Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 911

More than two thousand miles away, less than half of the world of souls.

At this point, ye Tian knew that he was not out of danger. Maybe other monks would find themselves in various ways.

He was not sure whether the two monks were aiming at himself, so he deflected a direction and tried to avoid their straight flight direction.

However, with the change of his route, the two monks also adjusted their flight route and soon arrived at Ye Tian.

There are too many secrets about ye Tian. In the face of the two Yuanying, he really doesn't grasp the whole body.

Just as the two friars stopped, his figure flashed, which once again inspired a small moving sign to send away quickly.

"It should be him!" see a circle of ripples, ye Tian disappeared from the light door, one of the round faced middle-aged friars stamped his feet, ye Tian sent too fast, he had no time to intercept.

"Yes, the cultivation below the golden elixir comes from the direction of the Wuling valley. He has a small moving Rune in his hand. He uses his magic power to change his appearance. He doesn't dare to meet the friars and runs away directly. All this information is consistent with the appearance of the man. Maybe it's him without soul searching. " Another blue monk with pockmarked face said with a turn of his eyes.

"Elder martial brother Yu, do you want to inform the clan and spread the search around this place?" The round faced monk thought for a moment and asked, he has always been friendly with elder martial brother Yu, who is resourceful and safe. He seldom suffers losses when he goes out with him, so he always asks for the advice of elder martial brother Yu.

However, the friar surnamed Yu shook his head when he heard the words: "this man comes out of the world of Wanling valley. He must have a lot of wealth. If he informs the clan, he is likely to make wedding clothes for others. It's better for us to search separately. No matter who gets them first, they will share equally with each other. Catch the living, keep his mark of Xumi commandment, and then search their souls separately, so that they will be clear! "

"Well, it's absolutely safe to rely on the elder martial brother. Even if I don't do it, I naturally trust him too much." The round faced friar said with a smile. After discussing with the friar surnamed Yu, he found a way to escape.

However, they did not expect that ye Tian was thousands of miles away.

This time, the transmission distance of small moving symbol is very long, and the transmission direction makes Ye Tian depressed.

It was sent to the East in the opposite direction of Qingming blessed land, all the way across the location of the Spirit Valley.

Just sent over, ye Tian was surprised to find that the distance from Heifeng city was only more than 1000 Li. After confirming his position, he made a little calculation. If he went back to Qingming, he would need to fly eight thousand miles, cross the area of Wanling Valley, and then walk more than 100000 miles to reach the coast.

Thinking that in the west, one's own whereabouts may have been exposed, and a low level monk alone along the way is likely to encounter interrogation or soul searching. Now it is more dangerous to return.

It's better to stay out of the limelight for a while.

After making up his mind, ye Tian changed his clothes and became an honest and amiable middle-aged monk. Then he drove a very ordinary flying sword and looked around in the nearby mountains.

Finally, a pool was found under a cliff.

Here is a good place for Da Yin.

Before entering the pool, ye Tian habitually released his mind and explored the neighborhood, but found no danger.

Then he opened his eyes and looked around.

When he saw a big tree ten feet away, ye Tian was startled. If he didn't show yuantianyan, he might not have been able to find that there was a middle-aged monk staring at himself.

From the breath, I feel that I have the cultivation of golden elixir.

"Danti yetian, you are Danti yetian!" Before ye Tian has a reaction, the monk blurts out Ye Tian's identity. With that, a circle of ripples appear around him, and he even uses the small moving Rune to escape.

Ye Tian is extremely depressed. A golden elixir is scared away by a monk who is at the top of the sea view. In this way, you can see that the other party really recognizes his identity.

Practitioners have a lot of talents. For example, the monk in the golden elixir realm just now was able to conceal that he had to use the source eye to see.

Some people, no matter how the monks changed their appearance, could restore their original appearance through their eyesight.

Some people are very sensitive to breath and taste and are good at tracking.

For example, he is particularly gifted in spirit material and elixir, surpassing almost all monks and directly becoming the existence at the top of the pyramid.

Ye Tian is not sure which method the golden elixir monk used to recognize himself, but if he can tell his name, it will never be out of thin air.

You can't stay here any longer. Ye Tian is very sorry for this place, so he changes his appearance again and uses a small moving symbol again to send it randomly!

He can't leave a trail here to avoid being tracked.

In front of a burst of light and shadow flow, the transmission of Ye Tian only feel a steady step, fell somewhere, and then in front of the scene clear up."Ah Then a woman screamed.

At this time, ye Tian has found out where he is. It turns out that in the back garden of a wealthy family, several women are bathing in a clear water pool in red belly pockets.

The cry came from the mouths of the women.

How embarrassing!

Ye tianben didn't mean to send it in by mistake. It wasn't his intention. Even before he came to see what those women looked like and whether they were young, he wanted to leave here.

Just when he was ready to escape, a woman suddenly said, "Shangxian, don't you mean never peek?"

Shangxian is the common people's name for friars. It's like this in Fangcun spiritual realm. Although there are many friars, it's too mysterious for ordinary people.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the various supernatural powers of the practitioners are absolutely immortal signs, miracles and worships.

But the cultivator cultivates a vast amount of supernatural power, and cultivates a long and lasting life. He seldom intersects with mortals too much.

And these women are obviously ordinary people.

Moreover, ye Tian smelled something unusual.

"Is it the so-called Shangxian who let you bathe here?" Ye Tian turned around and asked the women, five young women to be exact.

At this time, they had squatted in the water, so that the pool did not go over their shoulders, hands covered in the chest.

"Yes, aren't you the immortal?" A woman came back in bewilderment.

"If you don't want to die, put on your clothes. The water will kill you." Ye Tian turned to avoid suspicion. Soon, he heard the sound of water and clothes. After a while, he heard someone talking.

"Shangxian, what do you mean? Aren't you with the immortal? "

Ye Tian did not answer her question, but directly asked: "do you feel tired and sleepy after every bath, and always want to have a big sleep?"

"Well, how do you know?" First there was silence, and then a woman timidly admitted it.

Ye Tian turned around and looked at the five young girls who were dressed neatly in front of him. He continued: "many people in this city should have been taken away by the immortal you said? Including men

"Yes, Shangxian said it could help us become immortal." It seems to hear the meaning of Ye Tian's words, and the girl who answers starts to be a little scared.

"Did Shangxian say when he would come back?" Ye Tian continued to ask. Just now, he released his mind, covering a radius of 30 to 40 Li. He found that this is a pure city inhabited by mortals, and he didn't feel the existence of monks. When he first came here, he thought it was Heifeng city. Now, it's not.

"In the evening, the immortal said that he would take us away in the evening." The woman returned with a trembling voice.

"Well, you don't have to be afraid. Now you can talk about the immortal. He is doing something bad to you, but I can save you..."

Ye Tian began to be good at persuasion. Since he encountered such a thing, he had to take care of it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!