Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 948

This kind of tired feeling Ye Tian is very familiar with, not only in this life, but also in his previous life when he was Emperor Dan.

This is the negative effect brought by the exhaustion of mana. At this time, the friars will be the weakest both physically and mentally. Even the friars of realm status may kill you.

Ye Tian almost subconsciously took out a drop of chemical liquid wrapped in medicine film and sent it to his mouth without hesitation.

Because in the line of sight, the dozen odd people in black have rushed to the field of life and death, and are attacking the field crazily, but their attack looks more like a bad pantomime performance. There is no sound, only their angry expression can be seen.

Their attack seems to be powerful, but it doesn't produce much effect. They don't even touch the field array.

It seems that all attacks have reached the empty space, and the field does not exist at all. It is an attack without target.

"Don't worry, they can't get out!" Ye Tian looks directly at the scene in the valley of life and death, pulls Murong Yan, who is still in terror, back slowly, and comforts the nun who just went into the valley of death and fought side by side.

At the same time, at the moment when the liquid was sent to the entrance, it didn't disappoint him. The majestic aura burst out and turned into magic power to fill his elixir field. Even the fatigue that ye Tian didn't like was swept away.

At this time, ye Tian's heart is completely down!

"It's terrible. I thought we would all die here. I thought we would never leave here alive again..."

Murong Yan's hand was still shaking, her steps were floating, and her voice completely exposed her fear. But when she spoke, her eyes were still looking at more than a dozen strange people in black in the field.

After all, they failed to come out, but at this time, they were extremely irritable with black pestle or steel fork, and madly attacked any place they could attack.

The ground and hills were filled with mud and gravel. In an instant, countless huge pits appeared in the originally flat valley of death.

After four or five miles, ye Tian and Murong Yan fly to an unknown tree in the rainforest, leaning on the branch of the tree, and continue to observe the valley of death.

After a long time, the more than a dozen odd people had finished venting. They didn't know how and where they had gone.

After this period of time, Murong Yan was relieved. Even in the Spirit Valley, she had never been so frightened, because ye Tian was there at that time.

But this time, she felt that she was so close to death that ye tiansu's invincible spirit insect was so vulnerable in front of that strange thing.

It's terrible!

However, when she thought of such a powerful strange man, she was killed by Ye Tian's sword one by one. Just as she knew Ye Tian, she twisted her body slightly on the branch of the tree and said with a bitter smile, "ye Danti, you are really hiding my pain! Just now, the strength of Yedan emperor should have changed the divine realm, right? The medicine king and Xue Lao in the temple are all in the spirit state. I've seen them do it. "

Ye Tian wants to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail and recognize his accomplishments of transforming the divine realm. But at the thought of the consequences, he did not dare to pretend.

If they really think that they have reached the realm of transforming the gods, they will not have to rely on them. They will not work so hard and even despise the enemy. They will have all kinds of harm but no benefit!

He put his fist on his lips, coughed a few times, and said, "do you have such a bad memory? In the world of ten thousand spirits, I have been breaking through the sea view, and only when I got out of the world of ten thousand spirits did I break through to Longmen. I just used some secret method to improve my state for a while, and then I escaped. "

Ye Tian estimates that Murong Yan didn't see him using the mask, or he didn't see it clearly. He didn't take it seriously, because no matter he took the mask or took it, he was facing Murong Yan with his back.

"Well..." Murong Yan nodded slightly, obviously believing ye Tian's words. She looked at Ye Tian and asked, "can you teach me this secret method, ye Dandi. In fact, I don't want to get the inheritance of any secret method from you. I know that all such secret methods have a great negative effect, just like spiritualism can reduce Shouyuan. If I learn, I can use this secret method to kill the enemy, and I can liberate you... "

Ye Tian knows that Murong Yan should not have lied. It's completely from her heart. When she stepped forward to enter the valley of death to face the powerful enemy with herself, ye Tian completely recognized this man in her heart.

But what is the secret technique just used? Instead, I put on the mask of grimace. How to teach this kind of thing?

No way, ye Tian had to start to make things up.

"Only men can use this secret skill, but women can't use it at all."

"Why?" Murong Yan asked, puzzled.

Ye Tian sighed helplessly: "Alas, the structure of men and women is different, so there are some secrets that men can use, but women can't, and there is no way to do it!"

Murong Yan opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she didn't say it at last. What else can I say?Do you want to discuss with Ye Tian where the structure of men and women is different? Then we will discuss the influence of these differences on the application of the secret method?

Deeply looking at Ye Tian, she changed the topic: "ye Daoyou, this demon clan looks very powerful. If you don't say anything else, just a dozen of them in the death valley. As long as they come out of the death valley, it's definitely a disaster for the earth star. As you can guess, your secret method can't be used often, otherwise it won't be used for the first time in life and death. If those strange people come out, is there any way to deal with them? "

"There are always ways. There are more difficulties than ways." Ye Tian insists on saying that if more than ten yuan baby level demons come out, as Murong Yan said, he really can't deal with them.

Unless you ask the temple for help!

However, the question is, is there only a dozen in the demon world? What if there are more high-level demons? I'm afraid the power of the temple may not work at that time.

What's more, the high-level monks of the temple can't come for the time being.

The invasion of the demon world seems to be imminent!

The ancient book Ye Tian got from Anyuan mountain has some descriptions of the natural life and death rhyme field. According to the book, the reason why the natural life and death rhyme field exists is that it represents the existence of the field of life and death, so it affects the external natural factors.

Ye Tian is very clear that under the valley of death, there is a circle of reincarnation of life and death. The Sui emperor represents life, and the devil emperor represents death.

Reincarnation of life and death, extract the immortal yuan of Suihuang, nourish the corpse of the devil emperor. The alternation of life and death is the cause of the field of life and death rhyme.

Once the reincarnation of life and death is stopped one day, the field of life and death rhyme will die out completely.

The demon world may come out of the eye of the demon world, completely out of the valley of death, and harm the earth.

Therefore, Suihuang knew the result, and he could not leave the reincarnation array.

But calculate, Sui Huang once said, the demon world still has two years, abide by a certain contract, see has passed more than four months, from contact contract time is getting closer and closer!

It's almost as tricky as the things in the netherworld!

"I really can't. go to Fangcun spirit realm then. The temple will protect you!" See ye Tian brow lock, a pair of insincere strong support appearance, Murong Yan light voice way.

"Let's talk about it then. We have to work hard anyway!" Ye Tian gently shook his head: "just now you were frightened, go into the cave to breathe!"

"All right!" Murong Yan looks at Ye Tian and nods.

Ye Tian took out the magic weapon cave and put it in the dense trees of the rainforest. Many trees were pressed to the ground in a moment. After Murong Yan entered the cave, ye Tian narrowed the magic weapon cave and took in Xumi Jie.

Finally, I took a look at the valley of life and death. Looking at the messy pit inside, ye Tian's figure flashed away from here.

In a valley a hundred miles away, ye Tian stops.

After looking around, he sat down with his knees crossed, took out the mask from Xumi commandment and observed it carefully.

No matter with the divine idea or the eye of heaven, there is no abnormality.

It seems that it has never been used in general.

Isn't that scientific?

Ye Tian is very clear that the violent power must come from the grimace mask, rather than stimulating his own potential. It is a pure external thing.

But after use, why is there no trace?

Finally, ye Tian didn't understand what was going on, so he had to put the mask away.

Then, he took out a demon corpse from xumijie and put it on the grass in front of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!