Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 945

Lianxinchong always stayed in the fog sea, ye Tian did not find anything abnormal.

But ye Tian is not at ease, once again released four heart worms to fly around, then ye Tian closed the sea of God to prevent the invasion of resentment, and then into the dark fog.

The fierce soldier's flying sword was then taken out by him.

At this time, the fierce sword kept buzzing and vibrating, and seemed to feel the resentment here, especially excited.

Ye Tian keeps alert while letting the fierce sword devour the resentment in the fog.

Every time he devours one place, ye Tian changes his place and goes to a place with more resentment.

During this period, ye Tian sent a message in the group, arranging the Shenfeng army to patrol separately, so as to avoid any accident after the victory.

Moreover, during this period, he also received phone calls from the general headquarters of the garrison theater, Yuan Ye, Xu Xianming, etc., asking about his safety and security, and greatly publicized the Shenfeng army.

Ye Tian doesn't think much of it. The monk tianwai is nothing now. There is a much more serious crisis at the moment, and other people don't know it. However, ye Tian's words are meaningless. It doesn't help and only adds chaos.

It seems that he can only carry on these things by himself.

For this reason, ye Tian is also deeply worried that he is still too weak!

As the fierce soldier's flying sword swallowed up more resentment, the flying sword became more excited. The body of the sword was not flashing white light, which covered the original red and black colors.

Ye Tian changes his position one at a time.

The resentment outside the dark fog is less and weaker. The more you go in, the heavier and stronger the resentment is.

In the past three or four hours, unconsciously, ye Tianyi stepped into the dark fog for more than ten miles, and his heartworm also flew to the depth of the fog sea.

The word face that comes back, let leaf day is very surprised.

Deep in the fog sea, there are countless skeletons, and more than a dozen skeletons as big as Hades.

When ye Tian wants to have a further look, a powerful skeleton finds the existence of lianxinchong.

The white skeleton flashed to the heartworm.

Ye Tian hurried to command lianxinchong to escape to the fog. It was a Sanxing lianxinchong, which was originally very fast, but the white skeleton was faster, and almost caught up with it in a flash of white light.

Lianxinchong dodges for several times, and is finally caught by the white skeleton. Then the picture in Ye Tian's mind disappears directly.

There's no second possibility. The heartworm has fallen!

Ye Tian was shocked in his heart. He was the first one to sacrifice. From the speed of the skeleton, he was faster than himself.

At this time, ye Tian heard more than ten roars coming from the depth of the fog sea, and then a shout came.

"Kill that Terran!"

Then, in the picture from lianxinchong, a dozen white shadows flashed to his side.

Ye Tian steps on the fierce sword and flies south quickly through the heavy fog. Fortunately, he finds that after swallowing resentment, the speed of the fierce sword is obviously faster.

The roar behind him is getting closer and closer. After stepping on the fierce sword with increased speed, ye Tian finally flies out of the dark fog before the skeletons catch up.

Ye Tian secretly congratulates himself. Fortunately, he didn't go too deep into the sea of fog. Otherwise, things would be bad today.

After the skeletons got to the edge of the fog sea, they didn't continue their pursuit. Ye Tiancai was relieved.

Even if you use the clematis, even if you succeed, you will only lose one of them's appendages. You can't kill the body. You can't do physical attacks like Clematis.

Moreover, I can feel that there is a spirit of meditation in the sea of fog, which is extremely powerful and has obviously surpassed the underworld.

Just out of the sea of fog, ye Tian saw several figures flying in the distance. He had recognized that it was the eight old ruins.

Ye Tian stepped on the flying sword to welcome the past!

In the fog sea behind him, a rough voice sounded, which seemed to cover the whole fog sea: "Terran, you will all become ghosts of the nether world. That day will not be too far away..."


Ye Tian's face became very ugly. These Mingxiu were too rampant. After meeting with the eight old ruins, he said directly, and continued to fly south for some distance before stopping.

"This is duckweed!" Ye Tian asked one of the nuns. She looks about 40 years old. She is more attractive and looks old-fashioned.

In Xiaoling mountain, ye Tian met seven people from the eight old middle school in the ruins. This duckweed glanced at the battlefield. This time, it was the meeting.

"Yes, leader ye, I'm duckweed. Thank you for your help and treating my six classmates." Duckweed nodded slightly.

"They are all members of Shenfeng army. You are welcome. What are you doing here?" Ye Tian took a word in the past and asked about the business.

"Well, after cleaning the battlefield before, we patrolled around Yandu, and then turned to the north. Then he remembered that the leader was chasing and killing the enemy here, so he came to have a look. Later, I didn't see the leader's shadow. I suddenly thought of this devil's cave. I was worried that the leader might not notice and enter it by mistake, so I came here directly. " Shensuanzi replied."In that case, let's talk while walking."

Look at nothing important, ye Tian said, flying south, the speed is not fast, eight old ruins can keep up.

"How much do the eight Taoist friends know about the devil's cave in Northern Xinjiang?" Ye Tian was the first to speak.

Shensuanzi said: "eight old men in the ruins, the other seven old men are seldom involved in the world. They always practice in Xiaoling mountain. I'm the only one who often runs around. Now that leader Ye has gone in, he knows more than I do. One year, I was so curious that I wanted to go in and find out. As a result, I met a white skeleton. That guy was very powerful. He didn't do it, so I almost told him. "

"That's all. But just now I heard someone inside saying that they want to destroy human beings. It's not easy to do that!" Shensuanzi said anxiously: "moreover, the ghosts inside can't be killed by force. That's the biggest problem. The leader's spirit insects can't play a role either!"

"There will always be a way!" Ye Tian nodded. What shensuanzi said is really a problem. It's one of the problems that not everyone performs the Taoist art of thunder attribute. The second problem is that if the realm is not enough, even the bones of meditation can not be broken, let alone eliminate the essence of meditation.

The nether world is a world. No one knows how many practices there are. Ye Tian himself has no way to take those high-level practices, let alone others. Once the dark cultivation really breaks out of the dark fog, it is impossible to block all the dark cultivation, which requires more people to have the power to protect themselves.

It's urgent to improve the overall combat effectiveness of monks!

In addition, it is necessary to find materials such as millennial Lei Shu wood to make magic weapons to restrain the essence of meditation, so as to fundamentally destroy meditation.

Ye Tian doesn't know whether the dark stone with rich dark Qi will produce dark fog. Once he can, the scope of dark cultivation will be larger, and the Terran will be more passive!

Looking at Ye Tian's silence, shensuanzi continued: "because I found the strangeness in the dark fog, my old friends just closed their doors to practice, hoping to be stronger and deal with the possible disaster at any time! It turned out that only eight of us were able to give it a try. Now with leader ye and Shenfeng army, the burden on our shoulders has been lightened a lot. "

Shensuanzi said that ye Tian believed it. After all, six of them were injured in order to fight against tianwai friars. This is an iron fact.

"Fellow Taoists, maybe the earth will face more and more crises than you know now. Try to improve your cultivation! In the future, there will certainly be very difficult battles. However, we must have confidence that the catastrophe will eventually pass! " Ye Tian can only say so much, about the devil's world or don't let them know now, otherwise, they may completely lose confidence. The enemy is too powerful.

More importantly, the time is still too short, there is not enough time to grow up.

"No matter what, do our best! If you want to fight against the earth, you will have to pay for it, whether you are a monk or a devil's cave Qingyunzi said in a low voice, "leader ye will do his best. If he has enough time, I believe he will break through Yuanying and become a monk at the level of laoguai. However, there is too little time left for us, and there are too few cultivation resources on earth..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!