Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 893

Murong Yan took a look at Ye Tian and hesitated a little: "the proposal of Taoist friends was originally the wish of the disciples of the temple. After all, many disciples died in the hands of the disciples of Guangtian temple and Dongzhen ruins. This is a revenge for both public and private affairs. However, most of the disciples of the temple have been injured. Before the closing of the Spirit Valley, the monks who enter this realm will be more crazy, and there will inevitably be a scuffle. I'd like to let my disciples recover first, and then I'll do something after a few days. "

Ye Tian puts down his hands and looks at Murong Yan and his party without words.

Facing a monk in the later stage of the sea view, Murong Yan only felt a tight heart, but was forced to give birth to a sense of suffocation by Ye Tian's eyes.

"It's like this..."

Murong Yan hastily explained: "those injured disciples are no longer able to protect themselves. If they all leave, I'm afraid there will be accidents. This is the best way I can think of now.

Ye Tian nodded slightly: "if it wasn't for the Houttuynia cordata from Taoist friend Murong, I wouldn't mind your business. Since the situation on your side is not allowed for the time being, you can see how much time it takes to recover and give a definite date! "

Murong Yan was a little relieved when she heard Ye Tian say that. She thought about it and said, "it's the fourteenth day to enter the valley. In sixteen days, the valley will be closed. Just take ten days to recuperate. How about going out for another war in the last six days?"

"Good! You can find a place to recuperate. In ten days, let them look for spiritual materials as much as possible, and then kill them when they are fattened! " Ye Tian said, the figure is a flash, has disappeared from the original place, Murong Yan quickly release the divine sense to look for, but can no longer find half a trace.

"Elder martial sister Murong, this Taoist friend..." Tu Jun also looked for it, but he got nothing. Just about to speak, Murong Yan said in a hurry: "stop talking about that Taoist friend. Are you sure he is not listening?"

Tu Jun trembled in his heart and quickly released his mind again to find Ye Tian.

"No, if he doesn't want you to see it, you can't find it anyway! Let's go back and talk as we walk Murong Yan said, waving his hand and shouting: "return!"

Although she is only a female nun, she has a great reputation among many male nuns. Just this sentence, many people follow her and fly back. No one dares to disagree.

"Younger martial brother Tu, where did you go with that Taoist friend?" On the way, Murong Yan asked.

Tu jundao said: "at the beginning, I didn't know where he was going. Moreover, I wondered why he chose me instead of other classmates."

"Why?" Murong Yan asked.

"Ha ha, I'm ashamed to say that. I think it was probably because I had the weakest cultivation among all my classmates at that time. He needed the weakest person to lure the enemy to show up. Of course, I was the best choice for him? Tu Jun said sheepishly.

"The man he's trying to seduce appears? Who is it? " Murong Yan eyebrows slightly pick, curious to ask.

"That man is Zuo Yimeng of Dongzhen market." Tu Jun immediately returns a way, speaking of this person, he still has some shudder to Ye Tian's means.

"Zuo Yimeng? That's unlikely, isn't it? At the beginning, Zuo Yimeng escaped and used a small moving sign. No matter how powerful the Taoist friend was, it was impossible to find out where he was after moving, right Murong Yan raised her eyebrows again and asked suspiciously.

Tu Jun shakes his head and smiles bitterly. Looking at Murong Yan, he says: "nothing is impossible. Elder martial sister Murong may not believe it. On the way, the Taoist friend changed his route several times and finally lured Zuo Yimeng out. It seems that he is not only very clear about Zuo Yimeng's position after using the small moving sign, but also his route. What's more, after Zuo Yimeng appeared, he was forced by the Taoist friend and had to use a small moving sign again. Elder martial sister Murong, guess what? "

"Say quickly, did he find the transmission position of Zuo Yimeng again?" Murong Yan stares at TU Jun and is dissatisfied with the pass he sells.

Tu Jun said: "I didn't see it with my own eyes. However, when the Taoist friend came back, he seemed to have killed Zuo Yimeng. I really don't know why he had to kill Zuo Yimeng?"

Murong Yan pondered and nodded: "I should be able to guess, because there is something in Zuo Yimeng's hand, he may be determined to get it!"

"Oh? What's that? Is that important? " Tu Jun inquired curiously.

Murong Yan eyebrows a vertical: "should not you ask don't ask, know too much is not a good thing, by the way, what else?"

"Of course, after that Taoist friend went after Zuo Yimeng, I was in danger and almost attacked by two thieves from Dongzhen market. But the Taoist friend didn't know what means to use, so that the two people were injured out of thin air, and on the way of their escape, the Taoist friend killed them directly! It seems that he is in charge of everything in the world of spirits. " At this point, Tu Jun could not help sighing.

Then he said, "elder martial sister Murong, I always feel that the Taoist friend has a grudge against Dongzhen ruins and Guangtian temple. Otherwise, how could he be so keen on seeking revenge from these two sects?""No nonsense!" Murong Yan's face turned pale when she heard the speech. She scolded: "all the people here, except our own, are enemies. We have to guard against them. The reason why that Taoist friend is in trouble with Dongzhen ruins and Guangtian temple is that I asked him to help. Remember, don't maliciously speculate on that Taoist friend. Can't you see that? His cultivation is unfathomable. If it's going to be bad for us, hum, if he doesn't do anything, he will do nothing and let us be attacked. I'm afraid we'll burn incense in half our lives! "

"Yes Tu Jun's face was so deep that he didn't dare to talk any more.

Murong Yan did not say anything, but for Tu Jun's last words, she was on the heart, it seems that ye Tian is a little too keen to find the trouble of the two families!

But what he said to Tu Jun was true. At least she didn't see that ye Tian had any bad intention to the temple.

Ye Tian has no way to know their conversation.

Although lianxinchong can send back the picture here, it can't transmit sound.

At this time, he had come to a secret valley hundreds of miles away. There was a pool in the valley. The area was not very large, but the water quality was excellent. The water was clear to the bottom. The grass on the bank was lush, and there were many unknown wild flowers.

A little induction around, did not find any danger, they left lianxinchong sentinel nearby, he jumped into the pool, to the bottom shallow.

Then he went to the underground for hundreds of meters and took out the seal to make a space. Until he opened a spacious underground space, he put away the seal and took out the time tower.

As soon as he appeared in the space-time tower, it immediately became lively.

Both he Qing and he Chan are full of joy. Qin Luoshen has finished his cultivation and asks about the situation outside, so that ye Tian can deal with it.

However, Xiao Li Zi's attitude is very good. Since he ate a five level demon Dan given by Ye Tian, he was always in a deep sleep.

When you fall asleep, you don't forget to hold the stone statue of Da Meng Fanzi, which is in the form of a beautiful dream. The sleeping posture is lovely and pleasant.

Every time ye Tian enters the space-time tower, he always sleeps, but every time he can feel the change of his breath.

From the first six floors of the cave, it has broken through to eight floors in this period of time.

According to the theory of physical training, he has already entered the first half of his life. I don't know how much faster than Shi Xiong!

In this way, ye Tian is full of expectations for its future achievements.

After some greetings, they returned to their places, and ye Tian began to be busy.

The ten days agreed with Murong Yan are also what he can't wait for. If he doesn't want to separate the temple from the various forces in the Fangcun spirit domain, and then bring it to his own side, he won't discuss with Murong Yan about joining hands.

It's not what he can predict now that he is going to make progress in the future.

Now, the first thing is to start alchemy.

Ye Tian took out the new Siraitia grosvenorii, the previous golden spirit fruit, and the Bodhi fruit given to him by the God operator. He checked all the spirit materials and picked out the available spirit materials. Even Houttuynia cordata was placed beside him. After some preparation, ye Tian took out the Dan stove and called out the original spirit fire. , the fastest update of the webnovel!