Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 916

"Two martial uncles, I'll come soon!"

Seeing the two words, Murong Yan said to her two classmates and flew to meet the line ants. As soon as the line ant camp dispersed, the handwriting disappeared and turned back into a group.

flew as like as two peas of iron wire ants, and saw the figure of Ye Tian far away. Even the appearance was exactly the same as the original.

She didn't know that it was a temporary change from ye Tian.

"Daoyou, you are all right! Eh, Daoyou broke through to Longmen. How fast Flying to the front, Murong Yan's eyes unconsciously wet, some choked to say hello, then surprised said.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect to see Taoist friend Murong here. I really don't know where I don't meet! A little breakthrough is not worth mentioning. You said there was something urgent to tell me. I don't know what it is? " Ye Tian asked with a smile. Seeing Murong Yan's tears, his heart actually moved.

"A little breakthrough?"

Murong Yan looked at Ye Tian with a complicated look and asked, "is Daoyou the emperor Ye Tian?"

"Nonsense, I have nothing to do with Ye Tianneng. It's said that some of those conditions seem to have something to do with me, but how can I be Danti?" Ye Tian naturally won't admit that he's not worried about Murong Yan betraying her, but after all, her cultivation is limited. If she is searched, it's not for fun.

Lingchong is one of his cards. If you can keep this secret, you'd better keep it as much as possible!

"Oh That's it Murong Yan blinked at Ye Tian and continued: "if not, ye Tian would be in danger now. It's said that many people are staying at the old site of Qingming blessed land, waiting for him to throw himself into the net one day! "

"Besides, people are looking for ye Tiandan everywhere now. It's very dangerous to hide your true colors like Daoyou."

"Moreover, many sects have set up strongholds to distribute the portraits of Yedan emperor, or to offer rewards. There are bright and dark spots. Don't go to these places to avoid being hurt by mistake! "

"This is the information about the strongholds collected by the temple, as well as some information about the monks who once searched for emperor Dan."

With these words, Murong Yan handed Ye Tian a jade slip.

Ye Tian took it and laughed helplessly.

Obviously, no matter how much she denies it, Murong Yan regards herself as ye Tian, just to put it mildly.

"They know that Danti has great attainments in Dan Dao, so they have arranged manual control in all places where there is spiritual material trading. Just like the fair in Heifeng City, they arranged a lot of people, but unfortunately, they didn't see Dante show up. "

"Recently, they will organize several auctions with the gimmick of the world of souls. It's a trap!"

"And if there is any news of the birth of a talent, don't believe it."

"In addition, those people searched very carefully, especially for Tu dun."

"In addition, there are some disciples of Qingming blessed land who are also looking for the former Emperor Ye Tian. This is the list of places where they have been

"A business of the temple is selling all kinds of information, so it's very credible in this respect!"

With that, Murong Yan gave Ye Tian a jade slip.

Seeing that ye Tian has been listening quietly, Murong Yan is more sure of her conjecture. Ye Tian is Ye Tian. The ghost is reborn. Without any accomplishments, she is so powerful!

Murong Yan was agitated in his heart. Throughout the years of cultivation, although there were always dangers in the world of spirits, it was also because ye Tian was there, which was the most wonderful and unforgettable time in his life.

All the entry forces fell, and only they brought back more than 50 of their classmates safely. What a great honor!

"Who was that friar just now? Why are you fighting him? " Ye Tian nodded and asked.

"We don't know who it is. As for the cause of the struggle, I guess it may have something to do with my entry into the world of souls. All the forces in Fangcun's spirit realm want to know what's going on in the spirit world, but only the 55 disciples of our temple know what's going on inside, and then there are several high levels of the temple. "

"So recently, we have had a very difficult time. We are afraid to go out on weekdays. This time we have something to do, and we have to be protected by two martial uncles in the golden elixir realm. Unexpectedly, there was an accident. If we didn't meet Taoist friends, I'm afraid we would be lucky today." Speaking of this matter, Murong Yan was helpless.

Ye Tian nodded gently. When he searched for the soul of friar Li, he already knew about it. All the forces that have disciples entering the world are looking for the truth in the temple, but the temple is tight lipped, so those people put their ideas on the disciples.

Moreover, ye Tian also knows about the conflicts between the temple people and the gezong clan in the Wuling Valley, and even the killing of the Danxia Fudi friar, the ancestor of Qiangang Danxia Fudi, Qin Yuxiao.

"Daoyou, why don't you go to the temple for a while? I'm familiar with the medicine king of the temple. It should be no problem to stay in the temple." Looking at Ye Tian's silence, Murong Yan sends out an invitation. It was the only way she could think of now."Well..." Even if Murong Yan does not say, ye Tian is also considering this matter. The worst situation is that Qingming blessed land has been targeted. It is hard to return to the earth from there without anyone noticing.

And he must return to earth as soon as possible.

"What are you hesitating about? Now it's very dangerous outside. It's hard to walk! " Murong Yan continued to advise.

"I'm going to the temple, but I'm not going to seek refuge. I have other things to do. I don't need to contact the king of medicine. I'll contact myself." Ye Tian finally made a decision. With that, he took out the message given to him by the woman in the original Palace Dress from Xu Mi Jie, and immediately inspired it.

"Daoyou, do you have the highest summons in the temple?" Seeing the messenger in Ye Tian's hand, Murong Yan immediately covers her mouth.

"Yes, it was given by a great monk." Ye Tian so return a way, pour also don't have too much explanation.

"No wonder Taoist friends say that they have a lot to do with the temple. It's hard to hide from my little sister." Murong Yan unknowingly changed her address. Looking at Ye Tian's expression, she felt a trace of sweetness in her heart.

Just as he was talking, suddenly ripples appeared in the void beside him, and the women in palace clothes appeared out of thin air.

"Ah Hall, hall master.... "

Seeing this man, Murong Yan was stunned. He didn't expect that ye Tian was the most mysterious Lord of the temple. She thought it was the other high-level of the temple!

Even as a disciple of the temple, the temple master was able to meet him because she came out safely from the world of spirits. Before, she didn't even know who the temple master was!

"I know everything. Come with me!"

The lady in Imperial costume looks at Ye Tian, and with a gesture, ye Tian feels a flash of white light in front of her eyes, wrapping herself and Murong Yan together like a big cocoon.

Wenxiang full, ye Tian want to break free, but can't break free, and Murong Yan's arms are tightly in his arms.

How embarrassing!

As emperor Dan, ye Tian was eaten bean curd here. It's so sad!

As a great friar in yupujing, I naturally knew that this was the protection method used by the great friar when he took people to move. It was called he guangtongchen.

If there is no such protection, I'm afraid that the ordinary friars will be hurt no matter how high they move.

Fortunately, not long after the move, the white light disappeared and the surrounding scenery was clearly reflected.

Ye Tian a take an eye, recognize, it is he give palace dress woman's daughter drive away resentment of that underground hall.

"Ha ha, ye Daoyou, please sit down!" At this time, the woman in Imperial costume pointed to the chair beside her with a smile.

Ye Tian nodded slightly and sat down impolitely.

In the past, women in Palace Dress called themselves "Xiaoyou". Xiaoyou was a respectful name for the younger generation, because she was small! Although Ye Tian knows that he is not small anywhere, but he seems to be young and low-level, but he was once emperor!

But now this woman is a Taoist friend, but she is on an equal footing, putting each other on the same height.

"Murong Yan, from today on, you will be promoted to the core disciple of the temple, and you can participate in the high secret affairs of the temple! Resources are allocated according to the highest core disciples! " Later, the woman in Imperial costume looked at Murong Yan.

"Thank you for your kindness!" Murong Yan heard the speech, ecstatic heart, bowed to give a big gift. You should know that you used to be only an outside disciple, doing some chores, not even an inside disciple. Now you are stepping up to the heaven, becoming a core disciple, enjoying a large amount of cultivation resources. This is something you can't dream of.

"The disciple will leave first!" After thanking you, I want to avoid it.

"No, you and ye Daoyou are not outsiders. If it's not for ye Daoyou's sake, the most you can do this time is to recruit you into the interior. Since you are a core disciple, you have the right to participate in the high-level secrets of the temple. It's OK to listen to them here! " The woman in Imperial costume waved to Murong Yan and called her to her side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!