Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 933

If you are always by my side, I guarantee that you will all enter Yupu realm.

Ye Tian's words are like a bomb in the water, which makes everyone's heart full of waves, and all of them are stunned.

As if dreaming in general, and as if listening to the same, straight looking at Ye Tian, it seems that ye Tian is joking.

Everyone knows that the difficulty of entering Yupu realm is countless. No one has counted how many, millions? must? Or hundreds of millions?

However, only a few dozen people, no more than a hundred of them, have really entered Yupu.

Not to mention the realm of jade, even the realm of Yuanying, there are so many gifted monks stuck in this step that they can't make any progress in their whole life, not to mention the realm of deification and even the realm of jade.

These people were originally disciples of the temple. They may have imagined that they would become jade park one day, but it was just a flash in the pan. No one thought it would come true.

Their biggest wish, perhaps one day enough luck to achieve the goal, is to achieve the golden elixir realm, or cultivate to the Yuanying realm.

They look young, but their real age is more than ten years old. It's just because of cultivation. They look like Ye Tian, but their bone age is there.

Monks have a long life. Because of their physique and mana, for example, those monks in Longmen have a life span of 180 to 200 years.

But some monks often need more than ten years or even decades to break through a small realm, let alone a big realm.

Moreover, the reason why these Temple disciples were divided into the outer gate was that there was nothing outstanding in their cultivation ability, let alone compared with those talents.

What's more, they can't do nothing every day, just concentrate on cultivation, and complicated affairs will exhaust a lot of time.

It's very likely that Shouyuan has been exhausted and become a pile of bones without touching Yuanying or the threshold of the divine realm.

How can we have the chance to enter the realm of jade?

Not only other people don't believe Ye Tian's words, but even Murong Yan can't believe it at all.

Although he knew that ye Tian used to be a great monk in Yupu realm, and even she had no doubt that many years later, ye Tian could enter Yupu realm again, but that was Ye Tian, who was once emperor Dan.

It will never be her. It won't be her fellow disciples who used to be outside the temple.

However, seeing that ye Tian spoke so seriously and seriously, Murong Yan could not help but feel a little confused.

"Chief, I can't believe that with our talent, how can we enter Yupu's realm that day?" She laughed at herself and said her doubts tactfully.

Her words represent almost everyone's thoughts. At this time, when Murong Yan said this, they all looked at Ye Tian, with a trace of expectation, a trace of tension, and more importantly, the frustration of being surrounded by darkness after suddenly seeing the light.

Oh, it's just a dream to be a great monk in Yupu!

Ye Tian naturally knew what they were thinking. He nodded his head with clear eyes and said, "maybe you can't get into the jade Pu realm in the square inch spirit realm. Maybe, if you don't follow me, you can't enter into Yupu, but now, with me, I will be sure enough to fulfill my promise. "

"Of course, I will solve your doubts now. First of all, you are worried about Shouyuan. I can tell you without reservation that I can arrange a field, which can make the time flow in the field twice as slow as that in the outside world, but the aging speed of body function is the same as that in the outside world. What does this stand for? "

"It represents that we have doubled our training time!" Murong Yan's eyes brightened and murmured back: "we've never heard of this kind of field!"

"Oh, I haven't heard of it. It doesn't mean I don't have it. It doesn't mean I can't arrange it. It's just that the resources needed to set up this kind of field are huge, at least 800000 Xianyu and many precious materials are needed. So now, I can only set up a field with twice the time flow velocity. If there are enough resources in the future, I can even set up a field with twice or even three times the time flow velocity. " Ye Tian said confidently.

"If you can enter such a field to practice, I believe you will have more chances to enter Yupu. Chief, if you don't want to take all our Xianyu, we have to do our best to set up the field. " Murong Yan said excitedly.

Other disciples got excited and immediately echoed.

Ye Tian pressed his hands and stopped the crowd: "you don't need to take Xianyu to decorate such a field. Please listen to me quietly. That's just one factor. The second factor is that I can arrange a kind of aura field, which can be ten to twenty times of the outside world, and can be superimposed with the field that changes the flow rate of events. How much more do you think the chance of entering Yupu realm is increased? "

"Really?" Some people cover their mouths, some people's eyes shine again.

"Great! Chief, I know the spirit gathering array, but it's said that it can only increase the spirit concentration by three to five times. If it can reach ten to twenty times, it's really incredible. If what the leader said can be realized, I believe that Xu Xiao should have a 30% chance to enter Yupu Xu Xiao was also excited.For a moment, the crowd was agitated, and everyone was excited. At least these two things mentioned by Ye Tian will definitely give them a chance to enter the Yupu realm, but these two conditions are not enough.

"Why, forget what I said? You listen quietly. I'm not finished! And the third point... " Ye Tian smiles gently.

The scene quiets down, and all eyes look at Ye Tian at the same time.

Ye Tianying looked at the crowd: "third, I can also set up a field, which is superimposed with the field mentioned before. This field has the magical effect of chopping hair, washing marrow and improving physique. That is to say, you can continuously change your physique by practicing in it, and you will enter the country faster and faster..."

"Against the sky..." Someone cheers!

Ye Tian had to suppress the cheers of all the people again: "fourth, when you encounter the bottleneck, I will give you the pills to break through the bottleneck. No matter it's any realm or any bottleneck, my pills will break through all the barriers you encounter, and let you break through the Yupu realm all the way without bottleneck!"

"Chief, I think I can't help crying. If I can't break through to Yupu, I think I should be a pig..."

Tu Jun, who had never thought about it and didn't dare to think about it, seized Ye Tian's sleeve excitedly. His eyes shed tears and his body trembled slightly.

At this moment, the mood was boiling, and all the temple disciples were inexplicably excited.

Increase the time, increase the concentration of aura, improve the qualification, and provide elixir. If you can't enter the Yupu realm in this way, it's really a pig, as Tu Jun said.

Maybe a clever Zhu, under such circumstances, can also break through to the jade Pu realm!

In the past, it was only a fantasy that Jin entered the jade park. Ye Tian talked about two factors and it began to become a possibility. Now, everyone thinks that Jin entered the jade park is inevitable.

This is an important moment to change the fate of one's life. The future will be rewritten from now on. How can the great monk yupujing, who has achieved so many people's expectations, not be overjoyed.

Ye Tian once again stopped all humanity: "think about it, when you enter the jade Park, there will be more than 50 people, more than 50 jade parks, and many of them will enter the palace of heaven. At that time, you will be the same people who live and die together, and more than 50 jade parks can walk across the sky. In the future, all the heavens and regions will be yours. You will have the strongest circle of friends in history. You are the masters of the universe. "

"But there is one thing. If you lie down and sleep every day, don't think about making progress, and want to achieve Yupu realm in your dream, then don't wake up again!"

It can be said that ye Tian's words are very emotional, but the power contained in them makes everyone's emotions reach the peak.

When the last sentence was finished, everyone laughed, with tears in the smile and laughter in the tears.

But I feel that there is a kind of power surging in my heart, a longing goal emerging in my heart, and a golden road has been paved under my feet, just waiting for them to go on step by step. , the fastest update of the webnovel!