Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 931

"Senior colonel yuan, these twenty-two tianwai friars may have come to avenge the three men yesterday. In order to hide the strength of the Shenfeng army, the Shenfeng army can be seen by the public, but it must not be seen on TV. Please understand that! " Ye Tian hastened to remind him.

"OK, I understand. All materials submitted need our approval. We will pay attention to this aspect. I'll see you later. I'll lead the team over!"

Soon after putting down the phone, Murong Yan flies to Ye Tian and hands a pile of Xumi precepts to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian glanced at it and said, "you are responsible for the distribution of all the spoils seized. I don't want one."

"But it's all thanks to tiexianyi. Our temple disciples didn't do anything!" Murong Yan said with some embarrassment.

"I'm the leader of the Shenfeng army. You are the people of the Shenfeng army. My words are orders. And we should make it clear to them that we should pass on information on the phone, really regard ourselves as a member of the sacred wind army, and stop using the word "Temple". The calls of these telephone numbers are likely to be monitored. If the secrets of tianwai friars are exposed, the operation will not be so convenient! " Ye Tian once again warned that he had solemnly explained once before in the Magic Cave, but Murong Yan couldn't turn around for a while.

"Yes, chief!" Murong Yan looks at Ye Tian gratefully and flies down.

"By the way, Yi'er, you have a special pass now. Don't change into this." Ye Tian then looks at Yi'er. She still appears in the form of Qin Luo God.

"I like this. It's troublesome to change." Yi son touched his face and said with a smile.

"Oh, I see. You think it looks better than yourself, don't you?" Ye Tian excited her.

"Forget it, I like myself better." Sure enough, the little girl was made to change her mind by Ye Tian's words.

On the ground, vehicles came out one after another, and citizens flocked to see the battlefield with their own eyes.

Twenty two incomplete bodies of friars were placed in a row, and some timid people watched from a distance.

Ye Tian and the disciples of the temple are floating in the low sky. In the eyes of the public, they are very popular.

After a while, a dozen military vehicles came quickly.

Led by senior colonel Yuan Ye, four soldiers in the back, carrying the big flag embroidered with the words "Shenfeng army", inserted beside the body.

After seeing many reporters carrying long guns and short bubbles, ye Tian waved to Yuan Ye and Lin Quan and left here with his temple disciples.

That night, as soon as it got dark, fireworks rose in the urban area.

And more and more fireworks, the whole Nanhai city into a sea of fireworks, lasting.

Firecrackers are also loud, more lively than the Chinese New Year!

In their own way, the common people celebrated this extremely rare victory.

While patrolling over the South China Sea, ye Tian turned on his mobile TV to watch today's news.

The first important news is about today's great victory. The bodies of 22 celestial monks appear in the picture.

And the "Shenfeng army" flag flying in the wind.

Senior Colonel Yuan Ye was interviewed by reporters on TV. He was upright and said with a resounding voice: "tianwai friars are not terrible or invincible. Nanhai City cancelled the air ban. In the face of tianwai friars, the soldiers of Shenfeng army in the newly established Nanhai garrison war zone soared into the air to fight. It took 5.58 seconds to annihilate the enemy, and no one escaped. Kamikaze had no casualties. This is an epoch-making victory. We firmly believe that the victory will belong to us in the end! "

"Oh, five seconds five eight!"

Hearing this, ye Tian smiles. He really doesn't know this time. Is it so accurate? I don't know whether it was calculated by Yuan Ye's stopwatch or by Meng. Anyway, he should remember it a little longer than this!

However, the next news, ye Tian did not laugh out.

The host broadcast the news of tianwai monks' attacks one after another in a deep voice.

"SONGFENG city in southern Yunnan was attacked by extremely vicious tianwai monks. The number is unknown, resulting in more than 6800 deaths, more than 16000 injuries, and more than 4200 lost contact. Detailed data are being compiled."

"Many areas in Western Fujian were attacked by tianwai monks, resulting in 66 buildings collapsing, 23 buildings causing varying degrees of damage, and 13 combat aircraft being shot down. The losses caused by this attack are being counted."

"The DALONGSHAN military airport was attacked by tianwai friars. Sixty six armed helicopters and 16 fighter planes were damaged. The runway of the airport was completely damaged. The casualties are being counted!"

"Two artillery positions in Tianzhu Mountain were attacked by tianwai friars, which damaged 128 guns and caused a large number of ammunition explosions. Casualties are being counted..."

One bad news after another, a total of more than 200, a full broadcast of more than three hours, far beyond the previous broadcast time.

At the end of the special program, another piece of breaking news was added: Qinzhou City was attacked by an unknown number of tianwai monks, and the military has sent 40 armed helicopters and fighter planes to support, especially reminding the general public not to panic, not to go out, and to take good security precautions."Qinzhou?"

Ye Tian's face changed as he listened to the news. He drove his fierce sword towards the West. While flying, he dialed Yuan Ye's phone.

"Major yuan, there is an enemy situation in Qinzhou. I'll go there right away. I hope I can make it in time."

"OK, I'll send you a helicopter right away!" Yuan Ye's urgent voice came from the phone. Obviously, he also knew the situation, and he was probably watching the broadcast.

"No, the plane is too slow! During the period when I went to Nanhai, there was no one from Shenfeng army. Call me whenever you have something, and you will be back soon. " With that, he hung up.

"The plane is too slow?" In the garrison theater office, Yuan Ye holds a cell phone with a beep voice, grins bitterly and shakes his head, then calls to arrange the defense of the South China Sea.

Qinzhou is more than 700 miles away from the South China Sea. Ye Tian tries his best to urge the fierce soldiers to fly swords. He has reached the border of Qinzhou in 20 minutes.

Shennian let go, found that Qinzhou City ignited a number of fires, flames into the sky, the sky four helicopters, are frantically shooting.

A helicopter was suddenly destroyed by a monk fengdun who suddenly appeared. It fell into the city and started a fire.

In the city, there was a lot of gunfire and fire.

The fighting continues.

Within the scope of his mind, ye Tian found 68 monks outside the sky, some fighting with fighters, some wantonly attacking the ground.

Although the firepower in the city was dense, the shooting was blind and could not reach those tianwai monks.

In the fast flight, ye Tian dials Yuan Ye's phone again: "senior colonel yuan, I have led the Shenfeng army to Qinzhou. Can I contact the Qinzhou military? Unless there are friars attacking, don't shoot blindly and let the air support return to the base, otherwise none of them can go back."

"So fast? OK, I'm on my way too. Contact me right away Yuan Ye promised to hang up in a hurry.

After flying more than 60 Li, ye Tian suddenly released the magic weapon cave and called out all the people inside.

"There are 68 tianwai friars in the front. The highest cultivation is in the late stage of Longmen realm, and the lowest cultivation is in the early stage of Longmen realm. Kill them all. Solve the battle as quickly as possible

Ye Tian issued a battle order in a hurry, and then shot into the city of Qinzhou in a flash. He did not forget to leave two shadowless snakes behind to protect Yi Er. She was the slowest and the weakest. It is estimated that when she arrived, the battle was over.

When it was about to reach the edge of the city, the remaining three planes suddenly sped away, and the gunfire in the city had stopped.

At the same time, ye Tianyuan released more than 6000 Clematis and divided them into ten groups to rush in all directions.

Almost at the same time, his flying sword suddenly cuts to a monk in the middle of Longmen realm. Under Yuantian's eyes, the man is clearly seen by Ye Tian.

Although Ye Tian's accomplishments at this time were only in the early stage of Longmen realm, his strength was completely comparable to that in the early stage of Jindan realm.

With one sword, the monk was cut in half.

At this time, ten groups of Clematis had already entangled many friars flying out of the city. Ten groups turned into 15 groups, and then into 20 groups. As long as there were friars, ye Tian separated some Clematis and entangled them.

Now his mind is particularly powerful, and he can command these wire ants easily. , the fastest update of the webnovel!