Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 925

Ye Tian also shook Su Delin's hand and said: "Hello, major Su, it's everyone's responsibility and obligation to defend our country. But it doesn't have to be a soldier to defend our country. To make our own contribution in each post is to do our best for our country. For example, I am a student of guwu. On this road, I may go higher and farther, and have greater strength to protect the country and the people. If I join the army, I will cut off this road and take up my gun. What should I do if I meet an enemy like me who can't fight to death? If you want to kill a real strong enemy, you must be an ancient warrior. Although I can't join the army, I will take an active part in any military action that needs me. "

After listening to Ye Tian's words, Su Delin almost wanted to slap himself. For a moment, he was fond of material. When he asked this question in public, people answered it in public. But although these remarks are reasonable, they seem to affect his next work!

Conscription is voluntary. Although it is an encouragement to join the army, it can't be forced. Su Delin's self-restraint is good. He patted Ye Tian on the shoulder: "well said, the country needs such people. Keep your phone number."

It's true that he didn't wear bulletproof clothes. Su Delin specially looked at Ye Tian. His clothes had been beaten to rags, revealing some skin, but there was not even a red dot on his skin, which made him more puzzled.

After exchanging the number with sudelin, ye Tian doesn't delay any more. After saying goodbye to each other, his figure immediately disappears from the original place.

This is another heavy bomb, which immediately caused a heated discussion.

Suderlin listened, feeling a little wrong, because someone had come to him to cancel the registration.

And more and more people came to him.

In fact, this kind of registration is only an intention type, not a formal recruitment list, because the final intention should be determined according to the registration, and some qualification examination should be carried out before recruitment.

You can change your intention during the registration process.

As the names were crossed off the list, more students gathered around.

As a result, it took less than an hour for the whole day's results, and all the registered students cancelled their registration.

"Ye ye, I have decided not to join the army, learn guwu well, and use guwu's strength to serve the country!" Shi Xiong dials Ye Tian.

"Well, I respect your choice!"

Hearing Ye Tian's answer, Shi Xiong goes to major Su Delin.

After Shi Xiong left, Su Delin was silent for a long time and dialed a phone: "Colonel, I'm disgraced. A student of Nanhai guwu academy didn't come back!"

"What's the matter? At noon, have you signed up for more than 3000 people? " There was a low voice on the phone.

"Well, more than 5000 people signed up an hour ago..." Suderlin told the story.

"Are you sure you saw what you said?" After a moment's silence, the voice on the phone asked.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. The bullet didn't hurt the man at all, and it would escape. I suspect that he came to make trouble on purpose, which made us waste a lot of bullets! " Suderlin said reluctantly.

"If so, it's still a talent. Today, I got a clue that there are two people in LEGO bar who don't match their ID card photos. I can't confirm whether they are tianwai friars. I've sent Yang Bo to take them. You contact Ye Tian and let him take part in the operation. Task situation, contact Yang Bo, if ye Tian performance can, I personally find him to join the army The phone continued.

"Yes Sudlin seemed to be in front of the man, with his legs together and a straight posture.

Thirty minutes later, ye Tian and Yi Er met with Su Delin and other soldiers in a street.

"There are two people in LEGO bar who don't match the photos of their ID cards. Our character is to determine whether they are tianwai friars or not. If they are outlaws, arrest them on the spot. If they are tianwai friars, make another plan to avoid the safety of people's lives and property."

Su Delin only said on the phone that he had a task, but he didn't say anything about it. After meeting, he explained the situation in detail.

"Don't be sure, it's tianwai friar. I've determined it!" Ye Tian knows the location of LEGO bar. When sudlin says the name, ye Tian has released his mind to investigate. With sudlin's words, ye Tian has found out the result.

"How do you know?" Asked sudlin incredulously.

"Because I am a practitioner, I can feel it. You'd better not go there. Those people are not bad at sensing. Once they are gone, they will commit a lot of crimes. Now they don't do it, probably because they want to drink, that's all. Major Su has a good memory. Is there such a case? " Ye Tian asked.

"There are indeed such cases, and not together. It seems that tianwai monks prefer the wine of the earth. What about this situation? " Suderlin thought and said.

Ye Tian asked: "how did you deal with it before?"

"For the sake of the safety of people's lives and property, we usually look for the right opportunities to start, but it seems that we have not found the right opportunities. Because it's not a wise choice to rush in, we often miss good opportunities and fail to avoid incidents. "Ye Tian nodded, which he expected. Ordinary people had no advantage over monks.

"Leave it to me! Promise not to hurt the innocent! "

"To you? I have to ask for instructions! " With that, soderline stepped aside to make a phone call.

Soon back to Tell ye Tian, the top agreed.

Ye Tian nodded: "call your partner back, the other party has found out. If you stay too long, it will be very troublesome to irritate the other party! "

Su Delin takes a deep look at Ye Tian. Without speaking, he takes out the phone and dials Yang Bo over there.

But in the heart is very puzzled, ye Tian is really very powerful, he did not say, he actually knew that there is another group of people to act together.

"Well, we've got them back!" After calling, Su Delin returns to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian nodded and walked forward: "OK, those two people have already dealt with it. They can go there!"

"You mean, the two monks have already dealt with it?" Sudlin can't believe it. Isn't it a joke?

In strategizing, in winning thousands of miles away?

"Let's go and have a look. It's better to have a car. If not, take mine." With that, ye TianChao pointed to the side of the road and a SUV appeared out of thin air.

An SUV with a license plate?

Looking at the sudden appearance of the off-road vehicle, sudlin's eyes became straight.

"Come up! It's more than ten miles from LEGO bar. There's a lot of confusion over there now. Tell your people to go and keep order! " Ye Tian sits in the cab. Yi Er naturally sits in the co driver's seat. Su Delin looks at Ye Tian suspiciously and calls Yang Bo.

Then he got into the back of the car with a friend.

The off-road vehicle runs fast on the street, and there are few pedestrians in the street at night, so it soon comes to the LEGO bar.

At this time, the bar has been put up a cordon, someone is maintaining order, there is a circle of onlookers outside the cordon.

Ye Tian stepped on the brake and turned to Su Delin and said, "I won't go up. The storage rings on the fingers of the two dead people are proof of their identity. The space inside is filled with things. In addition, their skin is difficult to cut with ordinary swords. This is also a proof. In addition, their wounds are poisonous, so we must take preventive measures when dealing with corpses. "

"All right!" Suderlin agreed and got out of the car with his parents. Ten minutes later, he came out of the bar.

Behind him, someone was carrying two white body bags.

"Master ye, how did you do it?" This time, Su Delin not only had a respectful attitude, but also changed his address. He no longer called Ye Tian classmate!

Ye Tian smiles: "major Su, every cultivator has his own special ability and secret. If you want to solve this secret, I advise you to practice guwu. You are the awakened Lei Linggen, a very powerful man in heaven. Maybe you don't know! "

"Really? Can I? " Suderlin's eyes lit up and looked at suderlin with hope.

"No mistake. Do you think there's a lot of static electricity on your hands recently?" Asked Ye Tian.

Su Delin was a little stunned, and once again took a deep look at Ye Tian: "yes, that's right. In the past, I was in the special forces because there was a lot of static electricity, which might detonate ammunition, so I was transferred out to be responsible for recruiting soldiers."

"Believe me, practice ancient martial arts! Your achievements are limitless Ye Tian patted him on the shoulder. , the fastest update of the webnovel!