Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 881

The deeper the mountain is, the more precipitous the mountain is. There are cliffs, waterfalls, clouds and mists. Many places are very beautiful and dangerous.

"Over there!" on the flying sword, he Qing stands in front of Ye Tian and points to the distance. Ye Tian doesn't ask much at the moment and drives the flying sword directly.

In the wet rock below the waterfall, four iron flowers were collected, which can be used as auxiliary materials for alchemy.

"There are, too!" Half an hour later, she spoke again, referring to a wooded valley. Ye Tian followed his guidance, and his trip was indeed worthwhile. Wherever he pointed out, he could find spiritual talents.

In the next half day, ye Tian had a great harvest. He collected 24 spirit trees, four of which were very precious.

At this time, ye Tian is ready to stop for a while. At present, the spirit material he has collected is enough to refine a furnace of pills. Next, he has to find a suitable place to refine pills.

Ye Tian looked around and flew to a deep valley of cloud and mist in the distance.

Suddenly, ye Tian in the imperial sword stops abruptly, his eyes are looking at the void in front of him, and his face is dignified.

"Ha ha ha Unexpectedly, you can see through fengdun? " Ahead, where ye Tian was looking, seven male and female friars suddenly appeared.

Ye Tian's source eye is not covered. He opens the source eye from time to time in order to find out the danger that the naked eye can't see. But it was too consuming to open the source eye all the time, so he used this intermittent opening method.

When ye Tian saw these seven people, he was shocked. Five of them were in Longmen realm, and the other two monks in sea view realm had reached the peak of sea view realm.

Ye Tian sends two messages to Jue Qing and Jue Chan, and then brings them into the ring of spirit beast. Although the environment there is not as good as the space-time tower, it is not suitable to expose the space-time tower now.

"Sure enough, they are not ordinary monks. They have two young ghosts. You can imagine how to use them to find spiritual talents. However, since we have found them, they will no longer belong to you from now on!" A tall friar looked at Ye Tian and laughed.

Ye Tian suddenly turned around, and without saying a word, he tried his best to control the flying sword.

"Chase The tall monk gave a cold drink and chased Ye Tian first.

But when he moved, he felt numb on his leg. It seemed that he was bitten by something. He flashed to the side and yelled, "be careful!"

The other six scattered in a hurry and were on guard.

The tall friar tore open his trouser legs and revealed two small black holes. The black air was spreading up along his feet. He could not help but feel awe in his heart and quickly put a pill into his mouth. Then he drank again: "go after him and see if there is any antidote on him."

The other six friars, hearing the words, ran straight after ye Tian, who had already gone far away. One of them was in the air, and suddenly felt something strange on his legs. When he looked down, he saw a transparent snake flash away, and no trace could be found.

"You go after me, and I'm bitten by a snake!" The monk yelled, took out the antidote pill and sent it to the entrance. He began to use his magic power to force out the blood of the wound.

The rest of the five people are awe inspiring. They scatter around, draw a arc, and then chase Ye Tian.

At this time, ye Tiancai, who had gone far away, summoned two shadowless snakes back. Since the other side was already on guard, it was no longer meaningful to use shadowless snakes to attack.

Just at the moment of this brief attack, ye Tian had already escaped far away, but five monks behind him followed closely, and three of them were still chasing closer and closer.

Ye Tian doesn't hesitate to expend his mana, but he has recognized a certain direction. He has seen the tall monk who has been injured by a snake send out a message. It is estimated that it will take a short time for reinforcements to arrive.

Although he doesn't know which faction he belongs to, there are not a few people who enter the world. Although Ye Tian has a lot of cards, he won't fight with his opponent even if he's not sure.

Who knows, does the other side have other cards?

More than ten minutes passed quickly. Ye Tian had already flown more than two hundred miles, but the pursuers behind him also reached twenty or thirty feet behind him. Some friars began to control the flying sword to cut him.

Ye Tian skilfully avoided the past, the speed of the flying sword did not decrease, and flew straight into the endless forest in front of him

the forest is very vast, with fog and clouds. Ye Tian found it from the view of lianxinchong. According to his experience, there should be a strong miasma here.

Although the miasma is colorless and tasteless, it can't be separated from the form of gas. Ye Tianyuan's heavenly eye looks at the forest again. The forest, which was once so common, turns pink under the light of Yuantian's eye.

This is exactly the appearance of miasma under the eye of Yuantian.

Ye Tian took out a piece of Qingmiao pill from xumijie and put it into his mouth. This was the leftover thing he had not used up in his exploration of Chonggu in southern Yunnan. After taking this one, there were only two left.

Outside the woods, three monks who first arrived at Longmen came together. One of them, with a heavy eyebrow, said darkly: "this guy is very cunning. The miasma in the woods is too strong to enter easily. First, lock his whereabouts and wait for other disciples to come before he dies."The other two are also worried about ye Tian's strange shadowless snake. They nod their heads and agree one after another. They do three different things and fly to the sky to chase Ye Tian's figure.

More than 20 miles into the woods, there was still no end of the woods in front of him. He took a look at the three monks in the sky. He stopped.

This has been running, certainly can not get rid of each other's entanglement, but for each other to buy time.

A little ponder, ye Tian took out the Dan stove, then took out a jade box, began to choose the spirit material.

"What is he going to do? Do you want alchemy? " High in the sky, the three friars gathered together, looking at Ye Tian in the forest, and talked quietly.

This high level of miasma is already very thin. With their level, they can resist it by their own mana. In fact, it doesn't matter if they go further. They are just worried about ye Tian's shadowless snake. While they are distracted to resist miasma, they also have to prevent it from being attacked by shadowless snake. After all, it's very risky.

At this level of cultivation, monks cherish their lives. They don't have enough assurance, and they won't try anything risky.

For example, two of my former classmates were careless and hurt by a snake. I don't know how it will end. I'm sure it won't be too easy.

"No matter what he does, he can't do it." A girl with a melon face snorted, then she pinched her fingers and shot her sword down.

Rolling up a piece of brilliance in the forest, he cut more than ten big trees around Ye Tian to pieces. Countless branches and leaves fell, and the thick trunks were cut to pieces.

Ye Tian picks his eyebrows and suddenly gets up. He calls out the fierce sword from the Dantian. He quickly enlarges it in his hand, and then cuts the fierce sword heavily.

With a click, the sword light cut the magic weapon of the opponent's flying sword heavily. Under the fierce soldier's flying sword, the flying sword was cut into two parts in a flash.

The nun was in the air, and her breath was dispirited.

This flying sword is her own life flying sword. It has been kept in the Dantian for many years. It is connected with her mind and spirit. The flying sword was destroyed, and even her body suffered a certain degree of trauma.

Seeing the nun's appearance, another friar next to her quickly called back the flying sword that had been released. He looked down at the fierce flying sword in Ye Tian's hand and said to himself with burning eyes: "at least the banxianbing. I can't imagine that this little friar has a lot of treasures!"

"Come on, come on. If you don't agree, please come here! " Ye Tian looks up at the sky, stares at the three friars and shouts loudly.

"Boy, don't be too rampant, today is your death time!" The friar with thick eyebrows snorted coldly in spite of his anger. In today's battle, he felt a little weak. He went into the forest and worried about miasma and snake attack. In the high altitude, the other side had sharp immortal soldiers.

He has a bit of a dog bite hedgehog feeling.

In the woods, there was a sneer on Ye's lips. He put the fierce sword in front of his knees and continued to make pills.

"Look, what pills is he making?" The friar with thick eyebrows held back his anger and asked.

"It should be the elixir to fight against miasma, otherwise what will be refined here? He is not old enough. It's against heaven for him to practice until the middle of the sea view. Does he still have time to study alchemy? But I'm afraid such a monk is also the core disciple of a certain sect! " That female repair also looks at the leaf sky of the bottom to speculate a way.

"What about which clan? There is only one person who has hurt our Shenjian sect... " The friar with thick eyebrows said with cold light in his eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!