in general, came to the green ball in a moment, a boxing rout.

The feeling of wood property!

Ye Tian continued to climb, crushing all the green balls.

In this case, he is familiar with it.

In addition to the perception of wood properties, ye Tian miraculously found that because he defeated the green ball, he felt more vigorous in his body.

What is vitality? It is the energy of life. If it is more specific, it can be directly explained by resilience and longevity.

Yes, it's an endless feeling, as if I will never die out, and I will always be full of vitality.

This is what ye Tian feels when he climbs again and again, defeats the green balls again and again, until he defeats all the green balls and steps on a new broad stone terrace. , the fastest update of the webnovel!