Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 920

Strange to say, the nun, who was already dead, opened her eyes with a loud drink from ye Tian.

In less than a minute, the nun jumped from the ground and bowed to Ye Tian deeply: "thank you for saving my life!"

This makes people look at Ye Tian with new eyes!

"Don't mention it. We are all friends in need. It's natural." Ye tianbai waved his hand and politely said that he knew that the nun's name was Guo Caiyun. She was very beautiful, but her face was bloodstained and looked terrible.

Ye Tian said a word to Murong Yan, and then took others out of the Tongtian tower.

Murong Yan accompanies Guo Caiyun to take out clean water from the top of the tower. The bathtub or bath. The nun takes these things with her everywhere. She loves to be clean.

At this time, in the square inch spiritual realm, above the space passage, the palace dress woman, the medicine king, and the old man Xue looked at the collapsed space passage, and their faces were very ugly.

"I wonder if the last disciple will be ok?" The woman in Imperial costume sighed.

"It should be unavoidable. I can't imagine that the passage is so fragile that it can't withstand so many people at one time! In this way, it's more difficult to enter the Earth Star! " Old Xue also sighed.

After pacing back and forth on the floor, the woman in Imperial costume said, "this space passage is unusable. We have to find a way to get one."

"It's not easy to get a space channel!" Yao Wang shook his head with difficulty.

"You can't do it, you have to do it. I hope Ye Tian can hold on to that time! Let's go With that, the woman in Imperial costume took them to the ground and went down to the delivery room.

Earth, in Qingming sect.

Yi'er walked in front of the pavilions. She couldn't express her joy: "it's so big here. I didn't expect that the aura of the earth star is so strong. I once heard that the aura of the earth star is withering, but seeing is believing!"

"Ha ha, the earth star is also the last six months aura just like this, before let alone withered, basic induction do not have the existence of aura." Ye Tian is also in a good mood, walking while introducing the road.

"See the Lord!" at this time, a disciple who was in charge of guarding Qingming saw Ye Tian show up and came over in a hurry.

"What's going on here? What's the big deal? " Ye Tian asks directly, in the square inch spirit realm, he is eager to know the news of the earth. The Tongyin artifact snatched from the dark friar will synchronize with the dark friar, and ye Tian will not use it.

"Report back to the patriarch, a lot of great things have happened, mainly because the number of tianwai monks invading the earth has increased and their strength is very strong. For the time being, there is no problem with the Miluo palace, but the military and the military alliance suffered a lot, and many people suffered from it. "

The disciple said.

As he walked, ye Tian listened to him, and his face became more and more ugly.

Now the earth, it can be said, is in great danger and overburdened.

No one can tell exactly how many monks came, but there are many people in the mountains who turned against the water and helped tyranny.

The Wumeng organized a war with tianwai friars, and 3000 ancient soldiers were badly injured.

Many of the eight elders in the ruins were injured.

In the war with tianwai friars, the army was absolutely at a disadvantage, and was attacked successfully many times, resulting in heavy casualties.

Because the other side also had a monk fall, so it became extremely cruel and killed the common people frequently.

At present, most of the people have moved to cities with military garrisons, but it is also precarious.

The lingchong sect and sanxingdong sect of the three overseas sects took refuge in the Miluo palace.

Tianwai monks repeatedly attacked the Miluo palace, but they failed to break through the great array of protecting the sect. The great ability of guarding the Miluo palace killed several monks. The other side was a little afraid and had retired.

The people of Qin family have moved into the Miluo palace, because there are people in the mountain who want to tell on the Qin family.

Two ancient military academies are mobilizing students to take part in the war and prepare to defend their country.

One bad news after another made Ye Tian very angry.

He didn't expect that the situation would be so rotten when he was only away for more than three months.

"Don't worry, Daoyou, there are still us! You can go to war at any time! I have 55 people here. I should be able to hold up for a while! " Murong Yan heard the whole situation clearly, then went to Ye Tian to show her attitude.

"Don't fifty-five, add me, fifty-six!" Yi'er was dressed in white, as if she were a fairy. She was gorgeous, but her face was covered with frost, and she was obviously angry.

Her cultivation is only in the middle of the sea view, which is absolutely nothing in the square inch spiritual realm, but she should be a good hand on the earth and among the mountain people.

The disciple of the Miluo palace was curious to see the patriarch with so many people, but he didn't dare to ask more.

"By the way, Daoyou, the Lord who called you just now, are you the founder of the sect?" Murong Yan asked again.

Ye Tian nodded: "Miluo palace!"

"Miluo palace? There is also a Miluo palace in the original blessed place of Qingming in Fangcun Lingyu Tu Jun doesn't know ye Tian's identity. He suddenly cuts in."Well, double name!" Ye Tian a word perfunctory past.

When qingmingzong arranged for the people to live in the temple, ye Tian was not in a hurry to go back to the temple. Instead, he borrowed the disciple's phone and talked to the temple to learn more about the situation.

These people brought back by themselves belong to secret forces and must not be exposed. Only in this way can we maximize the results of the war.

After arranging all the people, ye Tian leaves qingmingzong and goes out of the field array. He sends out 20 heartworms to investigate the situation.

He flew out of the mountain with his sword.

When he was about to reach the edge of the mountain, he suddenly stopped flying sword.

In his field of vision, he saw more than 30 Black Muzzles adjusting their direction and aiming at himself.

There are also some ground to air machine guns that are reorienting in bunkers.

Ye Tian flies back in a hurry. Just at this time, a rush sounds, covering the area he was in.

Grass, almost shot!

When ye Tiangang was wronged for a while, he realized that there was no difference between his own people and the monks outside the sky in the earth's army. Maybe in their consciousness, as long as they could fly in the sky, they were all enemies.

Thinking of this, ye Tian quickly released his mind and covered the surrounding area for 30 Li to check the military deployment.

It really made him find another artillery base. It looked very hidden, but under his mind, he could see it at a glance.

Ye Tian changed his direction, bypassed the two bases and flew out of the mountain.

In the distance, he heard an alarm in the city outside the mountain.

With his mind, we can see that the rooftops, roofs and even buildings of some buildings have black muzzle.

Depressed, ye Tian turns around to a remote place in the mountain.

He changed back his clothes and shoes on the earth, and then the sword avoided some barriers and went out of Tianzhu Mountain.

He also can't tell others that he is a human on earth!

Who believes that?

When he saw the road, ye Tian put away his flying sword and walked forward.

About twenty minutes later, he saw a taxi passing by and went up to stop it.

There was a passenger inside, a lady. The taxi stopped, but the driver opened the window and asked, "ID card?"

"Do I need an ID card to take a taxi now?" Ye Tian asked curiously, as if he wanted an ID card for public transport.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this sentence was finished, the taxi driver stepped on the accelerator and the car ran out.

Soon dry to more than a hundred pulse, go away.

I'll go, shall I?

Ye Tian is extremely depressed. What's wrong with him?

It's just that he doesn't know. Now he uses his ID card for everything he does here. Even if he goes to the toilet to pee, he has to hold his ID card.

This situation has been in place for two months.

Anyone who doesn't have an ID card is likely to be arrested as a monk.

As a result, ye Tian asked, it's strange that the driver doesn't run!

Although the disciples on duty in qingmingzong base said a lot of great things, there were too many details to be mentioned in all aspects. Ye Tian was not clear about many things.

But he has already noticed that he can't fly with the sword for no reason, and I'm afraid he can't even fly without it.

Where to go and what to do, people need ID cards and show them without saying a word.

Or you'll get shot.

Ye Tian originally wanted to buy a mobile phone and a mobile phone card for those people in the temple. It's convenient to get in touch with them. By the way, he bought them some maps to let them know the basic situation of the earth and the stars.

As for other aspects, we can only slowly adapt.

But now the problem has come out. Ye Tian has to give them an ID card. You can't fly around, but you have to take a bus, right?

And we have to deal with all kinds of inspections that may come at any time.

This problem is a bit difficult for ye Tian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!