Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 903

Time goes by bit.

Ye Tian skillfully manipulates the original spirit fire, controls the spirit material in the Dan furnace, and casts a mana into the Dan furnace from time to time.

The higher the grade of pills, the more accurate manipulation is needed, and the higher the attainments of Dan Dao are required.

Finally, more than five hours later, ye Tian wiped the sweat on his forehead and reached out to the Dan stove. A crystal clear white pill appeared in Ye Tian's hand.

"Eight grade Huitian pill!"

Looking at the eight white patterns on the elixir in his hand, ye Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, he refined eight elixirs with these spirit materials.

In the process of refining pills, there will be a part of the power separated from the liquid of spirit material. In order not to waste this part of the power, it is necessary to integrate the power separated from the liquid into pills again.

This process is called Guanling.

Not every pill needs to be infused with spirit, and not all spirit materials can bear it.

Not all alchemists are able to infuse spirit in alchemy.

Some low-level talents don't need to be infused at all, because the time to become elixir is short. When infusing elixir, they may lose more power, which is often not worth the loss.

It is more necessary to accurately control the fire. If you blindly pursue the spirit, it is likely that the whole furnace of pills will be consumed because of the poor control of the fire.

Although many alchemists pursue refining higher grade pills, few of them have the courage to take a chance. Even if they have the courage, they don't necessarily have luck.

The more advanced the spirit material is, the longer the process of forming the pill is, which makes it possible to infuse the spirit. Only when it reaches the level of eight grade pills or above, can it show eight spirit lines.

It's not that ye Tian didn't achieve the ninth time of pouring spirit.

Only because of the limitation of lingcai, it can only support eight infusions of lingcai, then it has become a pill, and the power of lingcai is not wasted at all.

This is the ultimate level of this pill.

Looking at this elixir, Rao is a past life. He is already the emperor of elixir. Ye Tian is still very excited.

Because this pill is specially made for ningyao.

Put away the red stove and many jade boxes, ye Tian spent more than one hour to recover his mood, and then took a drop of Zaohua liquid.

Mana is old and at its best.

Then a mana protects the eight grade pill and slowly sends it to the entrance.

Carefully run the pills into the Dantian and put them on the sleeping ningyaoling.

Time goes by.

The elixir began to melt slowly, and ye Tian tried his best to control the elixir in his body, so that all its power was absorbed by Ning Yao's Lingzhong, so as not to waste a little bit.

As ningyao Lingzhong absorbed more power, Lingzhong, which was like a white cocoon, began to change.

First of all, the breath became stronger and stronger, and Lingzhong produced a dense white light, and the light became brighter and brighter.

I don't know how long later, the elixir has been absorbed by Ning Yao's Lingzhong for six to seven times. It is as calm as a sleeping Lingzhong. Finally, something has happened.

It became like a living creature, stretching and contracting at a very slow speed, like a long breath.

There was such a slight fluctuation in Lingzhong.

And this change is more and more obvious.

Until all the power of Huitian pill is absorbed, the pill no longer exists, and the breathing fluctuation of that spirit seed becomes much larger.

One Shrink

It's like a little white heart beating at a very slow rate.

But ye Tian, however, felt that the breath of Ning Yao, which had existed before, began to become so obvious!

In the previous life, we lived together day and night.

It's not because that person is good, it's just because no one can replace him!

And at this time, feeling the breath of Lingzhong, ye Tian's thoughts once again return to the spring breeze ten miles, the Qingming blessed land of white cloud crane dance!

Ning Yao, I Ye Tian, your husband, even if you go all over the starry sky and the sky, you must find Sansheng and Sanshi lotus, so that you can return to the world and travel hand in hand in the land where you and I have been washed away.

Ye Tian swears in his heart!

Later, he converged, continued to sort out the spirit material, and began to refine the pill.

This time, the elixir was refined for Qin Luo God. Before her cultivation, it was said that there were xuanlingdan and dilingdan on the earth.

Now, with the improvement of her cultivation, that kind of elixir can't meet her needs, and ye Tian has acquired many new spiritual materials, a large part of which ye Tian can't use himself, just for Qin Luo God.

Every time I see Qin Luoshen, I will make ye Tian think of Ning Yao, and have more motivation in his heart.

A furnace a furnace of refining out of pills, until ye Tian refining eight furnaces, only then he stopped.

A total of 39 pills of three different kinds.

If all these pills are refined and absorbed, it is believed that Qin Luoshen can be promoted to the middle of the sea view, including the Bihai Chaosheng pill that ye Tian once took.Ye Tian put these pills into different jade bottles, engraved the names of the pills on the bottles, and explained all the problems related to taking them to Qin Luoshen one by one.

In this way, ye Tiancai put down his heart and began to meditate, trying to integrate all the mana in Dantian.

In fact, the best way is to integrate in the battle, so as to get twice the result with half the effort and make mana control freely.

There is no sun and moon in the tower of time and space. Even ye Tian can't know exactly how many days have passed.

On this day, ye Tian, who was still in cultivation, suddenly stopped.

He got up in a hurry. He only had time to say hello to Qin Luoshen, and then he got out of the time and Space Tower. After putting the tower away, he returned to the ground.

During this period of time, the temple disciples frequently changed their encampments in order to pick spiritual materials. Ye Tian saw their actions clearly through the view of lianxinchong, so it was easy to find them.

Half an hour later, ye Tian came to a valley and met Murong Yan in mid air.

"Is Daoyou back? For so many days, I thought you would not come back before the closure of the boundary? " Murong Yan looks happy, joking.

Ye Tian just nodded slightly and said solemnly: "send a messenger, call all the disciples together quickly!"

"Good!" Looking at Ye Tian's face, Murong Yan knew that the matter was very urgent, and she didn't ask much. She immediately took out a special messenger. After the mana was activated, she said to the messenger: "it's urgent. Gather at once!"

As the messenger was reduced to ashes, the message was delivered.

"Any disciple, as long as he receives the urgent message, even if he has dug half of the spiritual material, must put it down and return immediately. Now, Daoyou, can you tell me what happened? " Murong Yan looked at Ye Tian and said.

"How many more days to close?" Ye Tian didn't answer Murong Yan's question and asked directly.

"Three more days." Murong Yan takes out a disc-shaped spirit weapon and shows it to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian takes a glance, and there are really three days left. This kind of disc-shaped spirit instrument has the function of timing, even without the reference of sun, moon and stars, it can also accurately timing.

The principle is that there are some timed self exploding objects embedded on it, from 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours It increases exponentially in turn.

When it comes to self explosion, ye Tian sees that there are 27 self explosions.

"Three days..."

Looking at a certain direction, ye Tian murmurs to himself, and then makes a gesture. A pill is quickly swallowed by him.

"Boom!" Ye Tian's momentum bursts out, and the terrible energy on the pill slowly turns into mana. After Zhou Tian's four limbs and hundreds of bones are introduced into the Dantian by Ye Tian.

"I grass, you are really a monk watching the sea!".

It is obvious that ye Tian is taking pills to practice, and even preparing to attack the next realm.

When taking pills, it is impossible to continue to hide the actual accomplishments. In that case, it will cause great damage to the monks, and even worry about their lives.

This is an iron law that no one can break.

He thought that he was a monk of high realm and entered the world of all souls. Only now did he realize that it was just his wishful thinking, and this Taoist friend was really just a monk of sea watching realm.

It's terrible. If a monk in guanhaijing kills a monk in Longmen, it's like killing a chicken or a dog!

Murong Yan realized this problem and began to retreat slowly, leaving Ye Tian a little far away.

It's six or seven feet away to protect Ye Tian's Dharma. Of course, she also knows that ye Tian doesn't need someone to protect his Dharma, otherwise he won't serve Dan here.

"Well, come and talk!" Ye Tian said while refining pills.

Murong Yan in accordance with the words in the past, reluctantly led the corner of the mouth, said: "Daoyou, I always thought you were a high level monk!"

"I never said that I was a high level monk!"

Ye Tian wry smile: "however, now there is a high level monk into the world of all souls."

"How high is it? Is it the golden elixir? " Murong Yan asked with an air of suffocation.

"If the golden elixir is OK, you don't have to be so nervous. According to my guess, it should be a monk above Yuanying!" Ye Tian smiles bitterly again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!